Do Angelfish Like Light? Do Angelfish Need It?

Do Angelfish Like Light? Do They Need It?

While observing my beautiful angelfish swimming, sometimes I wonder whether my little babies will be fine without light or not. Although I sometimes notice my fish getting anxious in brighter light, they do perfectly fine with sunlight. So, I wonder, do angelfish really like or need light?

Yes! Angelfish like light. And these beautiful fish need light too. Like us, your fish also has a biological clock that needs the proper amount of darkness and light to function. In addition, proper light allows your angelfish to find hiding places, helps the live plants grow, and gives your little angels a perfect place to stay. Therefore, there’s no way your angelfish might not like light.

If you are into fishkeeping, I am sure this question hits you. Whenever you bring a new aquarium for your Angelfish, one of the first things that come to your mind is what lights they need. Here in this post, I will help you settle all your queries.

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Do Angelfish Like Light?

To answer this question, let me tell you a little about angelfish. Who angelfish are, where these fish come from, and many more.

By now, you know that there are two types of angelfish based on their habitat. One of them is freshwater angelfish which belongs to the Cichlids family, and the other is Pomacanthidae. Both these fish are equally beautiful and can be great for any aquarium. However, I personally like freshwater angelfish a little more and find them a little easier to keep. But the choice is yours!

Generally, as you can see, both these fish belongs to a natural habitat with a perfect amount of light and darkness. So, Angelfish do like light. In fact, since angelfish are very sensitive to environmental change and their surroundings, they prefer living in well-lit places so that they can keep an eye.

Furthermore, complete darkness might disturb their biological cycle and make them anxious. This might be why angelfish like light because it helps them feel relaxed and at ease.

To sum up, yes, Angelfish like light but not too much of it. These beauties need adequate light to live a healthy life in your aquarium.

Do Angelfish Need Light?

Well, it is a confusing question. You might not always like the things that you need or need the things that you like. But the case of angelfish is not so. Angelfish do need light and like the light as well.

Angelfish have a sleep pattern and need light to help regulate that. If you have angelfish in your home, you might have figured out that these are social fish. Therefore, angels need to be able to see their surroundings and other angelfish.

Moreover, angelfish are active fish. These fish like exploring and searching for hiding spots. And you fish need light to help them do all these activities. In addition, angelfish are shoaling fish, meaning angelfish need to see each of them feel safe and secure.

Hence, a well-lit aquarium is crucial for your angelfish to be happy and healthy. That being said, too much light is also not good for angelfish. So, always be careful about the light source and its intensity you use in the aquarium.

Now that we know Angelfish like light let’s see how much light your angelfish need.

How Much Light Do Angelfish Need?

Angelfish come from a tropical South American river environment with little variation in light intensity throughout the day. However, aquariums have a much brighter light source than what angelfish are used to in the wild. This can cause stress and result in poor health for your fish. So, how much light do Angelfish need?

Generally, your angelfish need at least 12 hours of light daily to help regulate their sleep pattern. In addition, angelfish also need light to be able to see their food. A good thumb rule is to provide them with as much light as possible without causing them stress.

Observing their behavior is the best way to determine if the light is too bright for your angelfish. For example, if they constantly try to hide or stay in the shadows, the light may be too intense for them.

To ensure that your angelfish have a healthy environment, it is important to provide them with the right amount of light. However, too much or too little light can be detrimental to their health.

Why Do Angelfish Need Light?

Now that I guess you have concluded, yes! Angelfish do actually need light. You might want to know why and the importance of light in your little angels’ life. Furthermore, here are a few reasons why Angelfish need light.

Light Helps In The Digestion Process

Yes, you have heard it right. Light is essential for the digestion process of your Angelfish. a proper and regulated light cycle helps in the production of digestive enzymes. As a result, this eases the process of digestion and also boosts their metabolism.

Aids In The Prevention Of Diseases

Not providing enough light to your Angelfish can make them vulnerable to diseases and infections. Light helps produce Vitamin D in their body, which is crucial for their growth and development. It also strengthens their immune system and makes them less prone to falling sick.

Maintains The Sleep Cycle

Just like us humans, even Angelfish need their beauty sleep. A regular light cycle helps them maintain their sleep and keeps them active and refreshed. However, too much or too little light can disrupt their sleeping patterns and make them weak and lethargic.

Gives Angelfish Warmth

Angelfish are tropical fish and need warm water to survive. Light helps warm the water and creates a natural and soothing environment for them. Moreover, it also provides the necessary heat to fight to reduce parasitic infections.

Locate Food And Danger

In the wild, Angelfish use light to look for their prey. Usually, the beautiful angels rely on sunlight to penetrate the water and help them see their food better there. However, in captivity, you can provide a source of artificial light to help your angels with their vision.

In proper light, Angelfish can locate them, their group members, hiding places, prey, and any danger coming their way. But, on the other hand, if your little ones fail to see what’s around them, it can make them anxious and cause death.

Promotes Plant Growth

Most importantly, light aids in the growth and development of plants. In addition, it helps them to produce food (through photosynthesis) which the fish then use to grow and stay healthy. Since angelfish love to hide and spend most of their time near plants, it is very important to provide them with enough light.

So, these were a few reasons why Angelfish need light. Make sure to provide them with the right amount of light and create a healthy environment for them to thrive.

Why Do Angelfish Hide From Light?

I know your experience sometimes might contradict what I am saying. Although I have mentioned angelfish’s liking and need for light, there are still times when your angelfish would rather hide away in the dark recesses of their tank. Are you struggling with the same problem?

But let me clarify that it’s not because your angelfish do not like or need the light. In fact, when your Angelfish, start avoiding light. That’s usually an indication of a much bigger problem. Moreover, there are several reasons why your angelfish might be hiding away from the light, like:

Out Of Habit

Angelfish are notorious for their shy and reclusive behavior. In the wild, these fish spend most of their time hiding among the roots of aquatic plants or in caves. As a result, your angelfish might be hiding from the light because it’s simply a habit.

Your Tank Is Too Bright

While angelfish need light to survive, too much light can be just as harmful as too little light. If your tank is too bright, your angelfish might start hiding to avoid the intense light.

Too much light also causes algae growth in tanks, affecting water quality. As a result, it’s important to maintain a balance when it comes to lighting your aquarium.

Your Angelfish Is Sick

Another possibility is that your Angelfish is sick. If your fish is hiding more than usual and doesn’t seem to be eating, it’s a good idea to take them to the vet. Hiding can be a symptom of several diseases, and you must be cautious.

If your angel shows other strange behaviors, like swimming erratically or rubbing against objects in the tank, these could also be signs of illness. In such a case, it is best to take action immediately.

Your Angelfish Is Stressed

Just like humans, angelfish can get stressed too. Generally, several factors can cause stress in fish, including:

  • Poor water quality
  • Lack of hiding places
  • Inconsistent tank conditions
  • Aggressive tank mates

If your Angelfish is stressed, it might start hiding to avoid the stressful situation. Stress can lead to serious health problems in fish, so it’s important to identify and address the source of stress as soon as possible.

Incorrect Lighting Schedule

Just like us, Angelfish also have a daily light cycle that these fish need to follow. If you do not have a proper lighting schedule for your aquarium, it can cause stress and confusion in your fish, and angelfish might start avoiding the light.

Wrong Type Of Light

Not all lights are created equal. In fact, there are different types of aquarium lights available in the market, each one with its purpose. So, before buying an aquarium light, research and get the right one for your tank.

But how to find the best light for your angelfish tank?

How To Find The Best Light For Your Angelfish?

Undoubtedly, an important aspect of keeping angelfish is providing the right kind and amount of light. Observing them closely is the best way to determine how much light these fish need. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do your angelfish seem to be spending more time at the top or bottom of the tank?
  • Are your little ones hiding more often?
  • Do your angelfish seem to be gasping for air at the surface?
  • Do the plants in your tank look healthy?

Answering these questions can give you a good idea of whether your Angelfish is getting enough light. If you think these fish could use more light, consider adding a grow light to their tank.

Besides this, I also like to consider a few things:

  • Tank size- A small tank will need less light than a large one.
  • The type of plants you have- Some plants do better in low light, while others require more intense light to thrive.
  • The time of day- I find that my angelfish are more active during the daytime, so I provide them with more light then.

Remember, every Angelfish is different, so it’s important to observe them closely to see what works best for them. Then, with a little trial and error, you’ll be able to find the perfect light for your angelfish tank.

What Are The Light Sources That You Can Use For Angelfish?

If you ask me, I usually prefer sunlight over anything else. Many might even disagree with me on that, but there’s just something about the natural light that makes everything look much better. Plus, it doesn’t cost anything to use sunlight!

However, I understand that not everyone has the same opinion as me. For example, some people prefer artificial light because it’s easier to control. And I get that, too. After all, you can’t exactly turn off the sun when your these fish need a little less light.

So, what are some of the best light sources for your little ones? Well, it really depends on what you’re looking for. Here are your options. Choose the best one for you:


This is my personal favorite, but it’s not always practical.

Fluorescent Lights

These are a popular choice because these lights are inexpensive and easy to find.

Incandescent Lights

While this might also be an option if you’re on a budget, I don’t recommend it because it emits too much heat.

LED Lights

These are becoming more popular because these lights are energy-efficient and last a long time. MingDak LED Aquarium Plant Light is a good choice for the angelfish tank if you are looking to set up a LED aquarium light.

Metal Halide Lights

These are typically used for saltwater aquariums but can also be used for freshwater tanks. These lights are more expensive than other options, but they produce a lot of light.

So, there you have it! These are the most popular light sources for angelfish tanks. Do the research and decide which is best for you and your fish. Good luck!

What To Do If Light Hastens Algae Growth?

If you have an algae problem and are looking for ways to prevent it from growing, one method is to change the light conditions in your aquarium. But before you do so, it’s important to understand how different types of light affect plant growth.

Intense light hastens the growth of many aquatic plants but also causes them to produce fewer and smaller leaves. This is because the high light levels cause the plants to use more energy for respiration than these fish can produce through photosynthesis.

To prevent algae growth, keeping your aquarium in a well-lit room or near a window where it will receive indirect sunlight is best. You can also recount of time the aquarium light is on each day. If you have an algae problem, it is best to set up your aquarium in an area where it will not receive direct sunlight.

You can also try using a different light bulb, such as an LED light, which emits less heat and does not promote algae growth.


All in all, angelfish do like light. In fact, if you want healthy and happy angels, you need to provide your fish with proper light. Usually, a well-lit aquarium is enough to keep your angelfish thriving. But, of course, each fish is different, and some might prefer more light than others. So, if you’re unsure whether your fish are getting enough light, you can try some out and observe your angels’ reaction towards it.

With a little experimentation, you’ll be able to find the perfect lighting solution for your angelfish. I wish you all the best in your Angelfish care.

Thanks for reading!

Do you have any questions or thoughts about angelfish and light? Leave a comment below and let us know!

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