Why Is My Guppy Fish Shaking? The Causes

Why Is My Guppy Fish Shaking

Did you just notice something weird in your aquarium? Is your guppy fish shaking? If your guppy fish is shaking, don’t panic! It’s a common problem that can have a variety of causes. Guppy fish are known for their playful personality and beautiful fins. But when guppy fish start to shake or shimmer, they will leave with questions that are hard to answer and break your heart every single time. So, why your guppy fish is shaking seems more important than anything else.

Poor water conditions, an ammonia spike, or even overcrowding in the tank can result in shaking or shimmying guppy fish, a common problem. Guppies are very sensitive to changes in their environment, so a new guppy in the tank can cause them to shake.

But don’t worry; there are ways to treat shaking guppy fish. Adding aquarium salt, maintaining water parameters, and quarantining your fish can help reduce the stress causing your guppy fish to shake. You can also add plants and hiding spots in the tank to give your guppy a place to feel safe.

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In this blog post, we will talk about the causes of this problem and how to treat it. Keep reading for more information!

Is It Normal For Guppy Fish To Shake?

No, it is not normal for guppy fish to shake. However, if you notice your guppy fish shaking, it is a sign that something is wrong, and you should take action to figure out the cause and treat it.

First, it’s important to know that there are two types of “shakes” your guppy fish might be experiencing: shimmies and shivers.

Shimmies are a side-to-side movement and are usually nothing to worry about. Shivers, however, are more violent shaking, indicating a serious problem.

Shimmying is a common problem for guppy fish, but it’s not a death sentence. Several things can cause your guppy to shimmy, and there are several things you can do to treat it.

Why Is My Guppy Fish Shaking?

There are several potential causes of why your guppy fish is shaking. Some of the most common include:

Poor Water Condition

Poor water quality is one of the most common reasons your guppy fish is shaking. If the water in your tank is not clean, it can cause a number of health problems for your fish, including shimmies.

Ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates can cause your fish to experience stress, leading to shaking. If you notice that your fish is shaking, you should first check your water parameters in the guppy tank.

Inadequate And Unstable Water Parameters

Another reason why your guppy fish is shaking is because of inadequate and unstable water parameters.

If the pH levels in your guppy tank are unstable, it can negatively affect your guppy fish, leading to shaking.

You should also ensure that your guppy tank’s temperature is ideal and stable. Sudden temperature changes can also bring so many health hazards to guppies, including shimmies.

Overcrowded Tank

Another common reason your guppy fish is shaking is an overcrowded tank. If there are too many fish in a small space, it can cause stress and lead to shaking.

If you have too many fish in your tank, you should consider adding more plants and hiding spots. This will help reduce the amount of stress your fish are under.

Aggressive Tankmate

Another reason your guppy fish is shaking is an aggressive tankmate. If one of the fish in your tank is bullying the others, it can cause stress in the guppies and lead to shaking.

If you have an aggressive fish in your tank, you should consider removing it and placing it in a separate tank. This will help reduce the amount of stress your other fish are under.

Research well and choose the best tank mates for guppies to prevent any issues or consequences aggression brings.

New Guppies

One of the most common reasons your guppy fish might be shaking is simply because they are new. However, guppies are very delicate creatures; even a small environmental change can cause them stress.

If you have just added new guppies to your tank, give them a few days to adjust before you start worrying about their health.

Otherwise, they will shake as they are not used to their new surroundings, and the change in water parameters can shock their system.

It is important to give them time to adjust and acclimate to their new home before you start worrying about their health.

Just keep an eye on them and ensure they eat and swim normally. If they continue to shake after a few days, you can start looking into other possible causes.

Ammonia Spike

An ammonia spike is one of the most common and dangerous causes of guppy fish shaking. Ammonia is a toxic gas produced by fish waste and decomposing plants and depletes the oxygen level in the guppy aquarium.

It can build up very quickly in an aquarium, especially if it is not properly filtered or cycled. Guppies need oxygen to survive, and ammonia poisoning can lead to way more consequences than simple deoxygenation.

An ammonia spike can cause your fish to shake, as well as other symptoms such as lethargy, listlessness, and increased respiration.

If you notice any of these symptoms in your fish, it is important to test the water immediately and take steps to reduce the ammonia levels.

Temperature Change

A temperature change is one of the main reasons your guppy fish might be shaking. If the water in their tank suddenly becomes too cold or too hot, it can cause your guppy fish to shake.

You should always ensure that the temperature in your fish tank remains stable and does not fluctuate too much. The ideal temperature for a guppy fish tank is 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit.

If the temperature in your guppy fish tank does fluctuate, you can try to add a heater or an aquarium chiller to help stabilize the water temperature.

How To Treat Shaking Guppy Fish?

When you know the culprit and solve the chaotic mystery, it’s time to take action and punish the criminal factor. You can do a few things to treat your little shimmying guppy fish.

Add Aquarium Salt

One of the most common and effective treatments for shimmies is to add aquarium salt. Aquarium salt in the guppy tank helps to raise the electrolyte levels in the water, which can help to reduce stress and improve your fish’s overall health.

It is important to note that you should only use aquarium salt, not table salt, as it can contain harmful chemicals.

Add one tablespoon of aquarium salt to treat your fish for every five gallons of water. It would help if you also did a partial water change of 25% once a week to help keep the water clean and free of toxins.

Maintain Water Parameters

It is important to maintain stable water parameters if you want to prevent your fish from getting sick.

You should test your water weekly and make sure that the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels are all at 0 ppm.

If you notice any changes in your water parameters, you should take action immediately to correct the problem.

You can do this by doing partial water changes regularly for guppies, adding aquarium salt, or using a water conditioner.

Quarantine Your Fish

If you have new fish, it is important to quarantine them before adding them to your main tank.

This will help to prevent the spread of disease and parasites to your other fish. To quarantine your fish, you will need to set up a separate tank that is at least ten gallons in size.

You should also have a filter and heater in the quarantine tank. You should keep your fish in the quarantine tank for at least two weeks before adding them to your main tank.

Use Heater

Keeping your tank at a too cold temperature can cause your fish to become stressed and more susceptible to various guppy diseases.

It will help if you keep your tank between 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, you can use a heater in the aquarium housing guppies to maintain the correct water temperature.

Add Plants And Hiding Spots

Now, this won’t directly treat the shimmies, but adding plants and hiding spots can help reduce stress in your fish.

Live plants in the guppy tank provide a place for your fish to hide from predators, and they also help to oxygenate the water.

Hiding spots also provide a place for your fish to feel safe and secure; hence these guppies hide whenever they feel scared or stressed. You can add plants and hiding spots by using live plants or artificial plants.

Can Shaking Or Shimmer Kill Your Guppy Fish?

In most cases no, shaking or shimmies will not kill your fish. However, if the cause of the shimmies is not treated, it can lead to other health problems that can be fatal to your fish.

Identifying the cause of the shimmies is important, and taking action to correct the problem. By doing this, you can help to ensure the health and well-being of your fish.


In conclusion, if your guppy fish is shaking, it is due to several different reasons, such as poor water conditions, overcrowding, and aggressive tankmates. However, some mundane mistakes can make life hell for guppy fish, and we won’t even realize this until it’s too late to do something.

Following the tips in this blog post can help prevent your fish from getting sick and improve their overall health.

Thanks for reading! I hope this article was helpful. If you have any further questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Take care! 🙂

Good Luck!!

Happy Fishkeeping!!!

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