Jewel Cichlid Care Guide: Tankmates, Habitat, Tank Setup

jewel cichlid care

I guess you are probably researching different cichlids. Jewel cichlid is one of the cichlids that catches the eye of hobbyists. Do you want to have a guide on how to care for Jewel cichlids? 

Jewel cichlid belongs to the cichlid family. This cichlid is a worthwhile pet that has the beauty to live up your aquarium. It is a fun and unique fish. Jewel cichlid is famous for its aggressiveness and beauty. Jewel cichlid is one of the popular cichlids. These fish are mostly found in rivers, lakes, and streams. 

In this article, you will be able to gain knowledge about caring for a Jewel cichlid. This article will provide you with the guidelines for the necessary things you need to keep in mind while keeping a Jewel cichlid.

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Are you wondering about keeping a Jewel cichlid in your aquarium? Let’s have a look at the guide that will surely help you.

Jewel Cichlid Overview

The scientific name of Jewel cichlid is Hemichromis bimaculatus. The origin of this fish is primarily in West Africa. They are also known as African Jewelfish. They mostly live in rivers, streams, and lakes. 

Jewel cichlids are aggressive fish and need a lot of care without ignoring any rules. 

Overview Chart

Scientific Name                         Hemichromis Bimaculatus
Origin Africa
Family Cichlidae
Care Level Moderate
Lifespan 5-7 years
Temperament  Aggressive
Temperature 74°F to 80°F
Diet  Omnivore
Water Type Freshwater
pH Range 7.0 – 7.5
Compatibility (tankmate) Not Community Compatibility
Minimin Tank Size 30 gallons

Habitat And Origin

Jewel cichlids are freshwater fish that are native to West Africa. These cichlids can be found in Sierra, Liberia, and Guinea. You can find two popular kinds, namely- Hemichromis Bimaculatus and Hemichromis Lifalili. The difference between these two is the presence of a black spot at the fluke bottom. Typically, they inhabit muddy bottoms that have vegetation floating on top.


These fish have a narrow and pointed bodies. You can notice the bump at the start of their back. These fish are characterized by large eyes. The shape of their head slants upward from their mouth that curves till the start of their back. 

It has red body color. During the spawning period, the body color varies from red to bright purple. Apart from red, Jewel cichlid comes in different colors. Red is the most common Jewel cichlid. They have light bluish-green spots all over their body. During the breeding period, the color of the Jewel cichlid becomes brighter than usual.

Along with the red ones, you can also see a dark blur or turquoise-colored Jewel cichlid with light blueish-green dots all over their body. However, the red Jewel cichlids are the most popular ones among other colored Jewel cichlid. 

Behavior And Temperament

Jewel cichlids are quite aggressive cichlids. They can be difficult to take care of in certain situations. You must make sure to lower their stress levels. 

Many aquarists have made it possible for a Jewel fish for a community tank. Jewel cichlids need a section in the aquarium to call that territory its own to avoid stress.

During the mating period, they become more aggressive. You need to keep the pairs away from the tank mates for a while. Separate them in another tank or keep a divider to separate them from other tank mates or other Jewel cichlids.

They are active fish and tend to dig and root around in the substrate, searching for food. Moreover, Jewel cichlids tend to nip at the fins of other tank mates when they are hungry and irritated.

Jewel Cichlid Care Guide

Jewel cichlid needs very good care. You need to know the techniques to handle their aggressiveness. Hence, it is very crucial to understand the guidelines and parameters to take care of while keeping a Jewel cichlid.

Tank Specifications For Jewel Cichlids

For keeping any cichlids, there are certain things you need to consider. Whether it’s a Flowerhorn fish or a Jewel cichlid, different cichlids have their tank requirements like tank size, water parameters, temperature, and so on.

Optimum Tank Size

Jewel cichlids need a tank size in which they can swim and move freely and make their territory. The recommended tank size for a Jewel cichlid is 40 gallons. This size of the tank provides the fish with comfortable space.

You can also increase the number of Jewel cichlid. With the increase in the number of Jewel cichlid, you will also have to increase the tank size. 

I had kept a few Jewel cichlid in a 40-gallon tank. But unfortunately, it ended up killing them. So, if you are saving more Jewel cichlids in the same tank, make sure to increase the tank size as well. 


You need to provide them with proper tank decorations like stones and rocks. They need rocks to make their territory so that they can feel safe. Adding stones and rock also help them to lower their aggression level. They tend to hide behind the plants as well.

Talking about the light decorations, this cichlid prefers soft lighting. 


The health of your fish depends on the kind of environment you give to your fish. Every cichlid has its preference for substrate and tank environment they like. Considering the things you must and mustn’t do will help your fish to stress less.

It’s better to set up a tank environment that mimics the natural habitat. This will help your fish to be comfortable in that environment. 

For Jewel cichlid, it is preferred to keep sandy substrate as they tend to dig around the substrate. If you wish to have a background cover, make it as natural as possible. Add some plants and rocks that suit your fish. To mimic the natural surrounding, add some large rocks as well. 

Avoid keeping small stoned, and rough gravels as they can damage their skin. It will be better if you consider more for your Jewel cichlid.


Jewel cichlids are active and dig into the substrate. You can choose Anubias Nana and Java Fern to keep in the aquarium for this fish. So to protect these plants from the attack of Jewel cichlids, attach these plants to rocks and such. 

Water Quality

To keep your fish in a comfortable environment, it is very crucial to give them proper water quality.

Temperature For Jewel Cichlids

Jewel cichlids prefer a temperature of 74°F to 80°F. To maintain the temperature, you need to install a goof thermometer.   

pH Level

You need to maintain a pH level of 6.5 to 7.5.

Water Flow Rate 

If the water flow or water movement is too slow, your Jewel cichlid will get sick. The best water flow for a Jewel cichlid is a medium water flow. This will help them to stress less and provide them with proper health.


You will surely need external filtration. It will ensure to give your Jewel cichlid has a healthy life. Give them adequate water filtration so that they can adjust to the environment. You can provide them with a standard power filter. 

This fish swims around and shows aggression frequently. Hence the movement of fish will degrade the water quality. To give them clear water, you need to install an external filtration system inside your Jewel cichlid tank. 

Food And Diet For Jewel Cichlids

Like most cichlids, Jewel cichlids are omnivorous. Generally, they feed on blood worms, flakes, fish frames, pellets, white worms, tubifex, and other live foods. They also feed on spirulina and lettuce leaves.

Provide them with a balanced diet to make them as healthy as possible. Blood worms and frozen brine shrimps go very well in their diet. Make sure to not overfeed your Jewel cichlid. It is easy to feed a Jewel Cichlid. However, mixing and matching different foods should be done for a balanced diet. 

You can take these into consideration for your Jewel Cichlid:

Tank Mates For Jewel Cichlids

While choosing a tank mate for your Jewel cichlid, you need to keep very good attention. Due to the improper choice of tank mates, there are a lot of stories where Jewel cichlid ends up killing tank mates. 

Ideal Tank Mates For Jewel Cichlid

Tank mates that go well with Jewel cichlids are mentioned below.

  • Green Terror
  • Jack Dempsey
  • Clown Loaches
  • Plecos
  • Redtail Shark
  • Tiger Barbs
  • Leopard Bullfish
  • Firemouth Cichlid
  • Scavenger Catfish

Bad Tank Mates For Jewel Cichlid

Tank mates get their fins nipped when the Jewel cichlid is not fed well. Hence, you need to take proper care about not keeping the following fish as a tank mate for Jewel cichlid. 

  • Guppies
  • Danio
  • Goldfish Species (any)
  • Rift Lake Cichlids

Breeding Of A Jewel Cichlid

Jewel cichlids are monogamous. Due to this, the bond between the mating pair lasts longer after the eggs have been hatched. You need to take certain precautions after forming a pair for breeding.

These fish become much more aggressive at the time of mating. So you need to have the ones that are equal physically. You need to make sure that the breeding ground is purified. 

The color of the male brightens when it is ready for mating. If the female is not ready, a war may take place. To encourage the spawning process, increase the temperature of the water up to a few degrees. 

The female Jewel cichlid lays about 500 eggs during spawning on the smooth and flat surfaces of rocks. 

The fertilized eggs will take 2 to 4 days to get hatched. You will notice the parents moving over to another part of the aquarium and defending them. You need not worry if the parents start eating their fries. 

The male Jewel cichlids start to make a perimeter around the fry where no other fish is allowed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How Often Should You Feed Your Jewel Cichlid?

You need not overfeed the Jewel Cichlid. You can feed them high-quality food six days a week. It is better to allow one day a week without food for proper digestion. Additionally, you need to feed a Jewel fish twice a day. Hence, proper feeding is necessary to maintain good coloration.

Can You Keep Jewel Fish In A Community Tank?

As Jewel cichlids are aggressive fish, it is better to not keep these fish in a community tank. They might end up killing other fish in a community tank as their aggression is very high. However, Jewel cichlids can be kept with each other.  

Are Jewel Cichlids Aggressive?

You can say that the Jewel cichlids are semi-aggressive. Normally, these fish are more aggressive at the time of breeding. If you wish to keep other cichlids with your Jewel cichlid, put a divider in the tank so that they won’t cause a fight.

What Is The Lifespan Of A Jewel Cichlid?

The expected lifespan of a Jewel cichlid is about five years. If you provide them with a healthy balanced diet, they can even live more. 

What Fish Can Go With Jewel Cichlids?

You can keep similar-sized cichlids with Jewel cichlids. The cichlids like Green Terror, Jack Dempsey, Clown Loaches, Plecos, and Redtail Shark. Other cichlids with similar temperaments can go well with Jewel cichlids as well. However, if you do not keep tank mates of other cichlids, it is more appropriate.


Jewel cichlids are fun freshwater cichlids. This cichlid can be a great choice to keep in your aquarium. I think you have understood about the Jewel cichlid. Hence, Jewel cichlid is an active and fantastic cichlid to add to your aquarium. Maintain their diet to make them healthy. Now, you can also have this fish in your tank. The beauty of this won’t disappoint you.

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