Why Do My Kuhli Loach Keep Dying? And How to Prevent It!

kuhli loach keep dying

Kuhli Loaches are also naturally quite shy and slow-moving. So if you own Kuhli Loach then it is important that they have a spacious tank with plenty of hiding places. If you are the proud owner of Kuhli Loach, then you will know that they are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the hobby. Learn why Kuhli Loach keeps dying in your tank to prevent the tragic deaths in the aquarium.

Kuhli Loaches are also known for being hardy and resistant to disease, but this does not mean that they can’t get sick or die. Please avoid putting Kuhli loaches in an uncycled aquarium because this will increase the risk for ammonia poisoning. Likewise, Kuhli loaches can be sensitive to sudden changes in water parameters. Thus, it is important to maintain the stability of your aquarium with regular water changes.

Kuhli Loach can also be prone to several different diseases, which you should familiarize yourself with. Kuhli loaches are extremely sensitive to ammonia poisoning and poor water conditions, so it is important that your tank has been properly cycled before adding Kuhli loaches.

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Reasons Why Your Kuhli Loach Is Dying

If you see a Kuhli Loach not eating or sitting on the bottom of the tank, you need to worry. There are various reasons why you Kuhli Loach might be dying. They are:

Poor Water Conditions

Kuhli Loach is visibly dark. The loaches that eat algae and have a dark brown or black color to them may be suffering from poor water conditions. Since they can only survive in pristine waters, make sure you maintain your tank properly. Can Kuhli Loach live in brackish water? Find out here.


Tilted Kuhli loaches that look like they are swimming vertically and tilting to one side may be overcrowded in their tank. Kuhli usually swims horizontally most of the time. So, if you notice them swimming against the current or tilted then this means there just isn’t enough room for everyone. This might be a cause why your Kuhli loach is dying.


Kuhli loaches that are not moving and look like they have lost their color might be suffering from a disease. Kuhli can contract worms, parasites, or other diseases if there aren’t the proper water conditions in your tank.

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Ammonia Poisoning

Kuhli loaches that are laying on one side and not moving may be suffering from ammonia poisoning. Kuhli needs a very clean tank with no traces of ammonia in its water to survive. So make sure you maintain your tank properly in order to prevent Kuhli Loaches from dying in your tank.

Poor Genes

Kuhli loaches that have white spots all over their body might be suffering from poor genes. Kuhli loaches are very sensitive to water conditions. So if you notice any of these symptoms then it is best for everyone involved to separate them and place them in a tank without other Kuhli Loach.

Sudden Change In Water Parameters

Kuhli loaches that gasp for air at the top of your tank and stay there may be experiencing a sudden change in their water parameters. Kuhli can suffer greatly if their water changes rapidly. Thus, make sure you maintain the cleanliness and conditions carefully to prevent this from happening.

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Bullying And Stress

Kuhli loaches that are covered in slime coats might be suffering from bullying or stress. Kuhli loaches usually shed their skin, but they can’t when it is ripped off by another Kuhli loach in the tank.


Kuhli that are bloated with a big stomach might be overfed. Kuhli loaches eat very little, so if you notice them getting bigger then it is likely due to too much food in their tank.

Learn more on How Often Should You Feed Kuhli Loaches?

How Can You Tell If Your Kuhli Loach Is Dying Or Sick?

The ways to save a Kuhli loach from dying first requires you to know if they are sick. If you know that they are sick or dying, you can prevent other fish in the tank from dying. Maybe if the damage is less, you can even save your Kuhli Loach. So how to know if they are sick or dying? Find out here:

Kuhli Loach is Laying on Side

Kuhli loaches that are laying one side up might just need to find a new place for water periodically. These fishes can suffocate if they stay in the same spot too long, so make sure you give them plenty of hiding spaces and spots where they can get out of the water easily.

Kuhli Loach Stops Eating

Kuhli Loach eats a variety of foods. Thus, Kuhli that are not eating may be sick or they may be old, both causing them to stop eating. The loaches that lay on the bottom of your tank with one side up might just need to find a new place to get out of the water periodically.

White Discoloration Around Mouth And Eyes

Kuhli loaches that have what looks like white coming out from around their mouth and eyes are actually very stressed due to bullying or unfriendly kuhli loaches in their environment. Kuhli can also lose their slime coat if overcrowded.

How To Prevent Your Kuhli Loach From Dying?

There are ways that help to prolong the life of your Kuhli loaches. The ones that are able to do these points will find a better lifeline with their Kuhli loaches.

Maintain Water Conditions

Kuhli loaches that are constantly covered in slime coats might be suffering from poor water conditions. These fishes can contract worms, parasites, or other diseases if there aren’t the proper water conditions in your tank.

Temperature of Water

Kuhli Loach prefers warmer conditions. Kuhli loaches are not winter-hardy and will not survive if the water is below 73°F-86°F. In addition, Kuhli loach needs a very clean tank with no traces of ammonia in its water to survive, so make sure you maintain your tank properly.

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The PH of the Water

Kuhli loaches prefer warmer conditions. So, you should maintain the ph level of your water at a comfortable 5.5-6.5.

Learn more on Do pH Levels Affect Kuhli Loach?

Add Hiding Spaces

Kuhli loaches that are laying one side up might just need to find a new place for water periodically. Moreover, Kuhli can suffocate if they stay in the same spot too long. So, make sure you give them plenty of hiding spaces and spots where they can get out of the water easily.

Prevent And Treat Diseases

If a Kuhli loach is sick, quarantine or isolate the fish. This will prevent other fishes from getting contagious diseases and keep them safe. Similarly, you can provide a better diet and clean water conditions for the Kuhli loach for better survival chances.

Separate Male From Female Kuhli Loach

The Kuhli Loach can live together in a group without any major conflict, but the Kuhli do need to be separated if they are of opposite sexes. You should separate the Kuhli loaches when they become sexually mature at about 6-8 months old. The ones you do not breed will stay in the same location, so it’s best to separate them before that happens.

Proper Diet

Kuhli loaches eat primarily plants and algae in their environment, but it is difficult to say what Kuhli likes in each specific tank because the species is always changing in different tanks. Kuhli sometimes eats meat or other substances in their environment. In the wild, these fish eat insects, invertebrates, and crustaceans.

Kuhli likes variety in their diet. So make sure you give them plenty of different foods to keep them healthy. Kuhli that refuse all food may be sick or old, but they also might not find anything appealing with your current tank set up due to lack of hiding spots and water conditions.

Kuhli likes a well-balanced diet. So make sure you give them vitamin supplements to promote their immune system and overall health. Kuhli loaches enjoy bloodworms as treats every now and then.

Cycle Your Tank

Cycling your tank is the best way to keep Kuhli Loach alive and healthy. Kuhli Loach needs a very clean tank with no traces of ammonia in their water to survive, so make sure you maintain your tank properly.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Kuhli Loaches Should You Keep In The Tank?

You can pair 6 Kuhli loaches in the tank. Kuhli loaches might be aggressive towards each other. Hence, you might need to separate the sexes. However, a proper 4-6 number of Kuhli loaches do well in a tank.

Why Does Kuhli Loach Die In The Dry Week?

A dry week is for killing bacteria in the tank. However, the Kuhli can die in the dry week because of stress. Thus, you need to take care of their needs or environment pretty well. This will prevent them from stress and eventually lead them to better health.

Final Words

Thus, the Kuhli loaches are some healthy species on their own if you can take care of them properly. The only thing you need to maintain is a healthy tank with proper hiding spaces.

As an aquarium owner, you have to create a clean and cycled tank. Similarly, a properly balanced diet can also help extend the life of your beloved fish. Happy fishkeeping!

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