Do Guppy Fish Give Live Birth?

Do Guppy Fish Give Live Birth

Guppy fish is a popular pet fish that many people enjoy keeping in their homes. But one question often arises whether or not guppies give birth to live young. Do guppy fish give live birth? This is a question that many people have, and the answer might surprise you.

Yes, guppy fish give live birth! Guppies are ovoviviparous, giving birth to young lives that have developed and grown inside the mother’s egg sac. The fry, or baby guppies, are born fully formed and ready to start swimming and eating independently.

This blog post will discuss everything you need to know about guppy fish giving birth. We will cover topics such as how long guppies are pregnant, how often they give live birth, and whether or not they can do so without males. Keep reading to learn more!

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Do Guppy Fish Give Live Birth?

Yes, guppy fish give live birth. Guppies are ovoviviparous, meaning they keep their eggs inside their bodies until they are ready to hatch.

So, if someone says they have seen guppy fish laying eggs, they are mistaken. Guppies do not lay eggs like most other fish species. Instead, the female guppy will keep the eggs inside her until they are ready to hatch and be born alive.

Guppy fry is born fully formed and free-swimming. They provide no parental care and are on their own from birth. Female guppies can have anywhere from two to hundreds of fry at once.

Now that you know all about how guppy fish give birth, you may be wondering if there is anything you can do to help them during this time. The good news is that there is not much you need to do!

Just make sure the water is clean, and there are plenty of places for the guppy fry to hide. After that, it is just a waiting game.

Finally, the fry will be born looking like miniature versions of their parents and will be able to swim and feed on their own.

How Does Guppy Fish Give Live Birth?

Guppy fish give live birth by internal fertilization. The male guppy will deposit his sperm inside the female’s body, and the eggs are fertilized internally. The fry (baby guppies) develop inside the mother’s body until they are ready to be born.

The female guppy will give birth by expelling the fry out through her vent, located at the base of her tailfin. You will see them dropping fry one by one or a few at a time.

The fry is born fully formed and independent and will start swimming and feeding on its own immediately.

How Long Are Guppies Pregnant?

Guppy fish are pregnant for around 21-30 days. However, it is not uncommon for guppies to have a gestation period of up to 45 days, but the average number of days is always 28.

The reason why the gestation period of guppy fish is so short is that they have live births. This means that the fry is born fully developed and able to fend for themselves, as opposed to other fish species where the fry are born helpless and need to be cared for by the parents.

How Often Do Guppy Fish Give Live Birth?

Guppy fish can give birth every 28 days if the conditions are ideal (temperature, food, etc.). However, in most cases, they will give live birth every 60-90 days.

This can vary depending on the temperature of the water, the size of the female, and the number of fry she is carrying. Guppies can have anywhere from two to over one hundred fry.

The average is about twenty-five. Guppies usually have a new batch of fry every four to six weeks, but this also varies depending on the conditions they are kept in.

Can Guppy Fish Give Birth Without Males?

Yes, guppy fish can give birth without males, but only if they have mated once within the last six months.

These female guppies are clever and store sperms from their mate. This is called superfetation and allows the female guppy to get pregnant without a male present. It’s similar to how some mammals can get pregnant with sperm that was frozen for years!

You may get a pleasant surprise when you see baby guppies in your tank and don’t even remember adding any new adults recently. This is probably because the female was already pregnant when you got her!

If you want your female guppy to have baby guppies regularly, keeping a male around so she can mate frequently is best.

This will also help ensure that your baby guppies are healthy and have a good chance of survival. Otherwise, if you don’t want any more baby guppies, you can simply remove the male from the tank.

How To Tell Guppy Fish Are Pregnant?

The signs of pregnancy in guppy fish are not as apparent as in other animals, but there are still some things to look for. The biggest sign that your guppy is pregnant is that her belly will begin to swell. The developing fry inside her causes this.

Other signs of pregnancy in guppies include:

  • Darkening of the gravid spot
  • A change in behavior, such as becoming more reclusive
  • Eating less
  • Hiding more often

If you suspect your guppy is pregnant, the best thing to do is to provide her with a well-planted tank with plenty of hiding spots. This will help her feel safe and secure and make it easier for her to give birth when the time comes.

How To Tell If Guppy Fish Is About To Give Birth?

As a guppy fish’s gestation period is 28 days, you can expect your fish to give birth any time after this. However, certain signs indicate that your guppy is about to give birth sooner rather than later.

For example, her belly will become much larger and more round as the babies develop. Additionally, you may see a change in her behavior – she may become more aggressive or start swimming erratically.

Finally, the gravid spot – a dark area on her belly near her tail – will become much more visible as she gets closer to giving birth. So if you see any of these signs, get ready – your guppy fish is about to have babies!

Do Guppy Fish Give Birth At Night?

Guppy fish usually give birth at night or in the early morning hours. If you notice your guppy fish acting restless during the day, they are likely getting ready to give birth. Turn on a small aquarium light at night to check on them periodically.

It seems weird at first to see guppy babies suddenly when there were no signs before you turned off the light to go to bed. But that’s just how it happens!

Most of the time, everything goes smoothly, but other times the mother guppy will eat her babies if she is famished.

However, sometimes problems can arise. If you notice any of the following signs, it’s best to remove the mother fish from the tank:

  • Excessive tail or fin biting
  • Excessive scratching on tank surfaces
  • Refusing to eat
  • Hiding away from the rest of the fish

All these can be signs that the mother guppy is under stress, leading to her eating her babies. If you remove her from the tank, she will likely calm down, and you can put her back in with the rest of the fish once she has given birth.

Do Guppy Fish Die After Giving Birth?

Guppy fish generally do not die after giving birth; however, it is not unheard of. If your guppy fish dies after giving birth, it is likely due to complications during labor or delivery, such as stress, exhaustion, or lack of food and water.

It is important to ensure that your guppy fish has a clean and comfortable place to give birth and that you feed her well during her pregnancy. If you are concerned about your guppy fish’s health, it is always best to consult with a veterinarian.

Do Guppy Fish Give Birth All At Once?

No, guppy fish do not give birth all at once. Guppies are livebearers, meaning they give birth to live young rather than laying eggs.

They give birth to anywhere from two to hundreds of babies at a time, depending on the size and health of the mother.

The average litter size for a healthy guppy fish is about 20 baby guppies. However, it is not unusual for a guppy fish to have up to 50 or more babies at a time.


In conclusion, guppy fish give live birth as they are livebearers, meaning they give birth to live young rather than laying eggs. It is not rocket science and is quite common in the animal kingdom. Guppies are pregnant for around a month before giving birth to anywhere between two and one hundred fry at a time! If you have both male and female guppies in your tank, then it is likely that the female will become pregnant sooner or later.

If you have questions or want to know more about guppy fish, please leave a comment below, and I will be happy to help! Thanks for reading. 🙂

Good Luck!!

Happy Fishkeeping!!