Did you just get yourself a guppy fish or want to? Guppies are one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish for both beginners and experienced aquarists alike. They are relatively easy to care for, and their bright colors add a splash to the aquarium only when you know about their preferences. Do you know what they like? What do guppy fish like in their tank? This is a question that many people have when they first get into the hobby of keeping fish.
Well, guppy fish like having a heater, a proper filtration system, plants, and the right substrate in their tank to stay happy and healthy. They also need tank mates, good food, and proper decorations according to these fish’s preferences.
This blog post will discuss what guppies like in their tank. We will also cover some of the supplies you will need to set up a guppy tank and how to keep your guppies happy and healthy! By the end of this post, you will know exactly what it takes to keep your guppies happy!
Keep reading to learn more about guppy fish and their needs so that you can provide the best environment for your new pet.
What Are Guppy Fish Like?
Guppies are one of the most popular freshwater fish for home aquariums. They are relatively easy to care for and can brighten up any tank with their vibrant colors. Guppies come in various colors, patterns, and tail shapes.
While they are small fish, typically only growing to be about two inches long, they have a big personality. These guppy fish are social creatures and do best when you keep them in groups. They are also livebearers, which means guppy females will give birth to live young rather than laying eggs.
While guppies are relatively easy to care for, you still need to know some things to keep guppy fish happy and healthy.
These guppies are quite hardy fish, but you should know a few things about their ideal habitat. First, guppies come from freshwaters in South America, so they are used to warmer climates. In their natural habitat, the water temperature is typically 76-82 degrees Fahrenheit.
What Do Guppy Fish Like In Their Tank?
Who doesn’t want to keep their fish happy in the aquarium? After all, a healthy and content fish is a beautiful fish. So, what do guppy fish like in their tank?
Size Matters
Guppies are small fish but still need plenty of space to swim and explore. The more space, the better. If you have the room, a 20-gallon tank is an ideal tank size for guppies.
Guppies are small fish, but they still need enough room to swim and explore. A general rule of thumb is to have at least ten gallons of water for every three guppies. But guppies are schooling fish that prefer to stay with at least six guppy fish.
So, I suggest you keep a 20-gallon tank for a group of six guppy fish. Try to get a long tank rather than a tall one. This way, your guppies have more space for horizontal swimming.
Filtration System
A good filtration system is a must for any aquarium, and guppies are no exception. A canister filter or hang-on-back filter will work well for a guppy tank. Be sure to get a filter rated for at least double the size of your aquarium.
Guppies are messy eaters and produce a lot of waste. A good filtration system is essential to keeping the water clean and clear.
It’s also important to do regular water changes. Aim to change out 15-20% of the water each week. This will help to keep the water quality high and prevent ammonia and nitrite build-up.
An Aquarium Heater
Guppies are tropical fish and need warm water to thrive. Therefore, an aquarium heater is a necessary piece of equipment for a guppy tank.
You need to keep the water temperature between 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit in the aquarium, or else the fish will become sick.
Guppies originate from South America and live in slow-moving streams and rivers with plenty of vegetation in their natural habitat, where the water temperatures are warm year-round.
They are not used to cold water and will become sick if the water temperature in the guppy tank drops below 72 degrees Fahrenheit.
For this reason, an aquarium heater is a necessary piece of equipment for a guppy fish tank. You need to set the heater to maintain a water temperature between 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit to keep your fish healthy and happy.
I have suggested one more thing to most beginners: try keeping an extra heater in. This way, if your heater malfunctions or the power goes out, you can quickly add fresh water to the tank to keep the fish from getting sick.
Live plants are a must in any guppy fish tank. They not only provide your fish with hiding places but also help to keep the water quality high. Guppies like to nibble on plants, so choose tough ones that are not toxic and can withstand a little abuse. Popular plant choices for guppy tanks include:
- Java Fern
- Anubias
- Hornwort
- Guppy Grass
- Water sprite
- Wisteria
Gravel or sand substrate is fine for a guppy fish tank. However, there is always a debate on which is better for guppies, sand or gravel. It really comes down to personal preference.
If you choose gravel, ensure it is large enough that your guppy fish cannot swallow and choke on it.
And if you choose sand, make sure it is smooth sand, so your guppies don’t get any scratches on their bellies.
Guppy fish like to hide and feel safe; hence always appreciate a good hiding space. So, it’s a good idea to have some plants and decorations in the tank for them to swim around and explore.
Are you keeping on keeping live plants? Of course, you are. I just suggested you do so. Forget I asked that.
Now, choosing substrate also depends on your preference for live plants. While guppies don’t like tanks densely populated with plants, they still appreciate some.
So if you’re going to have live plants, get a substrate with nutrients for the plants to feed off.
If you choose gravel, go for something that is not too small or too big. Your guppy fish might ingest smaller gravel, and larger gravel might make it difficult for them to swim.
Also, choose a color that compliments your fish and plants. Popular gravel colors include:
- Black Diamond Blasting Sand
- CaribSea Eco-Complete Planted Aquarium Substrate
These are just a few examples, but feel free to look around for something you like. Ensure it is not too big or too small and has nutrients if you keep live plants.
Guppy Tank Mates
One of the great things about guppies is that they can live with various tank mates. But, in general, guppies do best with other peaceful fish that are similar in size.
Good choices for tank mates include mollies, platies, Corydoras catfish, and tetras. It’s important to avoid keeping guppies with larger, more aggressive fish that might see them as a meal. Goldfish, for example, should not be kept with guppies.
When choosing tank mates for your guppy, it’s important to consider the water conditions they need. Guppies are tropical fish and do best in warm water, around 78-82 degrees Fahrenheit.
This means you cannot keep them with cold water fish. Instead, stick to tropical fish when choosing tank mates for your guppy, and everyone will be happy and healthy.
Or just get snails or red cherry shrimp. They are great algae eaters and will help you maintain a clean tank. They are also very fun to watch as they go about their business, eating up all the algae in your tank.
So, what do guppy fish like? In general, guppies like to have other peaceful fish around that are similar in size.
Good Food
Guppies are omnivorous, meaning they will eat both plants and meat. In the wild, the guppy fish diet consists of small insects, crustaceans, and plankton. In your aquarium at home, you can feed them commercial flake food or pellets specifically made for omnivorous fish like guppies. You can also supplement their diet with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms.
It’s important to feed your guppies various foods to ensure they get all the nutrients they need.
Feed the guppy fish two or three times a day, but only give them as much food as they can eat in two minutes. It’s also a good idea to fast your guppies one day a week to give their digestive system a break.
How Do I Keep My Guppies Happy?
It is not hard to keep hardy fish like guppies happy if you provide them with a few key things they need in their aquarium.
First and foremost, guppies need a tank that is at least 20 gallons. Of course, a larger tank is always better, but the minimum size for these fish should be 20 gallons.
You will also need to have a proper filtration system. Guppies are not messy eaters but produce a lot of waste. A good filter will help keep the water quality and the tank clean.
An aquarium heater is also necessary. Guppies are tropical fish and need warm water to thrive. The ideal temperature for their tank is between 74-82 degrees Fahrenheit.
Plants are also an important part of a guppy fish tank. They provide hiding places for the fish and help to keep the water quality high.
The substrate in the tank is up to you. Guppies do not like or need substrates such as sand or gravel, but some people prefer to use them in their tanks.
Decorations are also a matter of personal preference. Guppies do not need fancy decorations, but some like adding them to their tanks. You can use anything from rocks to driftwood to shells. Make sure the decorations are safe for fish and do not have any sharp edges.
Tank mates are another important consideration for guppy fish. These fish get along with other peaceful fish.
Some good tank mates for guppies include mollies, platies, and swordtails. Avoid putting them with aggressive fish like cichlids.
Finally, guppies need good food. They are omnivores and will eat both plant and animal matter. Therefore, good quality flake or pellet food is a great option for these fish.
You can also feed them live or frozen foods like brine shrimp or bloodworms. Providing these things for your guppy fish will help to keep them happy and healthy.
Do Guppies Like Sand Or Gravel?
Guppies like to have a bit of both sand and gravel in their tank. They like to bury themselves in the sand to sleep and hide from predators, but they also need the gravel to help them grind up their food.
You should put about two inches of sand and gravel in the bottom of your tank. You can also put whatever decorations you like in the tank. Just make sure there are plenty of places for your guppies to hide.
What Decorations Are Good For Guppies?
Some good decorations for guppy fish tanks are rocks, caves, and plants. But, again, just make sure there are plenty of places for your guppies to hide if they want to.
Other decorations that you can use are driftwood and live plants. Be sure to research the type of plants you want to put in your tank before adding them, as some can be poisonous to fish.
Some people also like to add statues or other figurines to their tanks. These decorations should be fine if they are not too small.
Just be sure to avoid any decorations with sharp edges, as these can injure your fish.
Some other things you might need in the guppy fish tank are a fish net, water testing kit, air pump, gravel vacuum, bucket, and pipe. You might also want to consider getting a breeding box if you are planning on breeding guppies.
Other Things You Might Need In The Guppy Fish Tank
The list of things to make guppy aquarium better does not end with the essentials. There are other items that, while not completely necessary, can make a big difference in your guppy fish tank.
I will list all the necessary and some not-so-necessary things with a proper explanation so you can decide what to get for your guppy fish tank.
Fish Net:
You will need a fish net for various purposes, like scooping out the fish, transferring them to another tank, or simply cleaning the glass of your aquarium. A small-sized net with soft mesh is ideal as it will not hurt the delicate fins of your guppy fish.
Water Testing Kit:
A water testing kit is for every aquarium as it helps you to keep track of the water parameters. Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels should be checked at least once a week to ensure the safety of your fish. A water testing kit will also help you determine if there are any problems with your filtration system.
Air Pump:
An air pump is not necessary for a guppy fish tank, but it can be very helpful in keeping the water oxygenated. It is also useful in powering up filters and decorations that require air to work properly.
Gravel Vacuum:
A gravel vacuum is useful for cleaning the substrate and removing excess food and waste in your aquarium. It is also helpful for removing algae from the glass and decorations. You can find these at your local fish store or online.
A bucket is necessary for carrying water to and from your aquarium and making partial water changes.
It is also useful for storing water when cleaning the tank or doing a water change. You will need at least two buckets; one to carry the new water and another to hold the old water you are removing from the tank.
A pipe is a very useful tool for changing your aquarium’s water. You will need the means to suck out the water from the tank during water change days.
Breeding Box:
A breeding box is unnecessary, but it can be very helpful if you want to breed guppies. A small tank or container separates the guppy fry from the adults.
In conclusion, guppies like a lot of things in their tank! They need a good size tank, proper filtration, an aquarium heater, plants, substrate, decorations, and tank mates. They also need good food and proper attention to stay happy in captivity. Guppies do not really care about sand or gravel but prefer decorations that are good for them. With all of these things in mind, you can provide your guppy fish with a happy and healthy home.
Hopefully, this guide has helped you learn a little bit about what guppy fish like in their tank. Remember to do your research and ask questions before setting up your tank. With a little bit of care, your guppy fish will stay happy and healthy!
Thanks for reading!
Happy Guppy Keeping!!!