Should I Separate Pregnant Guppy Fish?

Should I Separate Pregnant Guppy Fish

If you’re a fish keeper, there’s a good chance you have at least one pregnant guppy in your tank. Guppies are one of the most popular tropical fish, and they are known for their prolific breeding habits. So what do you do when your guppy gives birth? Should you separate the pregnant guppy fish from the rest of the tank?

Yes, you should separate guppy fish when pregnant to protect the mother and her babies from being eaten by other fish, prevent the mother from getting stressed out and eating her babies, and give the babies a better chance of survival.

The best time to separate guppy fish is when the mother shows signs of being ready to give birth, such as a gravid spot (a dark patch on the belly where the eggs are), a swollen belly, or restless behavior. To separate guppy fish, you will need two tanks: one for the pregnant fish and one for the rest of the fish. You can use a fish bowl, plastic container, or even a bucket if you don’t have two tanks. Place the pregnant guppy in the new tank and add some plants or decorations for her to hide in.

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In this blog post, we will answer your questions about separating pregnant guppy fish! I will try to cover all the bases so you can decide what is best for your fish. I will also share my experience separating pregnant guppy fish and offer tips on how to do it successfully.

Should I Separate Pregnant Guppy Fish?

Yes, you should separate pregnant guppy fish because if you don’t, the father will eat the fry (babies).

The mother will also be stressed and might not produce as many babies. You can never know what will happen in the main tank.

I have seen guppy fish miscarrying the eggs before males even fertilize them. So, separating the female when carrying fry is always better to stay on the safe side.

Yeah, I know it seems like a waste of money and all the investment for a new tank and cycle, but in the long run, it is worth it.

You don’t need a big tank to separate the female. A small one will do just fine. I have used plastic storage containers before, and they worked great.

Make sure there is a lid on it so she doesn’t jump out and put some plants there. You don’t need to do anything fancy; a simple set-up will work fine.

Why Should I Separate Pregnant Guppy Fish?

It would help if you separated pregnant guppy fish from the rest of the tank for several reasons:


Other fish in the tank, even those of the same species, can be aggressive toward pregnant guppies. Separating them can help reduce stress and protect them from being attacked.

Reduce Competition For Food

When there are fewer fish in the tank, each individual fish will have a better chance of getting the food it needs. This is especially important for pregnant guppies, who need extra nutrients to support their growing babies.

To Make It Easier To Monitor The Pregnant Guppy

When a guppy is pregnant, she will develop a “gravid spot” near her tail. This spot will darken as the pregnancy progresses, and it can be used to help estimate how far along she is. If you’re keeping an eye on the gravid spot, it will be easier to do if the guppy is in a separate tank.

To Avoid Injury To The Babies

Once the babies are born, they will be very small and vulnerable. If they are in the same tank as adult fish, there is a risk that they could be injured or eaten. Keeping them in a separate tank will help to keep them safe.

Stress-Free Delivery

The presence of other fish can stress pregnant guppies, and this can cause problems during delivery.

If you want to reduce the risk of complications, it’s best to separate the pregnant guppy from the rest of the tank a week or so before she is due to give birth.

When To Separate Pregnant Guppy Fish?

It would help if you prepared a breeding trap or a breeding box as soon as you see that your guppy fish is pregnant.

The best time to separate pregnant guppy fish is when you see the gravid spot darken in color. This usually happens 24-48 hours before the fish gives birth.

If you wait too long, the fry (baby guppies) may be born in the main tank and become prey for other fish or get sucked into the filter.

It would help if you did not separate the female only when she is about to give birth. If you wait until she gives birth, separating her will cause more stress, and the guppy fry might not survive because of the lack of food.

It would help if you separated pregnant guppy fish when they are ready to give birth, usually about 28 days after getting pregnant.

How To Separate Pregnant Guppy Fish?

When you are ready to separate your pregnant guppy fish, you must set up a breeding trap or box.

You can buy these at your local fish store or make your own out of an empty aquarium or plastic storage container. Or you can also use an aquarium divider to create a temporary separation.

Once the breeding trap or box is set up, you must catch the pregnant guppy fish. To do this, you will need to net the fish and gently place them into the breeding trap or box.

Be careful when catching and transporting the fish so you do not injure them. Once the pregnant guppy fish are in the breeding trap or box, you will need to provide them with food and water.

You can use live or frozen food, flakes, or pellets to feed your guppy fish. You will also need to change the water regularly to keep it clean and fresh.

When To End The Separation?

You can end the separation when the guppy fry is big enough and don’t fit in the other fish’s mouth. Unfortunately, it is often after they are about a month old.

You can also end the separation when you no longer want to care for the fry or if the fry is causing problems in the main tank. If you decide to end the separation, you must slowly acclimate the fry to the main tank.

You will need to add a small amount of water from the main tank to the breeding trap or box daily. Then, you can add the fry to the main tank after a week.

Do Guppy Fish Eat Their Babies?

Sadly, Guppy fish eat their babies, but this is not always the case. Guppy fish are less likely to eat their babies if they are well-fed.

However, if the guppy fish are not well-fed, they are more likely to eat their babies. This is because Guppy fish usually only eat their babies when starving.

Why Do Guppy Fish Eat Their Babies?

Guppy fish usually eat their babies accidentally because these fry are small enough to fit in the guppy’s mouth.

Guppy fish also might eat their babies if the water quality is poor because the fry can absorb toxins through their skin. So if you think your guppy fish ate their babies, don’t worry too much.

It is not common for guppy fish to eat all of their babies. Instead, Guppy fish usually only eat one or two fry.


In conclusion, you should separate pregnant guppy fish because they might accidentally eat their babies, or other fish might attack and stress them. It’s best to do this around two weeks before they give birth. Afterward, you can use a breeding trap or make your own divider in the tank. Be sure to end the separation once the fry are big enough to defend themselves.

Do you have any questions about separating pregnant guppy fish? Let us know in the comments below!

Thanks for reading!

Good Luck!!!

Happy Fishkeeping!!!

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