Do Angelfish Sleep? The Shocking Truth

Do Angelfish Sleep?

Once you get angelfish, you treat and love them no less than a family member. Usually, angelfish are one of the most beautiful creatures that need care and attention. Further, these tiny creatures also have unique personalities you get to know over time. So, when it comes to your angelfish dozing off during the day, you can’t help but wonder… Do Angelfish sleep?

Angelfish do sleep, but not like we do. Your angelfish don’t have eyelids, so these pretty beings can’t close their eyes while asleep. Instead, these fish enter a state of rest called “tonic immobility.” This is when their metabolism and brain activity slows down significantly. During tonic immobility, fish remain still, and their fins stop moving.

However, there’s a lot of confusion about Angelfish sleep. Certainly, it isn’t possible to address all of them as this needs scientific research. But still, I will try to give a general idea about it through my experience.

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Do Angelfish Sleep?

The answer is yes, but angelfish don’t do it as we do. Angelfish sleep in what is called a “light sleep.” This means these fish are still awake and aware of their surroundings, but their activity level has decreased. Their metabolism slows down, and they become less active.

Some people believe that fish don’t sleep at all because these tiny beings don’t have eyelids to close. However, this isn’t true! Angelfish do sleep without having eyelids too. It might be a little strange to hear, but your beloved angels just do not close their eyes to sleep.

Generally, angelfish eyes are covered in a clear membrane called the nictitating membrane. This protects their eyes during sleep and helps them to blend in with their surroundings. As you know, an angelfish sleeping pattern is much more different than humans. Obviously, being an aquatic creature, it’s impractical to assume that the life of angelfish and humans are the same. Both of them have some differences when it comes to sleeping, eating, and living.

So, how do angelfish sleep differ from humans?

Do Angelfish Sleep Just Like Humans?

It’s a common misconception that angelfish don’t sleep. In reality, all animals need some form of rest, even fish. So the question is, how do angelfish sleep? Do these aquatic creatures experience the same type of sleep as humans?

Interestingly, researchers have found that angelfish show signs of what could be considered deep sleep. This is the type of sleep where humans experience a loss of muscle control and are difficult to wake.

However, there are some key differences between the sleep of angelfish and humans. For example, these fish don’t have eyelids. Hence, you won’t find your little buddies closing their eyes while sleeping. Thus, you might even mistake them as being awake.

Additionally, researchers also believe that angelfish may not dream like humans do during sleep. More importantly, since angelfish are not as intelligent as human beings, their brain isn’t developed in such a way to form dreams. So, if you wonder what can’t of dreams your buddies might have, now you have the answer. Your little angels won’t dream at all.

However, there might still be some questions that might be bugging you, like If the Angelfish don’t close their eyes to sleep, how can we know they are sleeping? Don’t you wonder about it?

How Is Angelfish Capable Of Sleeping?

Well, this is the most talked about topic among aquarists. Angelfish don’t have eyelids, can’t close their eyes, and even do not dream. So, how can these beautiful fish sleep, then?

The mechanism of sleeping in angelfish is a little different from that we are familiar with. Even though these beautiful fish cannot close their eyes, they need rest to re-energize themselves. Thus, when your angels are asleep, your buddies enter a state of reduced activity and heightened awareness called “torpor.”

In this state, angelfish are less responsive to their surroundings and have a lower metabolism. Usually, some fish enter torpor during the day, while others do it at night. But most often, angelfish enters this state during the night.

Therefore, angelfish are capable of sleeping by entering a state of torpor. Since this state allows them to be less attentive and more in rest, it also rejuvenates your angelfish.

But how can you address that your angelfish is in sleep then?

How To Tell That Angelfish Is In Sleep?

The biggest challenge in answering the question do angelfish sleep is that there are no external cues to tell when these fish are asleep. Since these tiny creatures don’t have eyelids, it’s hard to tell when they’ve dozed off.

Similarly, since these fish don’t exhibit any other common behaviors associated with sleep, such as yawning or stretching, it can be difficult to tell when your fish are getting some shut-eye.

However, there are a few things that you can look for that may indicate that your angelfish is asleep. Such as:

Angelfish Change Color In Sleep

A color change is one of the most common indicators that an angelfish is asleep. When these fish are awake and alert, you will find angelfish in bright, vibrant colors. But when your buddies start to get tired, their colors will start to fade and may even turn a pale white.

Some angels even camouflage themselves when trying to sleep, making themselves look like a part of the plant life or rocks in their tank. So if you notice that your angelfish colors look a bit dull, it’s a good indication that your fish are getting ready to sleep or might be under stress.

Angelfish Become Less Active

Another common indicator that an angelfish is asleep is that they become less active. Usually, these active creatures are constantly swimming around and exploring their tank when awake. But when your angels start getting tired, you notice them swimming slower, and after a while not stop swimming altogether.

Just like humans, the energy of angelfish decreases after many activities. Thus, these fish slows down their mobility while trying to get rest. Moreover, your babies will often find a spot in their tank and stay there, not moving for long periods. So if you notice that your angelfish is becoming less active, your buddies might fall asleep.

Angelfish Rests At The Bottom Of The Tank

Generally, the bottom of the tank is the safest and darkest place for angelfish to sleep. Further, if you have observed the bottom, you might also know that not many fish swim in the bottom unless there is an illness or any problem. So, these smart tiny creatures usually choose the bottom of the tank as their resting spot.

In addition, the bottom of the tank is also a little bit darker and cooler. So, this gives your angels the perfect space to camouflage and hide from predators while at rest. While in sleep, your angelfish might stick to the bottom and will not move for hours. If you see your angels doing so, it’s because your fish are sleeping.

Angelfish Do Not Eat When Sleeping

Obviously, everyone would like to be in complete rest while sleeping. You might also not like to eat when you are tired and need rest. Similarly, your little buddies will also not prefer eating and searching around for food when these fish want to sleep.

Usually, angelfish will look out for food, search around and swim while they are active. But once angelfish enter their state of rest, these fish ignores food and slows down their metabolism. Hence, avoiding food is the best indication that your angels are at rest.

However, you should always be aware that some angelfish diseases, stress, inappropriate diet, and wrong water conditions might also cause them to avoid eating. Thus, it is best to look at other signs if you doubt something is wrong with your buddies.

If you notice that your angelfish are not interested in eating, they might be tired or sleeping.

Angelfish Stop Attacking And Interacting With Other Fish

Yes! certainly, angelfish are not aggressive. But these notorious creatures might not be as peaceful as you might assume. When your angels are active and happy, you might find them swimming around, playing with other fish, and even attacking them once in a while for fun.

Most commonly, if you keep your angelfish with smaller fish, your angels might bully and attack them. But when your angelfish are asleep, even introducing smaller fish in the tank won’t affect them. You will find your fish peacefully laying in the same spot and not being affected. This is very unusual for angelfish and happens only when your fish is asleep.

So, if you notice that your angelfish have stopped fighting and are just swimming around peacefully, they might be sleeping.

Usually, these are the most common indicators that an angelfish is asleep. However, it’s important to remember that not all angels exhibit these behaviors when sleeping. Some may only show one or two of these signs, while others may not show any at all.

How do you know that your angelfish is in sleep?

How Long Do Angelfish Sleep?

Usually, the exact answer to this question is unknown. Since every species of angelfish is different, all of them have different sleep patterns. Some angelfish may only sleep for a few minutes, while others may sleep for hours.

However, a few things can affect how long an angelfish sleeps. For example, your angels may sleep more to conserve energy if the water is too cold. Conversely, if the water is too hot, these fish may sleep less to avoid overheating.

Generally speaking, you don’t need to worry too much about whether or not your angelfish is getting enough sleep. Your little ones will likely sleep when they need to and be awake when they want to be. So, if you see your angelfish taking a nap, don’t worry. It’s probably just getting some well-deserved rest.

Sleeping Habits Of Angelfish

As mentioned above, angelfish do not sleep like humans. However, these fish exhibits some peculiar behaviors when in sleep. The sleeping habits of angelfish have been a subject of debate for many years. Some experts believe these fish do not sleep, while others claim that these tiny creatures can only power nap.

Moreover, some sleeping habits of angelfish are:

Angelfish Do Not Dream

It is believed that angelfish do not dream when in sleep. This is because their brains are not active enough to generate dreams. Therefore, even when your angelfish are in a deep sleep and absolute rest, angels do not enter REM sleep, which is the stage of sleep where dreams occur.

Angelfish Enter a State of Suspended Animation

When angelfish enter a state of suspended animation, this fish shut down almost all their bodily functions. This includes not only their muscles but also their hearts and brains. Therefore, their metabolism also slows down to a crawl. And the main reason why angelfish enter this state is to conserve energy.

Some experts believe that angelfish can remain in this state for weeks or even months. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

Angelfish Do Not Sleep In the Daytime

It is a common misconception that fish sleep during the day and is awake at night. However, this is not true for all fish species. In fact, most fish are nocturnal, meaning the fish are more active at night.

Angelfish are one of the few exceptions to this rule. These fish are diurnal, meaning these fish are more active during the day. This is because angels are adapted to living in shallower waters where there is more light.

Angelfish Do Not Have a Regular Sleep Schedule

Unlike humans, who have a regular sleep schedule, angelfish do not have a set time when they sleep. Instead, these fish sleep whenever they feel tired or when there is not enough light.

This means that angelfish can sleep at any time of day or night. However, angels are more likely to sleep during the night because there is less light and activity during this time.

Angelfish Sleep With Open Eyes

Another peculiar sleeping habit of angelfish is that the fish sleep with their eyes open. This is because these fish do not have eyelids.

While this may seem strange, it is actually beneficial for the fish. Sleeping with open eyes allows them to be on the lookout for predators. It also helps them to avoid getting caught in traps or nets.

All these are a few distinct sleeping habits that you might find in Angelfish. What type of sleeping habits do your angelfish show?


Do Angelfish Sleep More In Captivity?

In general, fish sleep more in captivity than in the wild. This is because these fish don’t have to worry about predators or other dangers in an aquarium. As a result, angels can feel more relaxed and sleep for longer periods of time.

Do Angelfish Sleep With Their Eyes Open?

Yes, angelfish do sleep with their eyes open. This is because angels don’t have eyelids. Instead, these fish have a clear membrane covering their eyes when sleeping. This helps protect their eyes from dirt and debris.

Do Angelfish Sleep In Groups?

Angelfish are shoaling creatures that swim around in a group of at least six. If you keep just a single angelfish, it might feel stressed and lonely. Thus, purchasing at least six angelfish is best if you are thinking of keeping them.

Do Angelfish Sleep Upside Down?

Angelfish have been known to sleep upside down. This is likely because it helps them stay hidden from predators. In addition, their belly faces the sky when angels are upside down, and their dark color makes them camouflaged against the water’s surface.

My Angelfish Isn’t Moving At All. Is He Sleeping?

It’s possible that your angelfish is sleeping. However, it could also be a sign of something more serious. If your fish isn’t moving and doesn’t seem to be responding to stimuli, you should take medical assistance as soon as possible.


All in all, angelfish do sleep, and just like humans, these fish need it to re-energize themselves. But the sleep of angelfish is completely different from what we humans experience. It’s amazing how such a little creature can be so different and in so many ways yet still have some similarities.

Do you have any questions about angelfish sleep or anything else related to these beautiful creatures? Let us know in the comments below, and we’ll do our best to answer them!

Thank you for reading! Happy Fish Keeping!

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