Undoubtedly, angelfish are the most beautiful when they swim. I can spend hours and hours looking at them as they elegantly move through the water. However, throughout the years, I have learned that angelfish have different swimming behaviors that can tell me a lot about their health and mood. Thus, when angelfish starts swimming in circles, it concerns me a little.
But why are my angelfish swimming in circles? Usually, angelfish swim in circles to play or when they are bullied or want to defend their territory. However, some health conditions can cause this swimming behavior. For example, if your angelfish has an inner ear infection, they might start to swim in circles because they feel dizzy. Other causes of this circling behavior include a swim bladder infection or parasites.
Most of the time, swimming erratically is a matter of concern. But some angels might swim in circles even when happy or excited. Today, I will discuss the different reasons why your angelfish might be swimming in circles and how you can solve the problem.
Are Angelfish Active Fish?
Yes, angelfish are active fish. If you have angels, you know they move around a lot in the aquarium. Your angelfish love swimming, exploring the surroundings, and interacting with their tank mates.
Thus, you will always find the angels swimming around, searching for food or hiding places. Furthermore, angelfish prefer to be in schools and are shoaling fish. Therefore, keeping these fish in groups of at least six is best. And this group of fish likes playing around, chasing each other, and swimming in circles.
Hence, all in all, angelfish are very active fish who love to move around a lot. So, if your fish suddenly stops swimming, it might be a huge problem.
Is It Normal For Angelfish To Swim In Circles?
Usually, angelfish are known to be erratic swimmers that dart around the aquarium. So, it’s not strange behavior when your angelfish starts swimming in circles. As far as I have experienced, your angelfish might swim in circles whenever they are happy and excited about something.
However, a few threatening reasons can also make your fish swim erratically in circles. Furthermore, if your angelfish is healthy and happy and does not show any other symptoms, then there is no reason to worry. Your little one can swim as much as it wants to!
But what might be the potential causes that make angelfish swim in circles?
Why Is Angelfish Swimming In Circles?
As mentioned above, angelfish is an active fish. Thus, you might experience a lot of swimming habits of them. But swimming in circles is a matter that concerns many aquarists.
Well, it is useless to say that this habit of your fish indicates problems until and unless you find the root cause of this behavior. So, why might be the reason that your angelfish is swimming in circles? Let’s find out!
Several reasons why your angelfish might start swimming in circles. It might be due to the following:
Change In Water Temperature
Angelfish are hardy fish that can adjust to slight fluctuations in water parameters. But still, frequent and huge changes in water temperature can cause your angelfish to swim erratically, including in circles.
This usually happens when you change the tank’s water temperature, such as adding cold water to the tank all at once. Suddenly, changing all the water can also stress your angelfish and make them swim in circles.
Poor Water Quality
By now, you know that angelfish is a freshwater fish. So, they require good water quality to stay healthy and happy. If the water in your tank is not clean and has a lot of ammonia or nitrites, it can make your angelfish sick.
As a result, they might start swimming erratically, including in circles. In addition, poor water quality also reduces oxygen levels in the water, which can also stress your angelfish and make them swim in circles.
Lack Of Hideouts
As angelfish are active fish and love to explore their tanks, they need a lot of hiding places. Usually, my angels hide in live plants, underneath driftwood, or in caves. However, lack of hiding places can make your angelfish stressed.
Your angelfish need their space and privacy, just like we do. So, if they don’t have enough hiding places in the tank, they can swim erratically, including in circles.
Incorrect Water Parameters
You might not believe it, but even a slight change in water parameters can stress your angelfish and make them swim erratically. For example, if the pH levels in your tank are not stable, it can make your angelfish stressed. As a result, they might start swimming in circles.
The same goes for the water temperature and hardness. Again, if these parameters are not within the ideal range, it can stress your angelfish and make them swim erratically.
Angelfish are also sensitive to changes in salinity levels. So, adding salt to the tank can make your angelfish stressed and cause them to swim in circles.
Lack Of Nutrition
A lack of nutrition is another common reason your angelfish might start swimming in circles. Angelfish are omnivorous fish, meaning they need a balanced diet of plant and animal matter to stay healthy.
If your angelfish are not getting enough food or their diet is not balanced, it can cause them to swim erratically, including in circles. In addition, a lack of nutrition can make your angelfish sick and cause them to swim in circles.
Territorial Issues
Angelfish are territorial fish. So, if two or more males angelfish are in the same tank, they might start fighting for territory. When your angelfish becomes aggressive, your buddy might swim in circles. Besides this, keeping angelfish with inappropriate tankmates can also make them territorial and stressed.
As a result, they might start swimming in circles. If you keep more than one angelfish in the same tank, ensure they are of the same size and species. Otherwise, they can start fighting for territory and stressing each other out.
Your Angelfish Might Be Bullied
Angelfish are peaceful fish. But that doesn’t mean other tankmates can’t bully them. If other fish are bullying your angelfish in the tank, it can stress your angelfish. As a result, they might start swimming erratically, including in circles.
Usually, keeping angelfish with larger fish like oscar can cause bullying. So, if you keep more than one angelfish in the same tank, ensure they are of the same size and species. Otherwise, they can start bullying each other and causing stress. Thus, you find your angelfish swimming in circles.
Angelfish are susceptible to several diseases. When your angelfish suffer from a disease, it can cause them to swim erratically, including in circles.
The most common disease that affects angelfish is the hole-in-the-head disease. This disease is caused by poor water quality and a lack of nutrition. In addition, dropsy is also very common in angelfish caused by a bacterial infection and results in your angelfish body swelling up.
Another similar disease that leads to angelfish swimming in circles is the swim bladder disease and fin rot. These infections cause inflammation in the swim bladder and affect the fins. Similarly, parasitic infection is also very common in angelfish and can cause them to swim erratically.
Playful Nature Of Angelfish
Your little angels might want to play with you, so your babies start swimming in circles. Usually, angelfish are known to be playful fish. So, it is not uncommon for them to swim in circles when they see their owners or other fish in the tank.
It might also be a way of showing their affection towards you. Therefore, if your angelfish swim in circles, it might signify that they are happy and healthy. If your angelfish is swimming in circles, and do not show any other symptoms, then there is nothing to worry about.
So, what symptoms show that swimming in circles is a cause for concern? Let’s find out.
My Angelfish Is Swimming In Circles. Is It Serious?
Since angelfish are playful, it’s not unusual to see them chasing each other around or swimming around. But if your angelfish is suddenly swimming in circles all the time, it could be a sign of a health problem. Several signs can indicate your angelfish is sick, including:
- Hiding more than usual
- Loss of appetite
- Coloring changes
- Clamped fins
- Excessive flashing
- Swimming erratically
If your angelfish also shows any of these signs, it’s important to take action. Several possible solutions can help you to resolve the problem.
So, how can you stop your angelfish from swimming in circles?
How To Stop Your Angelfish From Swimming In Circles?
If your angelfish is swimming in circles, it could signify a few different things. It could be that your fish is confused, stressed, or even sick. However, to stop them from swimming erratically, you should take proper care of your angelfish. Generally, a few things that might help you to control your angelfish abnormal swimming are:
Checking The Water Quality
One of the first things you should do if you notice your angelfish swimming in circles is to check the water quality. Ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates can cause stress, leading to abnormal behavior like swimming in circles.
You can test the water yourself with a home testing kit or take a sample of water to your local fish store to have them test it for you. If the water quality is poor, you’ll need to do a water change and add a filter to your tank. Most commonly, the appropriate water parameters for angelfish are:
The temperature of 78 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit, pH of 6.8 to 7.8, nitrate content around 20 ppm, and hardness of 3 to 8 dkH with no ammonia and nitrites. Always keep the water conditions within these ranges if you want a non-aggressive and healthy angelfish.
Improving The Tank Conditions
In addition to checking the water quality, you should also look at the overall conditions of your tank.
Is the tank too small?
Do you have too many fish in the tank?
Are there enough hiding places and plants?
All these factors can contribute to stress in your fish, leading to abnormal behavior like swimming in circles. If you need to, make some changes to improve the conditions of your tank. This could mean adding more plants or decorations, water changing, or even getting a bigger tank.
Monitoring Your Fish
Once you’ve made changes to the water quality and tank conditions, monitoring your fish closely is important.
If swimming in circles continues, it could signify a more serious problem.
It’s always best to consult a veterinarian or fish expert if you’re concerned about your fish’s health. You can even opt for other methodologies to help your angelfish feel more comfortable and stop swimming in circles, such as using a water conditioner.
Adjusting The Water Temperature
One of the angelfish’s main causes of stress is water that’s too cold or too hot. So if you notice your angelfish swimming in circles, check the temperature of the water. It should be between 75 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit.
If the water is too cold, you can use a heater to raise the temperature. If it’s too hot, you can use an air pump or fan to cool the water down. Also, a little high water temperature will be great for the fish to fight off any infection.
When using a heater, adjust it slowly so that your fish can get used to the change in temperature.
Adding Salt In Water
Another method to help reduce stress in your angelfish is adding salt to the water. The recommended amount of salt is one tablespoon per five gallons of water.
Adding salt to the water will also help if your fish has any wounds or infections. Make sure to use a pinch of non-iodized salt and only add the recommended amount. Too much salt can be harmful to your fish.
Giving Your Fish Freshwater Dip
Giving them a freshwater dip can also help reduce stress and promote healing if your fish is sick or has any wounds. You can do a freshwater dip by slowly adding fresh, dechlorinated water to your tank until the water level reaches halfway up the tank. Then, remove your fish from the tank and put them in a separate container filled with freshwater dip.
Adding Aquarium Plants
Another way to help your angelfish feel more comfortable is by adding aquarium plants. Plants provide hiding places for fish and help create a more natural environment. I usually prefer live plants, but you can also use fake plants. Just make sure they don’t have any sharp edges that could hurt your fish.
Some good plants to add to a freshwater tank include Java Ferns, Anubias, and Hornwort. You can find these plants at your local fish store or online.
Image | Plants for tetra aquarium | Link |
Java Moss | ![]() |
Amazon Sword | ![]() |
Hornwort | ![]() |
Java Fern | ![]() |
Anubias Petite | ![]() |
Ludwigia Repens | ![]() |
Anacharis | ![]() |
Brazilian Pennywort | ![]() |
Christmas Moss | ![]() |
Cryptocoryne Wendtii | ![]() |
Changing Diet
What your angelfish eats can also affect its behavior. A diet high in protein is essential for a healthy fish, but too much protein can lead to aggressive behavior.
You should also avoid feeding your fish foods high in fat, as this can cause health problems like swim bladder disease. A good diet for an angelfish includes a variety of live, frozen, and freeze-dried foods. You can also supplement their diet with pellets or flakes.
As you can see, there are several possible reasons why your angelfish is swimming in circles. However, simple changes to their environment and diet can help reduce stress and promote healing.
Recommended food products for angelfish:
- Omega one pellets
- Ocean Nutrition Instant Baby Brine Shrimp 0.7-Ounces (20 Grams) Jar
- Omega One Freeze-Dried Blood Worms, 0.96 oz
- 200 Live Daphnia by Aqua L’amourl
- Hikari Bio-Pure Freeze Dried Daphnia for Pets, 0.42-Ounce
- Hikari Tubifex Worms Fish Food (0.7 oz.) [Set of 2]
Do you have any tips for keeping angelfish healthy and stress-free? Please share them in the comments below!
Why Is My Angelfish Not Swimming?
Sometimes your active angelfish may stop swimming and stay at the bottom of your tank. This is normal behavior and nothing to worry about. Your angelfish may be resting or sleeping. If you notice your angelfish not swimming for more than a day, check your water quality and ensure everything is in order. If everything looks good, your angelfish may just be taking a break.
What Are The Common Diseases In Angelfish?
Angelfish are susceptible to a few diseases, the most common being black spots or ich. Parasitic infection causes black spots, which are caused by poor water quality. Both diseases can be treated with medication from your local fish store.
What Is The Best Food For Angelfish?
A good diet for angelfish includes live food, frozen food, and pellets. Live food such as brine shrimp or bloodworms is a great source of protein for your angelfish. Frozen food such as krill or Mysis shrimp are also a good option and can be found at most pet stores. Finally, pellets are a balanced diet and can also be found at your local fish store.
Why Is My Angelfish Swimming Erratically?
If your angelfish is swimming erratically, it could signify stress. This could be caused by poor water quality, overfeeding, or aggression from other fish. Check your water quality and make sure everything is in order. If everything looks good, try feeding your angelfish smaller meals more often. If you have other fish in your tank, ensure they are not bullying or harassing your angelfish.
In conclusion, if your angelfish is swimming in circles, it could be due to a few different things. The most common cause is poor water quality, which can also be caused by stress, aggression, or parasites. By doing a water test and observing your fish’s behavior, you should be able to determine the cause and find a solution.
My secret to achieving a healthy aquarium is regular water changes and keeping a close eye on my fish. Doing these two things can prevent many problems before they even start.
I hope this article was helpful and that you now better understand why your angelfish is swimming in circles.
Do you have any questions or comments? Leave them below, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!