How Long Does Dechlorinator Take To Work In Tank?

How Long Does Dechlorinator Take To Work In An Aquarium

Every fish keeper has a question: How long does a dechlorinator take to work in an aquarium?

The answer is that it depends on the type of dechlorinator. There are many types of chloramine removers, but some can remove chlorine and ammonia faster than others.

This article will explore different types of dechlorinators and how they affect your tank’s chemistry.

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What Is Dechlorinator?

Dechlorinator is a chemical that removes chlorine and chloramine from an aquarium. It works by using ammonia or ammonium salts to remove the toxic compounds, resulting in clean water for fish. The solution binds with non-toxic ammonia (ammonia) to form non-toxic nitrogen gas molecules and ammonium hydroxide. The ammonia in the solution is then metabolized by bacteria, which removes nitrite from the tank.

A dechlorinator removes chlorine from tap water before entering a fish aquarium or pond system to ensure that levels stay at safe levels that do not harm aquatic life. The most popular type of dechlorinator is one that removes both chlorine and chloramine.

Types Of Dechlorinator

The time your dechlorinator will take to work in the aquarium depends on the type you are using. There are two types of dechlorinators: liquid and granular.

Liquid Dechlorinator

A liquid dechlorinator is the type that comes in a bottle or jar, which you can pour directly into your aquarium water to remove chlorine from tap water before it enters the tank. It has an ammonia-based solution inside, but it doesn’t work as well with chloramines.

Granular Dechlorinator

Granulated dechlorinators are a chemical that you add to your aquarium water before adding the tap water. They then slowly release the ammonia into your system over time. They can also be used in ponds and other types of bodies of water, such as hot tubs.

How Long Does Dechlorinator Take To Work In An Aquarium?

The dechlorinating agent may take some time before it starts removing chlorine or chloramine from an aquarium entirely. This is because of how long these compounds can stay in the water without reacting to something else. So it could be a day, week, or month before a dechlorinator starts working completely. The time it takes depends on the chemical dosage and when it was first put into the tank water.

Dechlorinators work by releasing a gas that is not harmful to the fish in your aquarium. The process usually takes about 24 hours for the dechlorination to be complete and you are able to remove any chemicals from water, such as chlorine or chloramine, which can be harmful to fish.

If you are using an instant-acting type of dechlorination product like Prime or Fritz Aquatics (for freshwater) or AmQuel Plus  (for saltwater), the product will start to work as soon as it is added.

Suppose you are using a slow-acting type of dechlorinator like Tetra AquaSafe. In that case, there could be chlorine or chloramine left in your tank even after weeks have passed because it has not been reacting with anything else yet and removing them completely.

You might need to wait before the dechlorinator starts working, depending on what type of product you use and how much is in the tank.

Why Should I Use Dechlorinator In My Aquarium?

A dechlorinating agent maintains a healthy environment for fish as it will remove harmful chlorine and chloramine. The chemicals made from the chemical reaction in water are safer than chlorine and chloramines because they will not harm the fish or other aquatic life. The dechlorinator will help remove these harmful agents and inhibit their formation by binding with them before they adsorb to surfaces in an aquarium.

How Does The Dechlorinator Work In The Aquarium?

A dechlorinating agent reacts with chlorine or chloramine to make them harmless so that they can’t be harmful to fish anymore. Then, the chemicals are changed into other substances like chloride ions (Cl−) or nitrate ions (NO−).

Dechlorinator will work by using ammonia or ammonium salt to reduce the toxicity of Chorine, Chloramines, and other harmful chemicals in tap water before it enters an aquarium system. The solution binds with non-toxic ammonia (ammonia) to form non-toxic nitrogen gas molecules and ammonium hydroxide. The ammonia in the solution is then metabolized by bacteria, which removes nitrite from the tank.

They create ammonia gas as an intermediary for the process of detoxifying these substances, so they are safe to use in your aquatic environment without harming plants or fish.

Benefits Of Using Dechlorinator In My Aquarium

Aquariums need to have a healthy environment for fish who might get sick or die from chlorine or chloramine.

There are many benefits to using a dechlorinator in your aquarium or pond system, such as:

  • Dechlorinators are inexpensive.
  • It removes chlorine, chloramine, and other harmful chemicals from tap water before it enters your fish tank or pond system so that they are safe to use in the aquarium without harming plants or fish.
  • The dechlorinator helps to remove these harmful agents, inhibit their formation by binding with them before they adsorb to surfaces in an aquarium.
  • Dechlorinators can also help with nitrite levels. However, nitrite will not be made as much in tanks that use dechlorinator because they are removing the ammonia, which is converted into less toxic substances by bacteria on its own accord.

Disadvantages Of Using Dechlorinators In The Tank

The side effects of using dechlorinator in the tank are that it can cause a fish to have difficulty breathing. It can be toxic to aquatic life when used incorrectly, and it can change the water’s pH level.

Other Ways To Remove Chlorine Or Chloramines From Aquarium Water

If you want to remove chlorine or chloramines from your aquarium water, there are other ways besides using a dechlorinator. Other methods include:

  • Exposing the tank water/siphon hose/water inlet tube to sunlight for about six hours (the amount of time required will depend on how much sun is available)
  • Adding a chemical absorbent to the tank water (e.g., potassium permanganate)
  • Using an ozone generator for several hours in your aquarium.
  • Let The Water Sit For 24 hours or so. Within this time the chlorine evaporates from the water.


In conclusion, dechlorinator is an essential additive for any aquarium. It will remove and neutralize chlorine, chloramine, heavy metals, and other harmful substances in tap water that can cause stress to the fish or make them sick. Not only does it have health benefits, but dechlorination also has ecological benefits. Using this in a home aquarium will reduce the amount of chlorine/chloramine released into the environment.

I hope this article has been informative and helpful for you!

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