How Long Is Guppy Fish Pregnant?

How Long Is Guppy Fish Pregnant

Are you raising a pregnant guppy in your tank? Or does your female guppy seem pregnant all of a sudden? I know the questions, curiosity, and excitement that follow the pregnancy and how desperate we become to see baby guppies in the tank. But there is always a time span you must wait for before you start seeing the baby drop in the tank. So, how long do you actually have to wait? How long is guppy fish pregnant for?

Guppy fish are not usually pregnant for that long, and the gestation period lasts for about 21 to 30 days while the number fluctuates often; the average gestation period of guppies is 28 days. However, you’ll know when your guppy is pregnant because her belly will start to swell, and she’ll look much rounder. She may also have a gravid spot, a dark patch on her belly filled with blood vessels.

During pregnancy, your guppy will start to eat more than usual and may also become more aggressive towards other fish in the tank. Once your guppy gives birth, you’ll see anywhere from 20 to 100 baby guppies swimming around in the tank.

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This blog post will answer that question and talk about other aspects of guppy breeding. We will also discuss what to do when guppies are pregnant and what to expect after they give birth.

How Long Is Guppy Fish Pregnant?

Guppy fish are pregnant for around a month, between 21 to 30 days. However, the gestation period can vary depending on the species of guppy fish. For instance, fancy guppies tend to have a shorter gestation period than common guppies.

The average length of time for guppy fish to stay pregnant is 28 days long. However, like all animals, there can be some variation in this timeframe.

For example, some guppy fish may be pregnant for as little as 21 days, while others may be pregnant for up to a month.

Guppy fish usually give birth to around 20-100 babies at a time, although the number of offspring can vary depending on the size and health of the mother.

The fry, or baby guppies, are usually born fully formed and able to swim independently. However, they are very small and vulnerable to predators. For this reason, providing hiding places for the fry in the aquarium is important.

How Do You Know When Guppy Fish Are Pregnant?

You can look out for a few signs to know when your guppy fish is pregnant. I will list some of the most common signs below:

  1. For instance, you might notice your guppy’s belly getting bigger and rounder.
  2. Pregnant guppy fish have a dark gravid spot near their vent area (between the anus and the tailfin base).
  3. This gravid spot becomes more visible as the guppy’s pregnancy progresses and she gets closer to giving birth. It serves as a sort of “camouflage” for the developing fry and helps the female guppy release them when they are ready to be born.
  4. Another sign that a guppy is pregnant is that she will begin to eat more than usual. This is because she needs to nourish herself and her developing fry.

If you are unsure whether your guppy is pregnant, you can always ask your veterinarian for help.

How Many Babies Does A Pregnant Guppy Fish Have?

A pregnant guppy fish’s number of babies can vary, but the average is between 20 and 100 fry (baby guppies). The size and health of the mother guppy will determine how many fry she has.

Additionally, the number of times a guppy has given birth will also affect the size of her litter. First-time mothers tend to have smaller litters than those who have had multiple births.

However, you need to understand only 25 to 30% of those babies survive and attain guppy fish’s full lifespan of about two years.

The other 70 to 75% will die before they are even a year old, due mainly to predation and poor water conditions.

So when you see a pregnant guppy fish in your aquarium, don’t be too excited that she will have 100 babies because the chances are high that only 20 or so of them will survive to adulthood.

How Do I Know When Guppy Will Give Birth?

You can usually tell when a guppy is about to give birth because she will become noticeably bigger, and her gravid spot will darken.

The gravid spot is an area on the underside of the guppy near her tail that becomes darker when she is pregnant.

This happens because the blood vessels in the area expand to accommodate the growing eggs inside her.

Also, your guppy fish will suddenly stop eating around delivery time while continuously shaking or staying in one place for longer.

If you see any of these signs, prepare for the new arrivals because birth is imminent! However, the gravid spot is not always a reliable indicator of pregnancy, as it can also darken when the guppy is sick or stressed. If you are unsure whether or not your guppy is pregnant, the best thing to do is to consult a veterinarian.

What Are The Breeding Behaviors Of Guppy Fish?

Guppy fish are livebearers, which means they give birth to live young instead of laying eggs. The female guppy will carry the babies (called fry) in her ventral (belly) fin until they are ready to be born.

But knowing the breeding behavior is important to figure out what to expect from guppies and when to expect the babies.

Guppies reach sexual maturity anywhere from four to six weeks old. Once they mature, they will start to breed with other guppies in the tank.

The female guppy can store sperm from multiple males in her body and get pregnant several times throughout her lifetime.

You can recognize the mating process because the male guppy will chase the female and nip at her fins.

The mating process can get aggressive among guppies, so it is important to have plenty of hiding places in the tank for the female guppy to escape to.

Do Guppies Lay Eggs Or Give Birth?

Guppies do not lay eggs and give birth to live young, so no external eggs are involved in their reproduction process.

Once the female guppy is pregnant, she will carry the fry in her ventral (belly) fin until they are ready to be born.

The gestation period for guppies is anywhere from 21 to 30 days, but it is typically on the shorter end of that spectrum.

You can usually tell when a guppy is about to give birth because she will become noticeably bigger, and her gravid spot will darken.

The gravid spot is an area on the underside of the guppy near her tail that becomes darker when she is pregnant.

What Does Guppy Babies Look Like?

Guppy babies, or fry, are born fully formed and ready to swim. They are very small, usually only a few millimeters long, and they are born in groups of 20 to 100 fry at a time.

Fry are born with all their fins and color patterns underdeveloped; hence they might not look like a complete fish until day two or three post-birth. Your guppy fry will develop colors after a few weeks and get all their colors from their parents.

The color is mostly pale or brownish yellow, and the fry might also have a black stripe on its lateral line. As they develop, the fry will start to show more color and patterns, eventually looking like miniature versions of their parents.

How To Prepare For Baby Guppies?

If you want your guppy fry to survive, it is important to prepare in advance and have a separate breeding tank ready for them.

First, you will need to set up a breeding tank. This can be a small tank, like a five-gallon aquarium, or even a large container, like a Rubbermaid bin.

The important thing is that the breeding tank is well-aerated and has a tight-fitting lid to prevent the fry from escaping.

You will also need to add some live plants to the guppy tank you use for breeding purposes for the fry to hide in when they are first born. Java moss, hornwort, and water sprite are all good options.

It is also a good idea to add a sponge filter to the breeding tank for additional filtration and aeration. Guppy fish cannot survive without oxygen on normal days, so you can’t expect them to while pregnant.

Finally, you will need to raise the temperature of the breeding guppy tank to between 78 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit using a submersible aquarium heater.

If you want your female guppy to give birth in your aquarium, there are a few things you need to do to prepare for her and the fry.

You must ensure the water quality in your tank is good by performing regular water changes and vacuuming the gravel to remove any uneaten food or waste.

What To Do When Guppies Are Pregnant?

You cannot get away from the fact that when you have guppies, you will end up with baby guppies sooner or later.

And while it’s certainly a fun and rewarding experience to watch your fish reproduce and see the fry swimming around, it’s important to know what to do when your guppy is pregnant so that both mother and babies survive the process.

Give Hiding Space

The most important thing you can do when your guppies are pregnant is to ensure they have plenty of places to hide.

Guppies hide as they are very timid fish; they become even more so when they are pregnant. If there are no hiding spots in your tank, your guppies will be stressed out, leading to miscarriages.

So, make sure to provide plenty of hiding spots for your pregnant guppies. You can use live plants, upturned pots, or even commercially available breeding boxes.

Maintain Water Quality

Another thing you need to do is to make sure the water quality in your tank is excellent. Pregnant guppies are very sensitive to changes in water quality, so you need to be extra vigilant about keeping the water clean. Perform regular water changes in the guppy tank and monitor your filtration system to ensure it works properly.

Feed Them Good Food

Finally, you need to feed your pregnant guppies a high-quality diet. Guppies are mostly herbivores, so they need plenty of plant matter in their diet.

You can either grow live plants in your guppy tank or feed them commercially available pellet food. Be sure to supplement their diet with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp or daphnia for extra nutrients.

Pregnant guppies are delicate creatures, so you need to take special care of them. By providing plenty of hiding spots, keeping the water clean, and feeding them a high-quality diet, you can help ensure a healthy pregnancy and successful delivery.

Do Guppies Give Birth At Night?

Guppies typically give birth at night, though there are some exceptions. If you notice your guppy acting restless during the day or night, it’s a good idea to check on her.

You may see female guppy swimming erratically or rubbing against the tank’s objects. These are signs that she is about to give birth and is looking for a place to do so.

Once you see these signs, leaving your guppy alone is important. If you try to interfere, you may end up harming the mother or babies.

Instead, just let nature take its course and give your guppy some privacy. She will deliver her fry in due time, and you can enjoy watching them grow up in your tank.

Do Guppies Die Immediately After Giving Birth?

No, guppies do not die immediately after giving birth. In fact, they can live for many years if they are well cared for.

However, there is a risk of complications during pregnancy and delivery, so it’s important to be aware of the signs and seek veterinary care if necessary.

Pregnant guppies are delicate creatures, so you need to take special care of them. By providing plenty of hiding spots, keeping the water clean, and feeding them a high-quality diet, you can help ensure a healthy pregnancy and successful delivery. This will also help you keep your guppy fry alive in the tank without any complications.


In conclusion, guppy fish are pregnant for around 21 to 20 days, and it is important to provide hiding spots, clean water, and good food. Guppies typically give birth at night and do not die immediately after giving birth. However, there is a risk of complications during pregnancy and delivery, so it’s important to be aware of the signs and seek veterinary care if necessary.

I hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Thanks for reading!

Good Luck!!

Happy Fish Breeding!!

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