How Long Do Angelfish Live?

how long do angelfish live

Once you own angelfish, these fish become your family. While you feed them, clean their aquarium, and watch them grow, you can’t help but get attached. So, of course, it’s natural that you want to know how long angelfish will be a part of your life. But, how long do angelfish live?

The average lifespan of an angelfish is between five and ten years. However, there are reports of angelfish living up to 15 years in captivity. The lifespan of your fish is greatly affected by the quality of care angelfish receive. If you provide them with a clean and spacious aquarium, plenty of hiding places, and a healthy diet, your angelfish will have a much better chance at living a long and happy life.

Many want our angelfish to be with us for as long as possible. So, today we will discuss the lifespan of angelfish and how to ensure they have a long and happy life.

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What Type Of Fish Is Angelfish?

Angelfish are one of the most beautiful fish that you will find in the freshwater aquarium. They come in various colors, and their long fins make them stand out from other fish. Angelfish are also relatively easy to care for, which makes them a popular choice for beginner aquarists.

Usually, aquarists only talk about freshwater angelfish. But in general, there are two types of angelfish: freshwater and marine. The main difference between the two is their habitat, as you can probably guess.

However, there are a few other things that set them apart. For example, marine angelfish tend to be much more brightly colored than their freshwater counterparts. They also have different patterns in their bodies, and they grow to be larger. Along with their appearance, each species of angelfish has a different lifespan.

How Long Do Angelfish Live?

If you are a first-time owner of an angelfish or are thinking about getting one, you may wonder how long these beautiful creatures typically live. Though there is some variation among different species of angelfish, most will live between five and 15 years with proper care.

Once you get a fish, you should research the different types of angelfish and what they need to stay healthy. This will help you provide the best possible care for your new pet and ensure a long, happy life together.

As mentioned before, you will get two types of angelfish when you purchase them. And they have different lifespans.

How Long Do Freshwater Angelfish Live?

Freshwater angelfish belong to the cichlid family, known for its wide variety of colors, patterns, and shapes. They are a very popular freshwater fish in the aquarium trade. Depending on the species, angelfish can grow about four to eight inches long.

The average lifespan of a freshwater angelfish is between five and ten years, with some species living up to 20 years. In general, there are three species of freshwater angelfish that are most popular among aquarium enthusiasts:

Pterophyllum scalare is the most common freshwater angelfish found in the aquarium trade. They are also known as the common angelfish, scalare angelfish, or angels. They are native to the Amazon River basin in South America. Pterophyllum scalare can grow up to eight inches long and live for about five to nine years.

Pterophyllum altum is native to the Orinoco River basin in South America. They are also known as the altum angelfish, deep-water angelfish, or simply angels. Pterophyllum altum can grow up to eight inches long and live for about six to ten years.

Pterophyllum leopoldi is native to the Congo River basin in Africa. They are also known as the African angelfish, Congo angelfish, or simply angels. Pterophyllum leopoldi can grow up to six inches long and live for about seven to eight years.

The key to keeping them healthy and happy is to provide these fish with a clean and well-maintained aquarium.

How Long Do Saltwater Angelfish Live?

The average lifespan of a saltwater angelfish is about 15 years. However, some individual angelfishes can live much longer — up to 25 years or more in captivity. So, if you’re considering adding an angelfish to your saltwater aquarium, be prepared for the long haul!

Like freshwater angelfishes, each species of saltwater angelfish has a different lifespan. For example, Queen angelfishes (Holacanthus ciliaris) typically live between 12 and 15 years. On the other hand, flame angelfishes (Centropyge loricula) have an average lifespan of 20 years.

The lifespan of your saltwater angelfish will also depend on the quality of its environment. Your angelfish will have the best chance at a long and healthy life in a well-maintained aquarium with clean water and plenty of live rock for grazing.

But do you think angelfish’s lifespan differs in the wild and captivity?

How Long Do Angelfish Live In Wild?

Angelfish have a lifespan of about five to eight years in the wild. In captivity, however, they can live up to 15 years or more with proper care. Usually, in the wild, Angelfish share their home with various creatures like piranhas, eels, and other fishes. Even the big fishes can eat them in one bite and live with them in the wild.

Moreover, the water conditions in the wild fluctuate greatly, affecting their life expectancy. For instance, if the water contains less oxygen, then it will cause their death soon. So, the lifespan of angelfish in the wild is not that long.

How Long Do Angelfish Live In Captivity?

Usually, the angelfish of angelfish don’t change much in captivity. For example, if the lifespan of an angelfish is ten years, it will be about the same in captivity. The main thing that affects how long an angelfish life is the water quality you keep in.

Generally, a good environment and monitored water parameters in the aquarium will lead to a long and healthy life for your angelfish. If an angelfish is unhealthy, they might only live for a few years. So, all in all, it is up to you! If you provide a good home for your Angelfish, they will have a long and prosperous life.

But what can be the reason behind the short lifespan of angelfish in some cases?

Why Is My Angelfish Not Living Long?

Angelfish is not a hardy fish. They are very sensitive to water quality and parameters. A sudden change in any of these can cause stress, leading to disease and death. However, some of the reasons why angelfish is not living long are:

Improper Diet

Like humans, Angelfish also need a balanced diet to stay healthy. An improper diet is one of the leading causes of death in angelfish. A diet lacking in nutrition will make them susceptible to diseases. In addition, overfeeding can also lead to health problems such as obesity.

Moreover, overeating can also reduce the lifespan of your angelfish. That’s why feeding your angelfish a healthy and balanced diet is important.

Fluctuating Water Conditions Can Shorten Angelfish Lifespan

One of the main reasons why angelfish don’t have a very long lifespan is the constantly changing water conditions in their natural habitat. Angelfish are native to the Amazon River basin and notorious for their rapidly fluctuating water levels. During the dry season, the river can drop by as much as 30 feet (nine meters) and rise quickly during the rainy season.

These sudden changes in water level can cause stress to the fish, leading to a shortened lifespan. In addition, the changing water conditions can also make it difficult for angelfish to find food and shelter.

Polluted Environment Is Also a Major Threat to Angelfish

Another big threat to Angelfish is a polluted environment. This can come from many sources, including pesticides and other chemicals used in farming, sewage, and other water pollutants. A polluted environment can lead to several health problems for fish, including skin and gill damage, liver damage, and even death.

Stress and Angelfish Life Expectancy

It’s no secret that stress is bad for our health. Stressful conditions lead to higher hormone cortisol levels, linked to several health problems, including heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. But did you know that stress can also shorten your lifespan?

A study published in Nature found that chronic stress can shorten telomeres, the protective caps at the end of our chromosomes. Telomeres get shorter as we age, and shortened telomeres have been linked to several age-related diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, and dementia. While the study didn’t specifically look at Angelfish, the same process likely occurs in these fish.

Disease And Health Issues

Like all animals, angelfish are also susceptible to diseases. Some of the most common diseases that affect these fish include:

  • parasites
  • bacterial infections
  • viral infections
  • fungal infections

All of these diseases can lead to a shortened lifespan in angelfish. That’s why keeping your fish healthy and free from disease is important.

Overcrowded Tank

One of the main reasons why angelfish die prematurely is because these fish are kept in an overcrowded tank. Angelfish are a semi-aggressive species and need plenty of space to swim around. If these fish don’t have enough space, they will become stressed, leading to illness and death.

Furthermore, angelfish are more likely to bump into objects and injure themselves in a smaller tank. If you want your angelfish to live a long and healthy life, ensure they have plenty of space to swim around.

Wrong Tankmates

Wrong tankmates are also the reason behind the early death of Angelfish. If you put them with tankmates that are too big or have nippy fins, your Angelfish will not live very long. Even though Angelfish are semi-aggressive, they are still very peaceful fish that need to be in a tank with other peaceful fish.

Doing your research before putting any fish together in a tank is important. You don’t want to make the mistake of putting the wrong fish together and then dealing with the consequences later. By taking the time to do your research, you can ensure that your Angelfish have a long and happy life.

But how can you ensure that your Angelfish live a long and healthy life?

What Are The Ways To Prolong The Life Of An Angelfish?

The average lifespan of an angelfish is about five to seven years. However, there are ways to prolong the life of your angelfish. I have researched a lot about it, and from my experience, you can increase a few years to their lifespan by following certain tips.

Ensure A Balanced Diet

A well-balanced diet is essential for any animal’s longevity, including angelfish. In the wild, these fish eat a variety of plant matter and small invertebrates. A good diet for captive angelfish should reflect their natural diet as much as possible. This means offering them a variety of live, frozen, and flake foods.

I have found that feeding my angelfish a diet of live brine shrimp, frozen bloodworms, and high-quality flake food has kept them healthy and happy. I also supplement their diet with spirulina flakes to ensure they get all the necessary nutrients.

Provide A Good Environment

Another important factor in prolonging the life of your Angelfish is providing them with a good environment. This means having clean water, plenty of hiding places, and appropriate tank mates.

Angelfish are sensitive to ammonia and nitrites, so it is important to have a well-maintained aquarium. I recommend 20% or more weekly water changes to keep the water quality high.

Angelfish also like to have plenty of places to hide. I have found that adding live plants and driftwood to the aquarium creates a more natural environment for them and helps reduce stress.

Finally, it is important to choose appropriate tank mates for your angelfish. Angelfish can be aggressive, so it is best to choose tank mates that are peaceful and not too small.

Correct Tank Size

One of the most important factors in prolonging the life of your Angelfish is having a tank that is the correct size. Angelfish need at least a 20-gallon aquarium, but I recommend getting a larger tank if possible.

A larger tank will provide your fish with more swimming space and also help to stabilize water quality. I have found that a tank size of 55 gallons or more is ideal for keeping angelfish.

Stress-Free Environment

A stress-free environment is important for any animal’s health, including angelfish. Angelfish are sensitive to changes in their environment and can be easily stressed by things like loud noises, bright lights, or aggressive tank mates.

To create a stress-free environment for your fish, I recommend keeping the aquarium in a quiet room away from direct sunlight. In addition, I recommend using subdued lighting and adding plenty of hiding places to the aquarium.

By following these tips, you can create a healthy environment for your angelfish and help them live long and happy lives.

Do you have any tips for prolonging the life of an angelfish?


Do Male Angelfish Live Long Than Females?

There is no difference in lifespan between male and female angelfish. Both sexes have an average lifespan of five to seven years.

Do Angelfish Live Longer In Freshwater Or Saltwater?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Some people believe that angelfish live longer in freshwater because it is less stressful on their bodies. Others believe that saltwater is better because it contains more minerals and is more similar to the natural environment of these fish. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide what environment you want to provide for your angelfish.

How Can I Tell If My Angelfish Is Healthy?

There are a few signs that you can look for to determine if your Angelfish is healthy. Firstly, a healthy fish will have bright colors and clear eyes. Angelfish will be active and have a good appetite. Finally, a healthy angel will have smooth scales and fins that are not torn or frayed. If you notice these signs, your Angelfish is healthy and happy.

What Are The Common Health Problems Of Angelfish?

The most common health problems of angelfish are caused by poor water quality or stress. Other common problems include parasites, bacterial infections, and fungal infections. If you notice any illness in your fish, it is important to seek veterinary care as soon as possible.


In conclusion, the lifespan of an angelfish is determined by several factors, including tank size, water quality, and stress levels. By providing your fish with a good environment and appropriate care, you can help them live long and happy lives.

Thanks for reading! I hope this article was helpful.

Do you have any questions or comments? Please feel free to leave them below! I would love to hear from you.

2 thoughts on “How Long Do Angelfish Live?”

  1. Pingback: Angelfish Fin Rot: Causes, Treatment and Prevention - Fish Keeping Guide

  2. Pingback: How To Save Dying Angelfish? - Fish Keeping Guide

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