The Best Foods For Flowerhorn: Complete Guide

If you’re a fish enthusiast, then you’ve probably heard of the Flowerhorn cichlid. This unique fish is known for its bright colors and large size. Owing to their wonderful features this type of fish is very popular among fish keepers. And one of the most common questions among fish enthusiasts is what are the best foods for Flowerhorn?

Flowerhorns are carnivorous, so their diet should consist mainly of meaty foods. Live food is always the best option, but if you can’t get your hands on live food, then frozen or freeze-dried foods will do. Some good options include bloodworms, brine shrimp, and krill. You can also give them pellets or flakes, but make sure that the pellets or flakes are high in protein.

Furthermore, there are more of these food options that are best for Flowehorns. And, this article will talk about all of them in detail. So, read it through to know more.

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What Does Flowerhorn Eat?

Flowehorn is popular as a carnivorous animal, they mostly feed on a meat-based diet. However, they are opportunistic feeders and will consume anything that comes their way. This includes plant matter, crustaceans, and even other fish!

In The Wild

In the wild, Flowerhorns usually eat small fish, insects, and other invertebrates. They mostly rely on thier sense of smell to find food. While in captivity, you can decide what to feed. As per my personal experience feeding them foods that replicate their natural diet is the best way to go.

In Captivity

Thus, you need to look for a mostly meat diet, it is important to also include some plant matter in your diet. This can be done by feeding them fresh vegetables or algae wafers. More to this, you can also opt for healthier homemade food recipes to ensure that your Flowerhorn is getting the best diet possible.

Some good food choices for Flowerhorns include:

  • Green leafy vegetables like lettuce and spinach
  • brightly colored fruits like strawberries, blueberries, and watermelon
  • Mealworms, brine shrimp, or blood worms as a source of protein
  • Spirulina algae tablets as a source of omega fatty acids

What Should you Consider When You Choose Food For Flowerhorns?

Choosing the best duet seems like a trouble for some pet owners, but it does not have to be. You should simply consider a few things before you select food for your flowerhorn. This include:

Size Of Flowerhorn/ Food

The size of your fish. You should always choose food that is appropriate for the size of your pet. This will ensure that they are getting the right nutrients and not overeating or becoming malnourished.

Is your flowerhorn not eating? Find out why this happens.

Age Of Flowerhorn

The age of your fish. Juvenile flowerhorns have different dietary needs than adults. Make sure you are feeding them food that is designed for their stage in life.

Preference Of Flowerhorn

What type of diet your flowerhorn prefers. Some flowerhorns prefer a more herbivorous diet, while others prefer a diet that is higher in protein. It is important to know what your fish prefers so that you can give them the best possible diet.

Can Flowerhorn Eat Chicken? I have written more on this subject as they are omnivores but it always fascinated me if flowerhorn can eat chicken or just chicken heart?

Quality Of Food

The quality of the food. You want to make sure that you are giving your flowerhorn food that is high in quality and free from harmful chemicals or pollutants. This will help to keep them healthy and ensure that they live a long and happy life.

When you consider these things, choosing the best food for your flowerhorn will be a breeze! Just make sure to do your research and select a food that is right for them. Your pet will thank you for it!

What Are The Best Food For Flowerhorns?

There are a number of different food items that can be fed to Flowerhorns, and there is no one “best” food for these fish. However, some foods are better than others when it comes to keeping your Flowerhorn healthy and looking its best. Here are some of the best foods for Flowerhorns:


Pellets are a great option for Flowerhorns, as they contain all of the nutrients that these fish need in one easy-to-eat package. There are a number of different brands and formulations of pellets available, so be sure to do your research to find the best option for your fish.

Pellets help to keep your Flowerhorn’s colors looking vibrant and can also help to promote proper growth.

Flake Food:

Flake food is another good option for Flowerhorns and is often used in conjunction with pellets. Likewise, flake food contains all of the same nutrients as pellets but is typically less expensive.

If you choose to feed your Flowerhorn flake food, make sure to choose a high-quality brand that is specifically designed for cichlids.

Live Food:

While not necessary, live food can be a great addition to your Flowerhorn’s diet. Live food options include feeder fish, earthworms, and insects.

Feeder fish are the most commonly fed live food to Flowerhorns, but should only be given on occasion as they can contain diseases. If you choose to feed your Flowerhorn live food, make sure to quarantine the food item first to ensure that it is healthy.


Bloodworms are a type of mosquito larva that are commonly used as fish food. These worms are high in protein and fat, making them a great option for Flowerhorns.

Bloodworms can be purchased live or frozen, and they can be fed to your fish either whole or chopped up into smaller pieces.

Brine Shrimp:

Brine shrimp are another great option for Flowerhorns, as they are high in both protein and minerals.

Moreover, brine shrimp can be purchased live or frozen, and like bloodworms, can be fed either whole or chopped up into smaller pieces. This food helps to keep your Flowerhorn’s colors looking bright and can also help to promote proper growth.


While not all Flowerhorns will eat vegetables, many will accept them as part of their diet. Some great vegetable options for Flowerhorns include zucchini, peas, and carrots.

Vegetables should be blanched or steamed before being fed to your fish, as this makes them easier to digest.


Like vegetables, not all Flowerhorns will eat fruits, but many will accept them as part of their diet. Some great fruit options for Flowerhorns include apple slices, strawberries, and watermelon. Just like with vegetables, fruits should be blanched or steamed before being fed to your fish.

Normally, my Flowerhorns mostly prefer live food over pellets or flakes. But this doesn’t mean that you should only give them live foods. You can trial and test what food your Flowerhorns prefer by observing their eating habits.

Best Commercial Foods For Flowerhorn

Some of the best commercial foods that you can give your flowerhorn are:

What Are The Worst Foods For Flowerhorn?

Some foods are bad for Flowerhorns and should be avoided. These include:

  • Foods that are high in fat.
  • Foods that are high in sugar.
  • Processed foods.
  • Canned foods
  • Alcohol.

Feeding your Flowerhorn these items can lead to health problems such as obesity, liver disease, and diabetes. Instead, feed your Flowerhorn a diet of healthy fruits and vegetables. This will keep them healthy and help them thrive.

Make sure to consult with an expert on Flowerhorn care before making any changes to their diet. By providing your Flowerhorn with the right foods, you can help them live a long and healthy life.


How Often Should You Feed Your Flowerhorn?

Flowerhorns should be fed thrice a day but can be fed up to twice a day if desired. Be sure not to overfeed your fish, as this can lead to health problems.

How Much Should I Feed My Flowerhorn?

When starting out, it is best to feed your Flowerhorn a small amount of food two or three times per day. You must leave uneaten food in the tank for a minimum of five minutes so that your Flowerhorn has enough time to eat. As your fish grows, you can gradually increase the amount of food you feed them.

Can I Feed My Flowerhorn Fry Frozen Food?

It is not recommended to feed your Flowerhorn fry frozen food, as this can lead to health problems. Instead, feed them live or freeze-dried foods. These will provide your fry with the nutrients they need to grow and thrive.


In conclusion, the best foods for Flowerhorns are live foods, pellets, and frozen foods. A varied diet of all three will ensure that your Flowerhorn stays healthy and happy. Remember to always offer fresh, clean water for your fish to drink. Thanks for reading!

Do you have a question about Flowerhorns or their care? Leave a comment below and I will answer it as soon as I can.

Happy fish keeping!

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