Can Molly Fish Change Gender? Is It Possible?

Can Molly Fish Change Gender

Molly fish are popular in the aquarium trade for their bright colors and docile nature. But have you ever looked at your fish and had the unhinged level of curiosity about their gender. Or, just once in a while, wonder if your male molly fish can turn into female ones. I understand you have seen females giving birth even though they have only mated once in their life without the presence of male fish in the tank, making you question the gender change in other females. So, can molly fish change gender? Is it even possible?

No, molly fish can’t change their gender and stay with the same gender they are born with. These fish are not hermaphrodites that can change gender according to their needs and situation. A male molly will stay a male throughout its lifespan from birth to death and the same happens with the female molly.


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Can Molly Fish Change Gender?

No, your molly fish is not a hermaphrodite that can change its gender whenever they feel like it. You might not notice the gender in the first few months, but they are born either male or female from the very first day.

Molly fish do not actually “change” gender. Instead, they have determined sex during birth. They live as one and then morph into the other once they reach maturity.

Is It Normal For Molly Fish To Change Sex?

No, of course not. There is no way you will see your molly fish changing their gender all of a sudden. Yeah, I know you have seen them pregnant in the all-female tank, but think again. Have they ever come in contact with male molly fish within the last six months?

These female molly fish can store the sperm and impregnate themselves even when they haven’t come in contact with males in a long time.

So, please do not assume that your molly fish is going around changing gender because they are not. They can’t change their sex and become entirely different within a few days.

Hence, I conclude that it is not normal or even possible for molly fish to change their sex. Look again, and if you think it is doing something like that, take a video or photos to show your vet what’s happening. If its convenient, then drop those pictures in the comment section below.

Some FAQs about Molly Fish

Does Sex Affect The Lifespan Of Molly Fish?

No, Molly fish have an average lifespan of about three years. While gender might not affect the lifespan on a normal day, if you are breeding molly fish, then it might change.

Here is the thing, female becomes weaker and weaker with every baby delivery making them vulnerable.

What is Molly’s Natural Habitat?

Molly fish live in freshwater environments worldwide, including South and Central America, more likely in the USA and Mexico. They are a tropical species that prefer water temperatures of 70º to 85º Fahrenheit.

These fish are from the point where oceans and rivers meet, so don’t get shocked when you find them happily in the water that contains a little salt. In the wild, you can find these fish in the

Molly requires an ample amount of oxygen dissolved in their tanks and good filtration systems to keep them healthy.

The tank should be at least 20 gallons with plenty of hiding spots. So they can feel safe when predators come inside looking for food.


Summing up, your molly fish are born with an already assigned gender and cannot change according to their will. While one contact with male molly during the breeding season can help females impregnate themselves multiple times, don’t take this track to prove a point that is not true most of the time. You need to brace yourself and learn to distinguish the gender of molly fish without creating havoc. And please do not keep two molly males in the tank that doesn’t have enough females to balance the ratio of 3 females per male.

We hope you enjoyed this Molly Fish post as much as we did, and please feel free to comment or share it.

Good Luck!!

Happy Fishkeeping!!!

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