Is My Guppy Fish Fat or Pregnant?

Is My Guppy Fish Fat or Pregnant

Guppy fish is so much fun to watch in an aquarium, and the most wonderful part is actually wondering if you can breed them at home and have more guppies swimming around. Of course, you’ll need to know a little about guppies and their reproductive system before getting started. But sometimes, it is hard to tell if guppy fish is pregnant or just fat! Do you have a guppy fish and are wondering if it is pregnant? Are you not sure what the signs of delivery are?

You can distinguish if guppy fish are fat or pregnant by looking at subtle and non-subtle signs such as gravid spot, erratically swimming, loss of appetite, bigger than usual, and so on. For example, if your female guppy fish is getting bigger day by day, has a big gravid spot, and is not interested in food, these are some signs that she is pregnant, or else she is just fat.

This blog post covers all of that and more! We will talk about why your guppy might look fat, how to tell if a female guppy fish is pregnant, and what happens during the birthing process. We will also answer some common questions that people have about guppies. So, whether you are a first-time or experienced fish owner, this blog post is for you!

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Is My Guppy Fish Fat Or Pregnant?

Well, it’s possible that your guppy fish is both fat and pregnant! So let’s explore the signs and symptoms of each so you can determine what’s going on with your fishy friend.

How To Tell If A Female Guppy Fish Is Pregnant?

There are always simple hints here and there that show whether a guppy fish is pregnant or not. For example, you might notice that your female guppy’s abdomen appears swollen.

If this is the case, then it’s likely that she is carrying eggs and is getting ready to give birth. Another sign is to look for changes in behavior.

If your normally active guppy seems lethargic and spends more time at the bottom of the tank, this could signify that she is pregnant. Guppies will also often darken in color when they are pregnant.

So, if you notice that your guppy’s colors seem duller than usual, this could be another indication that she is carrying eggs.

How To Tell If Guppy Fish Is Fat?

Of course, it’s also possible that your guppy is simply fat and not pregnant. For example, if your guppy’s abdomen looks swollen, but still acts like her normal, active self, then she might just be carrying a little extra weight. There are a few different things that can cause fish to become overweight.

One of the most common reasons is overfeeding. If you are giving your guppy more food than she can eat, the excess will be stored as fat.

Another reason for weight gain in fish is a lack of exercise. For example, if your guppy fish isn’t getting enough swim time, she might start to put on some extra pounds.

What Is A Gravid Spot In Guppy Fish?

A gravid spot is one of the most common signs that your guppy is pregnant. The gravid spot is a black vertical bar on the underside of the female’s tail near where it meets the body.

This bar darkens as the female’s pregnancy progresses and will eventually be almost black when she is ready to give birth.

The gravid spot on a female guppy will darken as she approaches giving birth, and you can see it clearly. This is one of the most obvious signs that your fish is pregnant and not just fat.

So, How Can You Tell If Your Guppy Is Overweight Not Pregnant?

First, take a look at her body shape. If she appears to be wider than she is long, she might carry some extra weight. Another sign of obesity in fish is an inability to swim properly.

If your guppy seems to be having trouble swimming or floating, this could be a sign that she carries too much weight. You might also notice that she is eating more than usual, which can lead to obesity.

To sum it up, there are three main ways to tell if your guppy is pregnant or overweight:

  • Look at her body shape. If she is wider than long, she might carry extra weight.
  • Look for a gravid spot. This is a black vertical bar on the underside of the female’s tail near where it meets the body.
  • Observe her behavior. If she has trouble swimming or floating, this could signify that she carries too much weight.
  • Also, female guppies start to act aggressive and irritated when they are pregnant.

If you are still unsure, the best way to know for sure is to take your guppy fish to the vet. They will be able to give you a definite answer and offer advice on how to care for your pregnant fish.

What Is A Guppy’s gestation Period?

Guppies have a very short gestation period of only about 21-30 days from fertilization until they give birth.

This is why it is important to keep an eye on your female guppies and remove them from the main tank as soon as you see the gravid spot.

If you don’t remove them, they will give birth in the main tank, and the other fish will eat the fry.

Stages Guppy Fish Go Through During Pregnancy

When it comes to pregnancy, there are three main stages that guppy fish go through pre-breeding, breeding, and post-breeding. The first stage is when the female guppy’s body stores sperm from the male.

This can happen even if they have never mated before! The second stage is when the female guppy’s body produces eggs.

This usually happens about two weeks after they have mated. The third and final stage is when the female guppy gives birth to her fry (baby fish).

Guppy Behavior Before Giving Birth (What Are The Pregnant Guppy Signs Of Delivery)

As the time of birth approaches, you will notice changes in your guppy’s behavior. She will become more reclusive and spend more time hiding. She tries to protect herself from the other fish in the tank.

You might also notice that she stops eating or only picks at her food. Again, this is normal and nothing to worry about.

When the time comes, she will give birth to live fry. The fry can range from 20 to 100, but the average is around 30-40.

After giving birth, removing the mother from the tank is important as she will be very weak and vulnerable. Place pregnant guppy in a separate tank where she can recover, and the fry can be safe.

Why Does My Guppy Look Fat?

Your guppy fish might look fat for several reasons. They are, in fact, pregnant and carrying eggs. Alternatively, they might be suffering from fluid retention due to poor water quality or a lack of food. It’s also possible that your guppy is simply overweight because you are overfeeding them.

What Makes Your Guppy Fat & Bloated?

Many guppy owners ask themselves, “Why is my guppy fish fat?”. There can be a few reasons why your guppy looks bloated. I will list all the reasons below:


A pregnant guppy’s abdomen will be bloated due to the fry (guppy babies) growing inside her. If a female guppy is not pregnant, she may still have eggs inside her that have not been fertilized by a male. These can cause bloating as well.


Yes, guppies can get constipated! This is possibly the reason you notice your guppy is bloated and not eating.

There are a few things you can do to help your guppy if she is constipated:

  • Please give her a pea (make sure to remove the shell)
  • Add aquarium salt to the water
  • Add Indian Almond Leaves to the water


If your guppy fish has worms, this can also cause bloating. Check for worms if you notice your guppy is bloated and has a bulging belly. You can treat your guppy for worms using a wormer made specifically for fish. Be sure

Swim Bladder Disease

Swim bladder disease is a condition that can cause bloating in guppies. If your guppy has swim bladder disease, she may have trouble swimming and float to the tank’s top or sink to the bottom.

Do Pregnant Guppies Lay On The Bottom?

No, pregnant guppies do not lay on the bottom. This is a myth that people who don’t have a lot of experience with fish have perpetuated.

Pregnant guppies will spend more time near the water’s surface, where there is more oxygen. This is because these guppy fish need more oxygen to breathe when carrying fry.

Guppies often lay on the bottom of the tank because they are sick or dying. If your guppy is laying on the bottom, check to see if she has any other symptoms such as lethargy, lack of appetite, or cloudy eyes.

How Many Babies Will My Guppy Have?

The number of babies a guppy has depends on the size of the guppy and how many fry she is carrying. Guppies can have anywhere from two to a hundred babies at a time.

Various factors can affect the number of babies a guppy has, such as:

  • The age of the mother
  • The size of the mother
  • The health of the mother
  • Whether or not the male fertilizes fry

Guppies Can Store Sperm?

Female guppies can store sperm for up to six months. This means that if a female guppy is not exposed to a male for six months, she can still get pregnant.

This is why removing pregnant guppies from tanks with other fish is important. If you don’t, the female guppy will constantly be exposed to sperm and quickly become pregnant again.


In conclusion, if you’re wondering whether or not your guppy fish is pregnant, there are a few things you can look out for. However, if you’re concerned about your guppy’s weight, you can do a few things to help them slim down. Keep an eye on their diet and ensure they’re getting enough exercise. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask your vet.

Thanks for reading!

Good Luck!!!

Happy Fishkeeping!!!

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