Can Angelfish Bite? The Shocking Truth

Can Angelfish Bite?

The beauty of angelfish mesmerizes everyone. You will instantly fall in love with them because of their bright colors, patterns, and long fins. And, of course, you would also want to play with them once in a while. But what if your angelfish bite you? Can Angelfish bite?

Yes, angelfish can bite. These fish have well-developed teeth for grasping and tearing their food. Mostly, your fish might use their teeth to eat or for defense. If you try to hand-feed your angelfish or play with them too much, they may bite you out of fear or aggression.

I had a lot of experience when my angelfish bit me. It was not a pleasant experience, and I bled for a while. So, you better be careful too.

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Today, I will talk about all of these experiences of mine and guide you on how you can avoid getting bitten by your angelfish.

Do Angelfish Have Teeth?

Whenever someone complains to you about an angelfish bite, this is the most common question that encounters your mind. It might seem that your angels do not have teeth, but they do. In fact, these fish have a lot of teeth.

These fish have two sets of teeth in their mouths; the inner set is for chewing, while the outer set is for holding and grasping prey. The number of teeth an angelfish has can range from 50 to 150, depending on the species. But why can’t you see them then?

Actually, angelfish have protruding jaws, which is why their teeth are always hidden. Furthermore, unlike us, these fish also have teeth in their throat. So, you can see their teeth only when your angelfish open their mouths wide. But most of the time, these fish keep their mouths shut because of their diet and feeding habits.

That might be the reason you have never noticed their teeth. But angelfish do have well-developed, sharp, and angular teeth that they can use to bite. However, can your angelfish bite you?

Can Angelfish Bite?

By now, you know that angelfish have teeth. But can angels use them to bite?

The answer is yes, but it’s not likely. Angelfish are peaceful fish whose teeth are designed for eating plants, not for biting. However, if an angelfish feels threatened, it may use its teeth to defend itself. So, if you’re considering getting an angelfish as a pet, you shouldn’t worry too much about being bitten. Just be sure to handle your angelfish gently and never try to put your fingers in its mouth.

Usually, most angels are known for being well-behaved. But when your fish feels stressed or if you fail to maintain good water quality, it may start nipping at other fish or anything else that’s in the tank. So, if you see your angelfish biting, it’s a sign that something is wrong. And you should take a look at your setup to see what might be causing the stress.

But before heading on to reasons, let us know how angelfish bite.

How Do Angelfish Bite?

While you may not consider them particularly aggressive, angelfish can and do bite. These fish have sharp teeth that they use to nip at other fish and can give a painful bite if your fish decide to go after your finger. That said, most bites from angelfish are not serious and will only result in a small cut or puncture wound.

Usually, angelfish have a strange mouth with a protruding jaw that points outwards. When your angels open their mouth, you can see their teeth which look like little needles. Angelfish have both upper and lower teeth that fit perfectly together when the mouth is shut.

Angelfish use their jaws to grab food. Then, after grasping, these fish has an extra joint in the lower jaw which the fish use for biting. This is how your little buddies can eat both meaty foods as well as plant matter.

However, do you know the reasons why angelfish might bite?

Why Do Angelfish Bite?

Biting of angelfish can be a huge problem in the home aquarium. Therefore, you need to solve it before it’s too late. For this, the first set is to address the problem. So, what might be the reasons your angelfish is biting?

Many reasons can cause this kind of aggression in fish. Such as:


Angelfish love eating and being an omnivore. These fish pretty much eat anything you give them. So, if you see your angelfish biting other fish or decorations in the tank, it’s probably because these fish are hungry and looking for food.

Since angelfish are fast-growing fish, these fish need a lot of food to maintain their growth. Unfortunately, sometimes the owner fails to meet their requirements. In addition, your fish need a well-balanced and nutritious diet to stay healthy. So, if you’re not providing enough food to your angelfish, your angels might start biting other things in the tank out of hunger.


Angelfish are very territorial fish and can become aggressive regarding their territory. So if you see your angelfish chasing other fish or biting them, it’s probably because these fish are trying to protect their territory.

Moreover, angelfish require enough space to hide and explore their surroundings. If you’re keeping them in a small tank, angelfish might become aggressive due to the lack of space. In a small tank, these fish will be more territorial and, thus, start biting other fish.


Like all other animals, angelfish also get stressed due to different reasons. Such as:

  • Changes in the water parameters
  • Lack of hiding places
  • Loud noises
  • Bright lights

Furthermore, angelfish are not the hardiest fish and do not do well in frequently changing conditions. So, if you’re constantly changing the water parameters or moving them from one place to another, angelfish might get stressed and start biting other fish.

Breeding Season

During the breeding season, angelfish become more aggressive and territorial. Since angelfish are searching for their mate during this time, these fish might start chasing and biting other fish.

If you’re keeping angelfish with other fish species, they might start biting these fishes. Usually, your little buddies see other similar fish as a threat to their mate. So, it’s better to keep them alone during the breeding season.

Moreover, sometimes angelfish also bite to show their dominance over other fish. Thus, if you see your angelfish chasing and biting other fish, it’s probably because these fish are trying to establish their dominance in the tank.

Unfavorable Tank Conditions

Angelfish are very sensitive to changes in their environment. So, if the tank conditions are unfavorable, angels might assume it to be a threat. Especially unfavorable water parameters, such as high ammonia levels, can cause anxiety in fish. As a result, your angelfish might start biting other fish.

In addition to this, angelfish also don’t do well in dirty tanks. So, if the tank is not clean and the water quality is poor, your buddies might start biting other fish.

Inappropriate Tankmates

Even though angelfish are calm and prefer swimming in their own place, keeping your beautiful fish with the wrong tankmates can be very dangerous. Usually, aggressive tankmates will trigger their aggression, and your angels might start biting other fish. Generally, if you keep angels with tiger barbs, bettas, Jack Dempsey, Oscars, etc., your fish might be stressed and will start to bite.

Moreover, overstocking your angels with a large group of small or very fast breeding fish can also cause aggression. Your angel will start fighting for space and might start biting other fish.


We all get irritated when we are unwell. The same goes for angelfish; when your little buddies are sick, these fish also get irritable. So, even a small factor can trigger their aggression, and your babies might start biting other fish.

Moreover, your angelfish are also prone to various health issues. Thus, these fish are more likely to fall ill frequently if you fail to take proper care.

When you see your angelfish biting other fish or decorations in the tank, it’s important to check if the fish are sick. If your angels have white spots on their bodies, flared fins, or hide all the time, it’s a sign that the fish is sick. So, you should take action immediately.

How Can You Stop Angelfish From Biting?

I don’t think you can completely stop your angelfish from biting. I have done many foolish things to do that, including keeping my angelfish in a cup so angels couldn’t turn around and bite me. But, eventually, your angels all learned to do it anyway. So, deal with it! That biting is a natural phenomenon of an angel’s defense.

However, there are still a few ways that can help you to lessen the biting:

Always Choose A Bigger Tank

Angelfish will feel more comfortable and less likely to bite if these fish have a lot of space to move around. So, always choose a tank bigger than what you think you need. I usually recommend a tank of 20 gallons or more for a single angelfish.

However, since angelfish are shoaling fish, I guess 55 gallons will be the perfect size for a group of angelfish.

Don’t Overcrowd The Tank

Not only should you choose a big tank, but you should also make sure not to overcrowd it. If you have too many fish in the tank, angelfish will compete for food and space, making them more aggressive. So, give them enough room to swim around and hide when needed.

You can even add different live plants to the tank to help them feel more comfortable and less stressed. In addition to this, angelfish also love to hide. Therefore, you should provide them with plenty of hiding places by adding rocks, caves, or other decorations to the tank. This will surely reduce their frequency of bites.

Use The Right Food

Feeding properly is crucial if you want a well-behaved angelfish. Unfortunately, I have seen many aquarists who have no idea how to ignore the feeding part and wonder why their angelfish are so aggressive and bite all the time. Neither overfeeding nor underfeeding is good for them.

Overfeeding will not only make the water quality poor but also increase aggression. On the other hand, underfeeding can stress your angelfish and make them more aggressive. So, feed them the right amount of food at the right time.

Moreover, the perfect diet for angelfish includes both live and frozen foods. Bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, and blackworms are some of their best live foods. As for the frozen foods, you can give them tubifex worms, krill, Mysis shrimp, and glass worms.

You can take the following commercial food into account:

Regularly Monitor Water Conditions

Always keep an eye on the water conditions. Even if angelfish can resist some fluctuations, it doesn’t mean that you should ignore this part. The ideal water parameters for angelfish are:

  • Temperature: 78-82 degrees Fahrenheit
  • pH level: between neutral and slightly alkaline (pH of around 6-8)
  • Ammonia and nitrite levels: zero
  • Nitrate level: 54 to 145 ppm

So, make sure to check the water conditions regularly and take measures to keep them stable. This will surely reduce the aggression of your angelfish.

Separate Breeding Angelfish

As I said before, angelfish are very territorial fish. So, when angels start breeding, they become even more aggressive. So, the best thing you can do in this situation is to separate the breeding angelfish from the rest of the tank.

This way, angels will have their own space and won’t need to compete with other fish for food or space. As a result, your little buddies will be less aggressive and won’t bite as much.

Selection Of Correct Tankmates

Last but not least, the type of tankmate you choose can also affect the aggression of your angelfish. So, do some research and choose the fish that can get along well with them. The tankmates must be of similar size and have a peaceful nature.

Some of the best tankmates for angelfish are:

All these ways have worked for me, and I hope they work for you too. Just remember, every fish is different, and what works for one angelfish may not work for another. So, be patient and try different things until you find what works best for your fish.

What do you do to control your Angelfish bite?

Some FAQs

Are Angelfish Teeth Dangerous?

While their teeth are not particularly dangerous, you should be careful when handling them. It is best to avoid putting your fingers near their mouths. If you must do so, make sure to move slowly and carefully, so you do not startle them.

Do Angelfish Bite Other Fish?

Angelfish have been known to nip at the fins of other fish, but this is usually only done out of curiosity or playfulness. So if you have a peaceful community tank, your Angelfish should not cause any trouble.

Do Angelfish Bite Humans?

Angelfish are not known to bite humans, but it is always best to use caution when handling them. If an Angelfish bite you, it is unlikely to be more than a minor wound. However, you should always consult a doctor if any animal injures you.

Are Angelfish Poisonous?

Some people believe Angelfish are poisonous, but this is not true. However, their teeth can be sharp, so it is important to use caution when handling them. You may also want to apply a bandage to prevent infection.

Wrapping Up

Angelfish are beautiful fish that can make a great addition to your aquarium. However, you should know that they are also very territorial and aggressive fish. So, if you want to keep them, you must be prepared to handle angelfish with care.

Hopefully, with proper care and handling, you and your Angelfish will be able to live together peacefully.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. I would love to hear from you!

Thanks for reading!

2 thoughts on “Can Angelfish Bite? The Shocking Truth”

  1. Pingback: What Do Angelfish Eat? Angelfish Diet And More - Fish Keeping Guide

  2. Pingback: Do Angelfish Have Teeth? - Fish Keeping Guide

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