How Can Guppies Stay In A Breeding Box?

How Can Guppy Fish Stay In A Breeding Box

You’ve probably heard of guppy fish if you’re a fish enthusiast. These small fish are popular in aquariums because they are small, colorful, and relatively easy to care for. However, breeding guppy fish can be tricky. If you’re looking to breed guppy fish, you should know how you need to separate them from the main tank to protect them. And you can keep them separate using equipment, i.e., a breeding box. But how can guppies stay in a breeding box?

Guppies can stay happily in the breeding box in the proper environment. The breeding box should have plenty of hiding places and vegetation for the fish to feel secure. It has a few holes in the top so water and oxygen can circulate. The idea is to keep the fry (baby guppies) in the breeding box until they’re big enough to survive on their own in the main tank.

This blog post will discuss how guppies can stay in a breeding box and how to breed them successfully! We will also discuss the different types of breeding boxes available on the market and when you should let your fry out of the breeder box. So, if you’re interested in learning more about breeding guppy fish, keep reading!

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How Can Guppies Stay In A Breeding Box?

A guppy fish breeder box is a small aquarium that houses guppy fish during mating and birthing. The breeding box is typically placed inside a larger aquarium.

The breeding box allows the guppy fry (baby fish) to live and grow in a safe environment away from predators.

Hence, Guppy fish stay in a breeding box because it is a safe place to mate and give birth. The breeding box also protects the guppy fry from predators.

Guppy fish breeders use different breeding boxes, but most have a few common features. For example, breeding boxes usually have a small opening to maintain airflow and meet oxygen demand.

There should also be some plants or decorations inside the breeding box for the guppies to hide. These help the guppies feel safe and secure while in the breeding box.

Guppy fish can stay in a breeding box for different amounts of time, depending on the breeder’s preference.

Some breeders remove the female guppy after birth, while others keep her in the breeding box until the fry are ready to be released into the main aquarium.

What Does A Breeder Box For Guppies Look Like?

The guppy breeder box is just like a fish tank but has few modifications. For starters, the water in the breeding box is shallow – about an inch or two would suffice.

Secondly, you need to keep plenty of plants in the breeding box; live plants or artificial plants do not really matter.

The plants will provide hiding spots for the fry and the female guppy fish. Thirdly, you should use a lid on the breeding box.

This ensures that the fry does not escape from the breeding box. Lastly, make sure that the water in the breeding box is well-aerated.

How Does A Guppy Breeder Box Work?

Well, it is no rocket science and is pretty simple, actually. Now that we know what a guppy breeder box looks like, let us see how it works.

The working mechanism is pretty basic. It has an inlet and a water outlet. The inlet is placed near the top so water can flow in easily. The outlet is placed at the bottom to flush out the waste easily.

There is a divider in between, which creates two compartments – one for the female guppy fish and one for the male guppy fish.

The female guppy fish will give birth to guppy fry inside the breeding box. The fry will grow in the breeding box until they are big enough to be sold, or you can move them to your main aquarium. The fry cannot escape the breeding box as the mesh is too small for them to fit through.

How Long Can A Female Guppy Be In The Breeder Box?

This is a difficult question to answer because it depends on many factors, such as the size of the breeder box, the number of other fish in the box, the temperature of the water, etc.

Removing the female after giving birth is best if you use a small breeder box. If you use a larger breeder box, you can leave her in longer, but monitor the water quality closely.

But I suggest you remove the female guppy immediately as guppy parents tend to eat their babies. I know this sounds absurd, but it is true.

So, to avoid this, take out the female guppy as soon as she has given birth and put her in a separate tank.

When Should I Let My Guppy Fry Out Of The Breeder Box?

This is another difficult question to answer. It depends on the size of your fry, the number of other fish in the tank, and the predators in your tank. If you have large fry, they may be able to compete with other fish for food.

If you have a lot of other fish in the tank, the fry may not have enough places to hide. And if you have predators in the tank, the fry may be at risk of being eaten.

The best thing to do is to experiment and see what works best for your fry. I would recommend starting with letting the fry out when they are about two weeks old.

It would help if you waited until your guppy fry is three to four months old before letting them out of the breeding box.

How To Know Guppy Fish Is Pregnant?

There are a few ways to tell if your guppy is pregnant. One way is to look at her belly. If her belly is swollen, she is probably pregnant. Another way to tell is to look at her gravid spot.

The gravid spot is a dark patch on the guppy’s belly that gets darker when she is pregnant. It would help if you looked at the behavior of your guppy too.

Pregnant guppies tend to become more sluggish and have a decreased appetite. If you think your guppy is pregnant, putting her in a breeding trap or breeder box is best.

Separating the pregnant guppy will help protect her from other fish and give her peace and quiet. It will also make it easier for you to keep an eye on her and the fry when they are born.

What To Do After Guppy Fish Finish Giving Birth?

Once your guppy has given birth after nearly 21 to 30 days, you must remove her from the breeding trap or breeder box. The reason is that the mother will eat her own fry if you give them a chance.

You should also remove any dead fry from the tank. Dead fry can contaminate the water and make the other fish sick.

Also, remember to feed both the female and babies shortly after birth. A good rule of thumb is to feed them about twice or thrice daily.

When Can You Start Breeding Guppy Fish?

You can start breeding guppy fish when they are two to three months old. The female guppy will be ready to mate when they reach sexual maturity and have a gravid spot.

The male guppy will be ready to mate when their gonopodium is fully developed. The gonopodium is a modified anal fin that transfers sperm to the female.

How To Breed Guppy Fish?

Now that you know when your guppies are ready to breed, it’s time to start the process. The first thing you need to do is set up a breeding tank.

You should have a breeding tank of at least 20 gallons and have a lot of hiding places for the fry. Hiding places are important because the fry is very small and vulnerable to being eaten by other fish.

After you have set up the tank, it’s time to choose the parents. Again, choosing two healthy guppies around the same size is best.

The next step is to put the female guppy in the breeding tank and let her acclimate for a few hours. Once she is acclimated, you can add the male guppy to the tank.

The male guppy will chase the female around until she allows him to mate. The mating process is quick and only lasts for a few seconds.

After completing the mating process, you can remove the male guppy from the tank. Then, he does not need to be in the tank any longer and can be put back in his own tank.

The female guppy will stay in the breeding tank until she gives birth. So it’s important to keep an eye on her and ensure she is healthy.

After giving birth to young ones, you can remove the female guppy from the breeding tank and put her back in her own tank.

How Long Is Guppy Fish Pregnant?

Guppy fish are pregnant for around 28 to 30 days. But it may differ depending on the number of fry she is carrying.

The bigger the number of fry, the shorter the pregnancy period will be. If your guppy is pregnant with her first batch of fry, the pregnancy period may be a little longer. You will need to provide the female guppy with plenty of food and hiding places during this time.

It would help if you did partial water changes weekly to keep the water quality high. Then, after the guppy has given birth, you can remove her from the breeding tank.

How Do Guppy Fish Mate?

Guppy fish mate by the male chasing the female and biting her side using a process called spawning.

Spawning is when the male guppy fish releases his sperm into the water, and the female guppy fish picks it up in her gills.

Guppy fish mate by the male transferring sperm to the female using his gonopodium. The male will chase the female around until she allows him to mate. The mating process is quick and only lasts a few seconds.

These fish are livebearer fish, meaning guppies give birth to live young. The female guppy fish can store the sperm in her gills for up to six weeks, and she will release it when she is ready to mate again.

The gestation period for a guppy fish is anywhere from 21 to 30 days. The female guppy fish will give birth to anywhere from 20 to 100 fry at a time.

How Often Do Guppy Fish Reproduce?

Guppy fish can reproduce every 30 days if the conditions are ideal. Afterward, the female guppy fish will release the fry into the water and fend for themselves.

The fry is born fully developed and able to swim and feed independently. They will hide amongst plants and rocks until they are big enough to defend themselves from predators.


In conclusion, Guppy fish are easy to care for and make great pets for both beginners and experienced aquarium owners. They are a hardy species that can tolerate a wide range of water conditions and are relatively disease-resistant. Hence, they can easily stay in the breeding box during their pregnancy. Nevertheless, providing them with the best possible care is still what I recommend to ensure a successful breeding process, and the health of both the fry and the parents is still recommended. You can start breeding guppy fish as early as six weeks of age with proper care and attention.

If you have any questions or queries regarding this blog post, please comment below, and I’ll be more than happy to answer them. Thank you for reading!

Good Luck!!

Happy Guppy Keeping!!

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