Benefits Of Keeping Fish: Vastu Shastra and Beyond

Advantage of fishkeeping

For thousands of years, having fish in our homes and workplaces has been linked to far more than mere joy. Both the ancient wisdom of Vastu Shastra and contemporary scientific insights highlight the profound benefits of keeping fish for our overall well-being. When it comes to the ‘Benefits of Keeping Fish,’ it’s clear that these aquatic companions have a lot to offer beyond mere happiness.

Quick Answer:
Keeping fish provides visual beauty and a source of calm and relaxation. Watching fish gracefully swim in your tank can have a soothing effect, reducing stress and potentially bringing financial luck. So, beyond their delightful presence, the benefits of keeping fish extend to enhancing your well-being. If you’re in search of a low-maintenance and captivating pet, consider a fish tank for these valuable benefits.

In this article, we’ll delve into the numerous benefits of keeping fish for your health and home, exploring how they can enrich your life in various ways.

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11 Benefits Of Keeping Fish For Your Health

Did you know that keeping fish can be good for your health? Here are some of the benefits for your health that you can obtain from fish keeping, they are as follows:

1. Reduces Stress

Watching fish swim around in an aquarium is a great way to reduce stress. Just a few minutes of observing fish swimming can lower your stress levels and promote relaxation.

The way fish gracefully move through the water is both fascinating and calming. It’s like watching an amazing show that captures your attention. Those fish activities can help you enter a peaceful and serene state of mind, similar to meditation. Unsurprisingly, fish tanks are often found in places with high stress, such as offices or hospitals. They provide a temporary escape from the chaos of the outside world.

2. Lowers Blood Pressure

Today’s medical science and studies have discovered that watching fish swim can lower your heart rate, providing excellent health benefits. Observing fish in an aquarium creates a peaceful and calming environment, which can help patients feel more relaxed and at ease. This calming effect can have a positive impact on overall well-being.

Fishkeeping is particularly beneficial for older individuals struggling with high blood pressure. Watching fish swim in an aquarium offers a source of enjoyment and relaxation without the need for medication. Observing fish’s serene and peaceful nature can lower stress levels and decrease blood pressure. It provides a non-pharmacological approach to managing high blood pressure, which can be especially valuable for older people seeking alternative support methods.

3. Improves Mental Health

Caring for a fish tank can positively impact your mental health. It goes beyond just providing a visually appealing display; it offers a sense of responsibility and purpose that can be especially valuable when you’re facing depression or other mental health challenges.

Tending to the fish and maintaining their tank creates a routine and a sense of structure in your daily life. This can bring a much-needed focus and a feeling of being needed, which can be incredibly therapeutic.

Watching the fish glide through their underwater world is interesting. It’s like having your special place, like an underwater sanctuary, where you can relax and feel at ease.

As you observe, the peaceful swimming of the fish can help reduce anxiety and stress, giving your mind a chance to find peace and calmness. It’s a simple but powerful way to feel happier and improve your overall mental well-being.

4. Improves Respiratory Health

If you have a planted tank setup, it releases small oxygen-filled bubbles, improving the air quality in your surroundings. Moreover, fish tanks act as natural humidifiers, which is particularly beneficial if you reside in a dry climate or experience respiratory problems such as allergies or asthma.

The moisture emitted from the tank helps maintain a moist environment, making it easier for you to breathe comfortably. So, having a fish tank provides a simple and natural way to enhance the air you breathe and improves your overall respiratory health.

Furthermore, a fish tank can help reduce airborne pollutants and allergens, creating a cleaner and healthier atmosphere. The combination of improved air quality and optimal humidity levels can alleviate respiratory discomfort, minimize the frequency of respiratory issues, and enhance your overall well-being.

5. Reduce Pain And Discomfort

You might notice a fish tank there when you go for a check-up at a doctor’s or dentist’s office. It’s not just for decoration, as studies have shown that watching fish swim in an aquarium can decrease stress and anxiety in waiting patients. It’s a simple and effective way to help you relax and feel more at ease. Interestingly, this calming effect can even reduce your pain during your appointment.

Observing fish in a tank provides a visually relaxing and captivating experience that helps distract your mind from any discomfort or worries. It shifts your focus and creates a more positive environment, making your visit more pleasant. The calm movements of the fish and the serene atmosphere they create contribute to a sense of peacefulness, easing any potential pain or discomfort you may be experiencing.

So, the next time you find yourself in a medical or dental waiting room, take a moment to enjoy the fish in the aquarium. It’s a small but effective way to reduce stress, anxiety, and pain perception.

6. Improves Sleep

If you struggle to sleep at night, here’s a simple and natural solution: keep a fish tank in your bedroom. Having fish in your home can create a peaceful atmosphere that helps you relax and unwind, reducing the stress and anxiety that may keep you awake.

Instead of depending solely on medication, consider setting up a fish tank as a calming and effective way to improve your sleep. Not only will it add beauty to your space, but it can also provide a peaceful environment conducive to a restful night’s sleep. So, why give it a try and experience the benefits for yourself?

7. Increase Physical Activity

Caring for a fish tank involves routine cleaning and maintenance, including water changes, algae scrubbing, and rearranging decorations. Although these activities may not feel like a traditional workout, they provide opportunities to engage in physical movement. You need to move your body, get up, and change positions while performing these tasks, which can improve flexibility and overall physical fitness.

These activities require you to be on the move and engage in various muscle groups, such as your arms, shoulders, and core. Scrubbing algae or rearranging decorations can involve reaching and stretching, providing a gentle exercise. Additionally, maintaining a fish tank encourages regular physical activity as part of your daily routine, which benefits your overall health and well-being.

So, while you may not realize it, tending to your fish tank can serve as a low-impact exercise that promotes movement and flexibility. It’s a practical and enjoyable way to incorporate physical activity into your day-to-day life.

8. Enhance Focus And Concentration

Have you ever taken a moment to appreciate the captivating beauty of fish gracefully gliding through the water? It’s truly amazing! But did you know that watching these enchanting creatures can do more than entertain us? It can have a positive impact on our focus and concentration.

When we observe fish swimming, our brain becomes engrossed in their fluid movements and vibrant colors. This visual stimulation activates certain brain areas responsible for attention and focus. As a result, our ability to concentrate on tasks or while studying is greatly enhanced.

Research has shown that incorporating fish tanks or aquariums in environments where concentration is essential, such as classrooms or workspaces, can yield significant benefits.

So, the next time you need an extra boost of concentration or a moment of calmness, consider turning to the underwater world of fish. Whether observing them in a natural habitat or setting up a small aquarium, you might discover a fascinating way to enhance your focus while immersing yourself in the amazing wonders of aquatic life.

9. Visual Stimulation

With their vibrant colors, graceful movements, and complicated patterns, fish provide visual stimulation that benefits individuals with visual impairments and those seeking visual interest.

Observing fish offers a unique and enriching experience for people with visual impairments. Despite differences in perceiving colors and details, the movement and contrast of fish provide valuable visual stimulation, improving spatial awareness and understanding of the environment.

The captivating colors and patterns fish exhibit engage individuals seeking visual interest and inspiration. These complex designs and harmonious combinations stimulate creativity and prompt wonder, making fish a great source of artistic inspiration.

So, whether you have a visual impairment or seek inspiration, explore the vibrant colors, graceful movements, and intricate fish patterns. Immerse yourself in their captivating world and let visual stimulation enhance your perception and bring joy to your life.

10. Improve Mood And Happiness

Have you ever noticed how watching fish swim in an aquarium uplifts your mood and brings happiness? This simple act is associated with a boost in positive emotions, contributing to your overall well-being.

The calm nature of observing fish in their underwater world profoundly impacts our emotions. It creates a calming and soothing effect, allowing us to momentarily escape the stresses of daily life. The gentle movements, the play of light, and the peaceful environment of an aquarium create an atmosphere that promotes relaxation and a sense of peace.

Research has shown that this immersive experience of watching fish can lead to an increase in positive emotions. It triggers the release of endorphins, the feel-good chemicals in our brain, which can elevate our mood and generate happiness. This effect particularly benefits individuals experiencing stress, anxiety, or low moods.

11. Alleviation Of Loneliness And Isolation

Are you familiar with the delicate presence of an aquarium and the sense of companionship it can offer? For those who experience loneliness or isolation, having an aquarium can be incredibly comforting, providing a connection with living beings and combating feelings of loneliness, ultimately improving overall well-being.

Loneliness and isolation can significantly impact our mental and emotional health. However, the presence of an aquarium can offer comfort and a sense of companionship, even when human interaction may be limited. The fish swimming gracefully in the tank become our silent companions, providing a visual display of life and vitality.

The calming effect of watching fish in an aquarium can help alleviate loneliness and create a dynamic environment that captivates our attention and offers a welcome distraction from solitude. The rhythmic patterns of their swimming can be almost hypnotic, providing a soothing backdrop to our daily lives.

Additionally, caring for fish and attending an aquarium can instill a sense of purpose and responsibility. Feeding them, ensuring their well-being, and maintaining a healthy environment foster a connection with these creatures. This connection brings a feeling of being needed and valued, reducing isolation and enhancing our overall well-being.

9 Additional Benefits Of Keeping Fish Aquarium At Home

Apart from the health benefits, keeping a fish aquarium at home has several other benefits. Here are some of them:

1. Improves Social Skills

Keeping a fish aquarium at home can improve social skills, particularly for children. Caring for fish can teach them responsibility and empathy towards other living beings. It can also provide a common interest for family members and friends, allowing bonding and socialization.

2. Keeps The Environment Relaxed

The gentle sounds of water flowing and bubbles bubbling can add to the overall soothing environment of the room. Having a fish aquarium at home can also create a main point for meditation and mindfulness practices. It can be a great way to disconnect from technology and the outside world and focus on the present moment.

3. Opportunity For Children

A fish aquarium will give children a chance to learn plenty of things. They can learn about the entire process, from researching the different types of fish to setting up the aquarium and learning how to care for them. They can also develop a sense of discipline by establishing a feeding routine and maintaining their fish. It is also the best way to bond strongly with family members.

4. Potential Benefit For Seniors

As people age, their health needs change, and an aquarium can help improve their well-being in many ways. Also, having an aquarium in the dining room can encourage seniors to eat more and require fewer supplements.

One major benefit is that it can significantly reduce blood pressure in older adults, which is especially important since high blood pressure is a common health issue among seniors

5. Low-Maintenance Pet

Compared to other pets, fish are relatively low-maintenance and cost-effective. It can be a great option for people worried about the time and cost of caring for animals. With proper setup and regular care, you can enjoy the beauty and relaxation of your fish aquarium without spending much money or time on them.

6. Cost-effective Hobby

Maintaining a fish tank is relatively inexpensive compared to other hobbies like traveling or collecting rare items. Additionally, the ongoing maintenance costs are minimal once the initial setup is complete. As a hobby, it can be relaxing and enjoyable and is a great way to beautify any living space.

7. Increase Productivity

Did you know that the presence of fish can boost productivity and performance? It’s true! These underwater creatures’ calming and serene presence makes them a valuable addition to work environments and study spaces.

Research has shown that observing fish can positively impact our intellectual abilities and attention span. The peaceful nature of their movements and the peacefulness of an aquarium creates an atmosphere conducive to focus and concentration. This, in turn, enhances our productivity and overall performance in tasks and activities.

8. Increase Empathy

Have you ever considered how watching fish can make us more caring and understanding? It’s amazing how observing their actions can help us learn to care for and relate to these interesting underwater creatures.

When we spend time watching fish, we start to notice their unique behaviors and how they interact with each other. This helps us understand their needs and experiences, which makes us more empathetic. We begin to see the world from their perspective and feel a deeper sense of compassion.

This empathy we develop by watching fish continues beyond there. It also affects how we treat other living things in and out of the water. We become more caring and considerate towards all creatures, whether they swim or walk, fostering a greater sense of kindness in our lives.

9. Improve Patience And Relaxation Skills

Taking care of an aquarium can help you develop patience and relaxation skills. It’s fascinating how maintaining an aquarium, with its attention to detail and regular care, can positively influence your overall sense of patience and relaxation.

Engaging in the regular upkeep of an aquarium teaches you the value of patience. It’s a gradual process that involves monitoring water quality, feeding the fish, and creating a harmonious environment. As you observe the gradual growth and development of the fish and plants, you learn to appreciate the beauty of slow progress and develop a patient mindset.

The sound of water and the dynamic colors of fish all contribute to a sense of calm and relaxation. Focusing on the aquarium’s needs and maintaining balance becomes a meditative practice, helping you cultivate relaxation skills that can be applied to other areas of your life.

What Is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is a traditional Chinese practice that aims to create a harmonious and joyful living space. It aims to establish a positive environment that enhances your well-being and prosperity.

In the practice of Feng Shui, various elements such as colors, shapes, and natural components are utilized to cultivate positive energy in your home or workplace. It is widely believed that by applying Feng Shui principles, one can enhance their happiness and achieve greater success in life. People from diverse cultures around the globe accept Feng Shui to cultivate a sense of calmness and happiness in their homes and work environments.

What Is The Relationship Between A Fish Tank And Feng Shui?

Have you ever wondered about the connection between a fish tank and Feng Shui? Well, let me explain it to you in simple terms. Feng Shui is all about bringing good luck and positive vibes into your life, and having a fish tank can help with that.

You see, the movement of the fish swimming around and the soothing sound of the water can create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere. It’s like having your little zen corner. That’s why a fish tank is considered an important element in Feng Shui because it helps to activate the flow of positive energy.

In Feng Shui, the number and type of fish in the tank matter too. For instance, having eight fish in the tank is considered lucky. Certain fish species like goldfish and koi are believed to bring wealth and prosperity. So, it’s a good idea to choose healthy and happy fish and take good care of them. That way, they can bring positive energy into your space.

Now, let’s talk about where to place the fish tank for optimal Feng Shui energy flow and harmony. It’s usually recommended to position the tank in a room’s “wealth” or “prosperity” area, typically the far left corner. By doing so, you invite abundance and good fortune into your space.

However, avoid placing the tank in a noisy or busy area as it can disrupt the positive energy flow. With proper care and thoughtful placement, a fish tank can be a beautiful and powerful addition to any room, following the principles of Feng Shui.

Positive Effects Of Having A Fish Aquarium According To Vastu Shastra

Setting up a fish aquarium following Vastu principles is believed to attract auspicious energy, create a calming and serene environment, and bring good luck and prosperity. Here are some benefits of having a fish aquarium, according to Vastu Shastra, they are as follows:

  1. Keeping a fish tank at home or office has several benefits, including positive vibes and good health.
  2. When a fish dies naturally, it is believed that at least one of our problems ends permanently.
  3. A fish aquarium produces positive energy and eliminates harmful energies, contributing to its health benefits.
  4. Good, healthy, active fish attract good fortune, wealth, and happiness, making fish advantageous.
  5. Observing fish in an aquarium relaxes and calms the human mind, which is considered a form of meditation and another health benefit.
  6. According to Vastu Sastra, giving food to hungry fish adds to our good karma.
  7. In Hindu mythology, fish are believed to absorb negative energy and radiate positive energy.
  8. Placing a fish aquarium can eliminate Vastu defects and solve problems in your home or office.
  9. Colorful, attractive, and active fish attract guests’ attention and emit negative energy, which is absorbed by the aquarium and converted into positive energy.

Tips from Vastu Shastra on How to Keep Aquarium Fish

If you’re interested in applying Vastu Shastra principles while keeping an aquarium fish, there are specific guidelines for creating a positive energy flow in your space. You need to set up your aquarium with Vastu principles to enhance the positive vibrations and bring balance to your living environment. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Only keep healthy and ornamental fish in the tank.
  2. House nine fish in the tank, eight of the same type and one of another breed.
  3. A combination of dragonfish and goldfish is considered auspicious.
  4. Replace any fish that dies naturally with a new one immediately.
  5. Keep the fish tank well, bubbly, clean, and hygienic with the help of water filters, pumps, and circulation devices.
  6. Feed the fish regularly and clean the tank regularly.
  7. Locate the fish tank in the living room or a room, according to Vastu Shastra.
  8. Do not place the fish tank in the kitchen, as it can cause food-related medical problems.
  9. Within the living room, place the fish tank in a north or east direction, according to Vastu Shastra.
  10. Take your time, and don’t rush to place or relocate your aquarium.

How A Fish Aquarium Can Help With Vastu Defects?

The way you arrange things in your home can affect your life. That’s the reason why Vastu Shastra is necessary. It’s a special way of arranging things so that you have positive energy in your home. But sometimes, even with Vastu, there can be problems. So, that’s why you should have proper knowledge about the fish aquarium.

Having a fish aquarium in your home can help with Vastu problems. It’s a special trick that Vastu specialists recommend to make things better. It’s not just for homes; your Offices, stores, schools, factories, and other places can all benefit from having a fish aquarium.

So why does a fish aquarium work? It’s because fish are believed to absorb negative energy and radiate positive energy. So, if there’s a Vastu problem in your home or workplace, a fish aquarium can help fix it.

You can watch what positive changes can correct way of placing a fish aquarium can bring in your home. Also, watching the fish swim around can be very relaxing and calming for your mind. It’s like having a little piece of nature right in your home.

What Are Some Suitable Fish Species For An Aquarium According To Vastu Shastra?

According to Vastu Shastra, certain fish species are considered auspicious and are recommended to be kept in an aquarium. These fish species are believed to bring positive energy, prosperity, and good luck into the household. But, you should check the compatibility of fish with each other for a healthy aquarium. Here are some suitable fish species for an aquarium, according to Vastu Shastra:

1. Goldfish

goldfish care

Goldfish are one of the most popular aquarium choices and are believed to bring wealth and prosperity into the household. They are also believed to have a calming effect on the mind and body.

2. Arowana

Snow Arowana | arowana fish diseases and treatment

Arowana is a popular fish species among aquarists and is believed to bring good luck and prosperity. It is also known as the “dragon fish” and is believed to have protective powers.

3. Betta Fish

Betta fish | Labyrinth Fish

Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are believed to bring good luck and positive energy into the household. They are easy to care for and come in a variety of colors.

4. Koi Fish

Koi Fish

Koi fish are popular in outdoor ponds but can also be kept in aquariums. They are believed to bring wealth and prosperity into the household and are associated with good luck and longevity.

5. Catfish


Catfish are believed to have a calming effect on the mind and body and are associated with positive energy. They are also easy to care for and come in various colors and patterns.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about fish keeping and its relation to your health and home, they are as follows:

Can Keeping Fish Improve The Air Quality Of My Home?

Yes, keeping fish in an aquarium can improve the air quality of your home. Fish tanks with aquatic plants and live fish create a natural ecosystem that can help remove toxins from the air, including carbon dioxide and ammonia, and release oxygen. Aquatic plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis, which can help purify the air in your home.

Which Fish Is Recommended By Vastu Shastra For Bringing Wealth And Prosperity?

One of the fish that Vastu Shastra recommends for bringing wealth and prosperity is the Arowana fish, also known as the “Dragon fish” or “Goldfish.” This fish is native to Southeast Asia and is believed to have a strong positive energy that can bring good fortune and abundance to the home or workplace. The Arowana fish is known for its unique appearance, with its scales resembling those of a dragon, and is also believed to have a powerful protective energy.

Can Keeping A Fish Tank In The Bedroom Be Beneficial As Per Vastu Shastra?

Yes, According to Vastu Shastra, keeping a fish tank in the bedroom can be beneficial if certain guidelines are followed. The fish tank should be placed in the north, east, or northeast direction of the bedroom, and the tank size should be appropriate for the room. The number of fish should be odd, preferably nine or less, and the tank should be kept clean and well-maintained. Overall, a fish tank in the bedroom can attract positive energy and bring good luck and prosperity if placed in the right direction and well-maintained, without disturbing the overall harmony of the bedroom.


Fish tanks and aquariums can bring numerous benefits to your health and well-being, as well as your luck, according to Vastu Shastra. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, they have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety and even improve air quality. They can also serve as a low-maintenance and cost-effective way to enjoy the benefits of pet ownership.

So, if you’re looking for a way to enhance your home or office environment, consider adding a fish tank or aquarium and reap the many benefits they offer.

I hope you have understood the benefits of keeping fish, according to Vastu Shastra. If you still have any confusion, feel free to ask. Until then, take care and stay tuned.

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