Can Kuhli Loaches Live With Guppies?

kuh;i loaches live with guppies

Kuhli Loaches are small schooling fish that originate from Southeast Asia. You can identify them by their long, thin bodies and an orange stripe on the head. Guppies are also schooling fish, originating in Central America. You can also tell by their round body shape and large eyes with an iridescent pattern on them. So do Kuhli Loaches live well with guppies? Let’s find out!

This is a question that many hobbyists have. While it may seem like they are incompatible, the answer to this question actually depends on how you take care of them.

In this blog post, we will look into whether or not these two fish can be compatible tank mates. What type of aquarium setup would work best for them if they are kept together?

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Brief Details About Kuhli Loach And Guppy Fish

Guppies are more sensitive to water conditions, so they require a separate filter, whereas Kuhli Loaches can do well with the same filter as other fish. More notably, Kuhli Loaches need large tanks for living in while Guppies do not need such a big tank.

So when trying to decide which one of these fishes is cuter or better-suited for your home environment, you should consider many different factors and make an educated decision!

While they do require similar tank setups, their feeding habits are very different. For example, Kuhli loaches can be picky eaters and need to be fed vegetables. They are zucchini, cucumber, spinach, and kale while guppies prefer small crustaceans, worms, or other types of meaty foods.

Without the right type of food, both species could potentially perish in your aquarium! Learn more about these fascinating creatures by reading this article!

So, Are Kuhli Loaches And Guppies Compatible Tank Mates?

Kuhli Loaches are one of the best types of fish for beginners because they are tolerant of many different water parameters that might harm other fish species. They will eat smaller crustaceans, worms, or even vegetables like zucchini, cucumber, or spinach.

You should keep guppies with tankmates who enjoy similar foods. Guppies have a high demand for oxygen so adding snails will help reduce this stress on the small upright creatures.

This is why I do not recommend keeping Kuhli Loaches and Guppy Fish together in one tank. They require very different care without making compromises on either end!

Learn more about Kuhli Loach Tankmates here.

Keeping Kuhli Loach and Guppy Fish in the Same Aquarium

Kuhli Loach and Guppies can be kept together if you provide extra care in the aquarium. Make sure you give both of the species equal space and food. You should also think about the water parameters and other aquarium equipment. Check these points out!

Tank Size For Kuhli Loaches And Guppies

One of the most important things to consider when you’re determined to keep both Kuhli Loaches and Guppies in the same tank is how big it should be. According to some fish experts, Kuhli Loaches require at least 20 gallons per fish while Guppies can get by with 14 gallons per fish.

This is why you should never house more than three or four Kuhli Loaches together in an aquarium no matter what size it is!

While they both require a lot of space, the Kuhli loach is more flexible with its tank requirements. While these fish can grow up to 16 inches long and need an aquarium that is at least 36x12x16 inches for comfortable living.

Water Parameters

Since both Guppies and Kuhli loaches are from the same family of fish, their water parameters should be similar.

pH Level

The pH level typically remains at neutral values around 7-8. You can balance the ph level by adding some aquarium salt.

Water Temperature of the Aquarium

These fishes also prefer a temperature range between 73 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit (23 to 28 Celsius). Since they originate in tropical regions, it is best to maintain the temperature at these levels using a heater.

Specific Gravity

The specific gravity level should range between one and 15, which is slightly lower than that of other fish from the same family. Yellow-tailed blue guppy prefers a higher specific gravity.

Water Hardness

Water hardness for guppies should be around 0 to 18 dGH and pH between seven and eight. These values are slightly higher than those of Kuhli loaches, but both fish can manage with these levels since they originate from soft water regions.

Food For Kuhli Loaches And Guppies

In the same way as other loaches, they are omnivores and so can eat a wide variety of foods. High-quality sinking pellets or tablet food will provide them with all the nutrients they need to keep healthy, but be sure that it does not contain any copper sulfate. This is potentially fatal for Kuhli Loaches. They will also feed on worms, insects, and their larvae.

Kuhli loaches are very sensitive to polluted water conditions. So, they should never be introduced into an aquarium that is being treated with any kind of medication or has high nitrate levels.

Filter Suitable For Both Kuhli Loach And Guppy Fish

It’s also worth noting that the filters on your tank may need some updating if you’re thinking about adding both types of fish to your home environment.

Kuhli Loaches need a filter that will allow them enough time to get up and down into their caves, while Guppies can get by with an average filter.

If you want to keep both types of fish in the same tank together, then it is recommended that you upgrade your filters so they are strong enough for both species! More importantly, make sure to change out at least 25% of your tank water weekly to prevent the accumulation of harmful substances.

Keep Lots Of Live Plants

These are both active species that need to be kept stimulated. Planting lots of live plants in your aquarium will give them the chance to display their natural behaviors. This will also provide a refuge for these shy fish when they want time out from other tank inhabitants.

Tank Maintenance

Kuhli loaches are not very difficult to maintain since they are not messy eaters. They do not produce a lot of waste. They will also appreciate their caves. So, make sure to add lots of hiding places in the form of rocks or bogwood for them to dart through when they feel like it!


Do Guppies Attack Kuhli Loach?

No one has reported that guppies attack Kuhli loaches. Thus, guppies do not attack kuhli loach unless they feel stressed out. Make sure you have enough space for both to maintain peace in the tank.

Do Kuhli Loach Eat Baby Guppies?

Maybe, but this is not common in the aquarium since both fish are bottom-dwellers. These fish will rarely come into contact with each other or feed at the same levels of the tank. If they do happen to cross paths, they may end up eating each other.


In general, Kuhli loaches and Guppies can be kept together as long as they are all introduced to the environment at the same time. In this case, you will need a large enough tank for both species. One that is 36″ x 12″ x 16″ inches in size will be sufficient.

Be sure to provide your fish with plenty of places for them to hide out in, as well as lots of live plants both on the substrate and suspended above it. This setup should also allow you to keep a good water quality without too much maintenance being required!

Overall, Guppies are not dangerous for Kuhli loaches. Some people think that Kuhli loaches eat guppies, but this is not true either. Fortunately, they do get along well in the same environment!

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