Why Are My Male Guppies Fighting?

Why Are My Male Guppies Fighting

If you have male guppies, you may have noticed that they sometimes fight with each other. This is a very stressful situation for the fish and can lead to death if it is not stopped. Fighting among male guppies is a common occurrence, but many people don’t know why it happens or how to stop it. Are your male guppies fighting in the tank? And you don’t understand why your male guppies are fighting. After all, you’ve been taking good care of them and have followed all the advice you could find on the internet. Do you want to know why are they fighting?

Male guppies fighting and attacking are directly related to their hierarchy and social order within the group. The higher up a guppy is in the hierarchy, the more likely he is to pick fights with other fish. While it is normal for males to establish dominance in a group, prolonged fighting can lead to injuries or even death.

In this blog post, we will talk about the causes of aggression in male guppies and how to stop it from happening.

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Are Guppies Aggressive?

It depends on how you view it. Guppies are not aggressive fish, however, they can become aggressive when it comes to defending their territory.

Male guppies are especially territorial and will often fight other males that enter their space. This is why it’s important to maintain a good male-to-female ratio in your aquarium. If there are too many males, they will start to fight each other.

Is It Normal For Male Guppies To Fight?

Yes, it is normal for male guppies to fight, and trust me it is not a big deal. Male guppies will start to assert their dominance over one another when they are around three months old.

The reason they do this is that they want to be the top dog in the fish tank. This is perfectly normal behavior and there is no need to worry about it.

However, things can escalate quickly if two male guppies do not get along. If you notice that they are constantly fighting and one of the guppies is starting to look battered and bruised, then it is time to take action.

Why Are My Male Guppies Fighting?

Male guppies are often aggressive towards one another for a variety of reasons. The most common reason is dominance.

Guppies establish a hierarchy within their group, and the males will fight to assert their dominance over the others.

There are several reasons why male guppies fight, let me a list and explain each of them.


One of the most common reasons that male guppies will start fighting is due to a dominance issue. In the wild, guppies establish a hierarchy in their social groups.

The most dominant male is typically the one who gets to mate with the females. When you have multiple males living together in an aquarium, they will often fight for the top spot.

If you have two males that seem to be fighting constantly, it may be because they are both trying to assert their dominance over each other.


Male guppies may start to fight when they are vying for your attention. Guppies are very social creatures and thrive on interaction with their owners.

Males that feel they are not receiving enough attention from their owners may become aggressive towards other males in the tank.

This is often seen in tanks where the female to male ratio is skewed, and the males are competing for the attention of the few females.

Males that are not receiving enough attention from the females in their group may become aggressive towards the other males.


It is often the main reason why male guppies fight. In the wild, guppies live in large groups and have to compete for mates and food.

When there are not enough females or resources, male guppies will start fighting with each other. They display aggression as chasing, nipping, and biting. If you have two male guppies that are fighting, you should try to separate them.

Water Parameters

Another reason why your male guppies might be fighting is because of the water parameters. If the pH is too high or low, it can cause stress which can lead to aggression.

Everything in your tank, from the fish to the plants, needs a specific range of pH to stay healthy. If the pH in your tank is off, it can cause all sorts of problems like disease, poor plant growth, and aggression.

You should test your water weekly and make sure that the pH is between seven and eight. You can also add plants and hiding spots to help reduce stress.

Improper Male To Female Ratio

If you have too many males and not enough females, your male guppies will start fighting for dominance. You need to maintain a male-to-female ratio in your tank to prevent fighting.

Maintain a ratio of two to three females for every male guppy. This will keep the males from competing for dominance and reduce aggression.

If you have a higher ratio of males to females, consider adding more females to the tank. You can also remove some of the males to another tank.

Can You Keep Two Male Guppies Together?

Technically you can, but it’s not recommended. If you do choose to keep two male guppies together, there are a few things you need to take into consideration.

If there are enough females, i.e. at least two to three females per male, the males will more likely compete for the females rather than fight each other.

You’ll also need to make sure there is plenty of space for the fish to swim around and that there are plenty of hiding spots.

And lastly, you’ll need to keep a close eye on their water parameters. Ammonia and nitrite levels should be at 0 ppm, and nitrate levels should be below 20 ppm.

If you can provide all of these things, then you may be able to keep two male guppies together. But if not, it’s best to just stick to keeping one male per tank.

Should I Separate Fighting Male Guppies?

The simple answer is yes, you should separate fighting male guppies. If left together, they will continue to fight until one or both are seriously injured or killed.

In addition to the risk of injury or death, fighting male guppies also stress out the other fish in the tank which can lead to a host of other health problems.

So, how do you separate fighting male guppies? The best way is to use a divider in the tank. This will allow them to see each other but not be able to get to each other.

If you don’t have a divider, you can try using a clear plastic container or even just a piece of glass. Place it in the tank so that it divides the tank in half. The guppies will be able to see each other but not be able to get to each other.

Once you have them separated, you can then decide if you want to keep them separate permanently or try to reintroduce them after a period of time. If you decide to try to reintroduce them, make sure to do it slowly and watch for any signs of aggression.

If they start fighting again, you will need to separate them permanently. Fighting male guppies is not only dangerous for the fish but can also lead to a decline in water quality which can affect all the fish in the tank.

So, if you have fighting male guppies, the best thing to do is to separate them as soon as possible.

How To Stop Fighting Male Guppies?

I know, it seems too much once in a while when you can’t control them. But, don’t worry there are steps you can take to prevent fighting and make your guppies more peaceful!

Maintain Male-To-Female Ratio

The most important thing you can do is to keep a good ratio of males to females. For every male, at least two to three females. This will help to reduce aggression and fighting among your male guppies.

Maintain Water Parameters

It’s also important to maintain proper water parameters in your tank. This means keeping the temperature between 75-82 degrees Fahrenheit, the pH between neutral and slightly alkaline, and the hardness between soft and medium. These conditions will help to keep your fish healthy and reduce aggression.

Add Plants And Hiding Spots

Adding plants and hiding spots to your tank will also help to reduce aggression among your male guppies. The plants will provide places for the fish to hide and the hiding spots will give them a place to escape if they feel threatened.

Can Fighting And Attacking Kill Male Guppies?

In most cases, no. Guppies, like other fish, are very resilient creatures. They can handle a lot of abuse and still come out relatively unscathed.

However, there are exceptions to every rule and there is always the potential for injury or death when two fish are fighting.

If they are fighting for dominance or territory, they might bite each other’s fins or tails. This can lead to infection or death.

If they are fighting for attention, they might nip at each other’s fins. This usually doesn’t cause any serious damage, but it is annoying for the fish and stressful for the owner.

Competition is another reason male guppies might fight. If there is not enough food or space, they might start to fight for resources. This can sometimes lead to guppy death easily if you don’t give fish enough to eat or if they are fighting over a small piece of territory.

Can Male Guppies Kill Each Other?

No, these fish are not physically capable of killing each but external factors can play a role. If two males are fighting and one is much larger than the other, the smaller fish can be injured or even killed. Injuries sustained during fights can also lead to infection and death.

It’s important to remember that male guppies are not naturally aggressive fish. If your fish are fighting, it’s likely due to one of the factors listed above. By correcting the issue, you can stop the fighting and allow your fish to live peacefully together.


In conclusion, male guppies can fight for many reasons. It is important to figure out what the root cause is before trying to fix the issue. If you have two male guppies that are fighting, you may be able to keep them together if you maintain a good male-to-female ratio and provide plenty of hiding spots. However, if they are fighting for dominance, it is best to separate them. Lastly, fighting and attacking can kill male guppies, so it is important to be vigilant and take steps to prevent fighting in your tank.

Thanks for reading! I hope this article was helpful in understanding why your male guppies are fighting and how you can stop it.

Good Luck!!

Happy Fishkeeping!!

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