An excellent example of a carefully bred freshwater carp relative, fancy goldfish (Carassius auratus), seems to be available in a wide range of hues, forms, and other characteristics. Fancy goldfish have flowing double tails and sluggish, egg-shaped bodies, which necessitate particular considerations in contrast to regular goldfish, which have single tails and streamlined bodies. These commonly asked questions regarding these adored water piggies are addressed in this care leaflet.
The fancy goldfish is among the most well-liked varieties of fish in the pet trade, distinguished by its graceful fins and regal demeanor. These fish are a fantastic option for novices because these fishes are quite robust and can thrive in the correct circumstances.
These ornamental freshwater fish are the most basic variety of goldfish and are not seen in the wild. These fish, like other Fancies, are a result of selective breeding methods that date back 100s, if not thousands of years. Although the carp is their closest living relative, these exquisite goldfish are in a class of their own!
These fish may bring a good amount of elegance to your aquarium and are widely accessible at most pet retailers throughout the world. To thrive properly, these fishes need habitats that are kept up.
Many varieties of fancy goldfish exist, but fancies all share a few characteristics. They have two tails that are often long and flowing and are rounder than regular goldfish. \
Regular orange is the most popular color, although exotic color variants like panda, chocolate, and even lavender are also found. Fancies come in a variety of colors and patterns. But the unique looks that result from selective breeding are just what fancy goldfish have been most adored for.
Nothing is too crazy—big, protruding eyeballs, brain-like tissue on the skull, huge nasal bouquets, dorsal-less fish. Subtypes can be mildly severe or relatively comparable to normal goldfish.
Browse this article to learn more about the fancy goldfish variations. It can be difficult to tell your goldfish’s gender, but it is feasible. Males frequently develop little white lumps on their operculum and pectoral fins, known as mating stars or breeding air sacs.
Fancy Goldfish Tank Setup
The ideal fish tank layout for their needs is the first step in successful goldfish care. In this section, we will look at how to put up a fantastic goldfish aquarium.
Tank Volume
Despite the fact that many pet shops sell goldfish bowls, goldfish actually require a lot of space. A 20-gallon tank is typically required for housing a sole goldfish, and an extra 20 gallons are required for housing each additional goldfish.
For a 6-inch fish, that may seem like a lot of room, but keep in mind that goldfish are very stocky, making them enormous compared to their body length. You will need a sizable tank to build up the ideal habitat for your fish because they prefer to reside in groups.
You must concentrate on building a wonderful substrate if you want to provide your elegant goldfish with a truly cozy and natural habitat. The materials utilized as the fish tanks’ substrate are referred to as the substrate.
For your tank, the substrate is not strictly necessary. Although cleaning is considerably simpler with a bare-bottom aquarium, it does not have a particularly natural appearance.
Goldfish enjoy scouring the substrate there at the tank’s bottom in search of food, but a tank with a bare bottom prevents them from engaging in this natural habit. Consider utilizing a fine gravel or sand bottom to give your fish a more natural habitat.
A crucial piece of gear for any goldfish tank is an aquarium filter. You may use nearly any type of filter for normal goldfish, but for inferior swimmers such as the bubble eye goldfish, a straightforward sponge filter with a very gentle flow would work much better.
Since goldfish create a lot of waste, proper filtering is crucial. This implies that you can use multiple sponge filters as well as a hang-on rear filter or canister filter in addition to extra sponge filters. Cool, oxygenated water is preferred by goldfish. While basic air stones or bubblers should also be operating, sponge filters are beneficial for adding oxygen to the water.
The PENN PLAX air stones are available if you want to add some consistent bubbles to your aquarium to make it more attractive.
Goldfish Live Plants
Being an omnivore, goldfish adore eating fresh plants. Sadly, this implies these fishes are poor choices for aquariums with aquascapes. There are several plant species, though, that goldfish do not typically eat.
On this are a few well-liked options:
- onion plant
- Java fern
- Anubias
The alternative is to raise quick-growing plants that can feed your goldfish naturally and keep up with their demand. The following animals are excellent for this:
- Duckweed
- Drink Sprite
If you want to liven up your aquarium without growing live plants, fake plants are another choice. Make sure the plant decorations you choose are safe for aquariums and have gentle, smooth surfaces so your goldfish’s eyes and fins will not get hurt.
Image | Plants for aquarium | Link |
Java Moss | ![]() |
Amazon Sword | ![]() |
Hornwort | ![]() |
Java Fern | ![]() |
Anubias Petite | ![]() |
Ludwigia Repens | ![]() |
Anacharis | ![]() |
Brazilian Pennywort | ![]() |
Christmas Moss | ![]() |
Cryptocoryne Wendtii | ![]() |
How to Get Your Fancy Goldfish in Their Tank?
After purchasing your elegant goldfish, immediately bring them home. For 15 minutes, please leave them in your aquarium, still in their bags, to acclimate to the changing water temperature.
The goldfish should then be moved into your tank using a net. Your aquarium should not have any bag water added. To ensure the filter can manage all the garbage created by the new fish, add either one or two fish at a time. Each new fish you add will change your aquarium’s chemical equilibrium, so check the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels regularly.
Demands for Fancy Goldfish Tank
Once you are aware of their requirements, fancy goldfish are a rather simple species to take care of. They should ideally be kept in pairs because gold fishes are gregarious animals. Let us look at how to care for your luxury goldfish properly.
Tank size
Fancy goldfish owners may disagree about the size of the ideal fish tank, but we advise a minimum of twenty gallons of fresh water capacity per goldfish and at least additional 10 gallons for each new goldfish. One goldfish would eventually outgrow a 20-gallon tank in five to six years, necessitating frequent water changes to maintain the tank clean.
The tank maintenance plan will be simpler to manage if you have 5 or 6 goldfish in a 60-70 gallon tank. Along with the water capacity, take into account the tank’s size. Goldfish prefer squatter tanks with a lot of water surface area (not a tall, narrow tank).
In China, where goldfish were initially introduced, massive, large bowls with a lot of larger surfaces are frequently used to house goldfish because they give the fish greater swimming room and allow for further gas exchange, which results in more oxygen. In conclusion, acquire the best aquarium you could buy and clean it frequently.
Heater and Filtration
Since fancy goldfish can endure temperatures between 50 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit, these fishes are categorized as cold-water aquarium fish. This indicates that there is no need for a heater inside the fish tank in a home having air conditioning and heating because goldfish can survive at room temperature. Many residents of milder regions keep their goldfish in outdoor ponds all year round.
For heaters, I love hygger Variable Frequency Aquarium Heater, and 500W Quartz Fish Tank Heater with LED Digital Display Thermostat Controller.
Filtration is essential since goldfish are voracious feeders and produce a lot of waste, even though a heater is not required. Purchase and set up the sponge and hang-on-back filters with a mild flow and ease of maintenance. To assist your goldfish in obtaining more oxygen, no matter what filtration you choose, make absolutely sure it has sufficient surface agitation.
Aqua Clear Power Filter IIO is a good choice for goldfish.
Feeding Requirements
Low-quality food can cause fancy goldfish to amass more indigestible elements, resulting in a faster buildup of waste and a greater need for water changes. If you feed your goldfish a “clean and efficient” diet of frozen meals or duckweed, the tank will require less maintenance, and the fish will have more vibrant coloring.
Even if your goldfish appear to be hungry, spoiling them by overfeeding is more problematic than underfeeding. Furthermore, feeding elegant goldfish smaller meals twice a day rather than one large meal is advised because they are prone to bloating. Furthermore, it is untrue to assert that feeding premium goldfish floating fish food would cause them to bloat.
The following food sources are recommended:
- High-quality sinking pellets
- Frozen brine shrimp
- Frozen bloodworms
- Vegetables
You should feed your goldfish twice or three times a day in warmer water. Your goldfish will become less active in cooler water and can be handled once or twice daily. Only give your pets the amount of food they can finish in around two minutes to avoid overfeeding them.
Two minutes may not be sufficient time for some clumsy expensive goldfish to finish their dinner. Feed your fish a bit that is around the size of one of its eyes as a second preliminary estimate.
Some of the best brands you can consider are:
- Omega one pellets
- Ocean Nutrition Instant Baby Brine Shrimp 0.7-Ounces (20 Grams) Jar
- Omega One Freeze-Dried Blood Worms, 0.96 oz
- 200 Live Daphnia by Aqua L’amour
Troubles with Cloudy Water
Your luxury goldfish aquarium’s water may have started to become cloudy recently. If the tank is young or you recently introduced a lot of new goldfish, the cloudiness may result from a bacterial bloom.
A surge in fish waste has caused the helpful bacteria to multiply aggressively. The bacterium cloud will eventually disappear on its own if you spend one week without doing anything in the tank. If the water is hazy because there are too many floating particles, think about changing the water and cleaning the filter. The tank’s filtration will no longer effectively remove particles if it becomes blocked.
If the nitrate level exceeds 40 ppm, we advise getting a tank water testing kit and cleaning the water. Replace 30 to 50 percent of the water at once, keep track of the time it takes for the nitrates to drop below 40 ppm, and then develop a weekly or monthly schedule based on the findings.
In order to increase the amount of time between water changes and give the fish more enrichment, we advise utilizing live aquatic plants as decor. Since goldfish like to eat vegetables, they frequently have rhizome plants like ferns and anubias that can stick to rocks and trees and can therefore be difficult to eradicate.
Taking Care of Behavioral Issues
Since fancy goldfish have unique personalities and eccentricities, what one fish perceives as normal behavior may be extremely uncommon for another. In order to discover which goldfish are more sleepy vs. too active as well as what their behaviors are over time, we advise monitoring your goldfish at least twice per day while feeding them.
Keep a lookout for physical ich symptoms like a large wen that has spread across the eyes or white spots on the body. Ensure the fish is not aggressively mating and everyone is getting along. Monitoring the heat, acidity, and nitrate at least once every week will help you maintain a healthy tank.
Goldfish rearing has a terrible reputation because novices will purchase them, take erroneous advice, and put them in a tiny bowl but never change the water. Leading to the fish’s death. Despite the fact that goldfish are less fragile than certain other species of fish, they must still be handled with care. The two main factors are as follows:
- They favor cooler climates, and
- Fancy goldfish require a bigger tank because they grow significantly bigger than most other fish from pet stores.
The Fish Tank’s Decoration
Because most decorative goldfish are rather clumsy, sharp pebbles and decorations must be avoided. Additionally, stronger-looking plants like Java fern should be avoided. Goldfish typically devour plants, but this one is frequently left alone. Sand should be utilized as a substrate in place of rocks or gravel if one is required.
Gravel can become stuck in goldfish’s jaws from burrowing in the substrate and suffocating them. Sand is also considerably simpler to wash, particularly if filter sand is applied in a thin coating. Play sand cannot be used because anaerobic pockets cause it to decay quickly.
Tank Mates for goldfish
In a tank with only members of that species, goldfish do best. Furthermore, single-tail common goldfish with rapid movements should not be kept alongside slower fancy goldfish kinds because their needs are different. This is done to ensure that the fancy goldfish have an equal opportunity to eat when it is time to eat.
It is possible to keep different fish alongside goldfish. However, only more seasoned keepers of goldfish should use communal goldfish tanks. The most crucial requirement is that tank companions live in harmony and benefit from the same cooler water temperatures.
Possible choices consist of:
- Mystery snail
- Dojo Loach
- hill stream loach
- Barb Rosy
- White cloud minnow
Most Popular Kinds of Fancy Goldfish
Following are the 8 best popular fancy goldfish that are preferred by aquarists.
Adult Size: 6 to 8 inches long.
Variable color scheme
Unique quality: double tail
Among the most famous fancy goldfish breeds is the fantail goldfish. They are famous for having magnificent double fins and a big, flowing tail fin. With the exception of the dorsal fin, all the fins on this species of goldfish are paired. When seen from above, the tail and egg-shaped body combine to form a triangle appearance. Fantail goldfish come in a variety of colors and patterns and can have either regular or telescopic eyes.
Ranchu Goldfish
Adult Size: 6 to 8 inches long.
Variable color scheme
Unique trait: Well-developed hood, lacks a dorsal fin.
The Japanese breed of ranchu goldfish is incredibly adorable. The distinctive hood, thick body form, and lack of a dorsal fin make this kind of goldfish fish stand out from the crowd. They have small, rounded fins and a rounded back. It takes this elegant goldfish species roughly a year to develop its stunning hood. The double caudal fins of Ranchu goldfish are elongated and flared. This creates an intriguing 3-lobed appearance when viewed from above.
Lionchu Goldfish
Adult Size: 6-10 inches long
Color Pattern: Varied
Unique Traits: No dorsal fin
The well-known lion head and ranchu fish breeds were crossed to create the lionchu goldfish. These fish have traits in common with both of their parent breeds, such as head growths and the absence of a dorsal fin. This fancy goldfish breed, which is relatively young and is believed to have developed in Thailand, was approved in 2006.
Ryukin Goldfish
Adult Size: 6-10 inches long
Color Pattern: Varied
Unique Traits: Large shoulder hump, pointed head
A beautiful vintage Chinese breed that has a very profound body shape is the ryukin goldfish. This elegant goldfish variety has a body that is at least 75% of its whole length. The ryukin goldfish grows older and develops a magnificent humped back. The pointed head of Ryukin goldfish protrudes from their broad body, giving them a distinctive appearance. They have a huge, noticeable single dorsal fin and double fins, which can vary in length.
Pearlscale Goldfish
Adult Size: 6-8 inches long
Color Pattern: Varied
Unique Traits: Special scales, Spherical body
Pearlscale goldfish all have paired fins, with the exception of the dorsal fin, like other goldfish in the double-fin family. The pearl scale goldfish has a small, rounded body form and can grow to be the size of an orange. There are various types of pearl scales goldfish, including fish with heads resembling oranda goldfish, and these fish have rounded fin tips.
Butterfly Goldfish
Adult Size: 6-8 inches long
Color Pattern: Varied
Unique Traits: 180-degree horizontal paired caudal fins
A breed of goldfish known as the butterfly or butterfly tail goldfish is named for the two fins on its tail. These fins have been flattened and dispersed. When viewed from above, the caudal fins have the appearance of a flying butterfly. But this breed’s fascinating qualities go beyond this remarkable trait. These ornamental goldfish are double-finned, and butterfly goldfish frequently have telescopic or dragon eyes. However, there are also varieties of this kind of goldfish that have normal eyes.
Oranda Goldfish
Adult Size: 8-12 inches in length
Color Pattern: Variable
Unique Traits: Large hood, egg-shaped body
An amazing breed of goldfish is the oranda goldfish. Their body is egg-shaped and features a large hood or wen. These fish have huge dorsal fins and well-developed, flowing fins overall. They resemble fantail goldfish in terms of body form. Oranda goldfish come in a variety of shapes and colors, and some even have telescopic eyes.
Black Moor Goldfish
Adult Size: 6-8 inches in length
Color Pattern: Black
Unique Traits: All-black color and telescopic eyes
Popular and striking-looking telescope-eye goldfish breeds include the black moor. One of the varieties of fancy goldfish that is easiest to identify is this all-black variety. The black moor goldfish possesses the same double finnage as the typical fantail goldfish, as well as a rounder body.
Producing fancy goldfish is a challenging endeavor that, while it is rewarding, is not recommended for those who are weak of heart. If you want to breed your favorite fish, be prepared to change the water frequently and remove any malformed or unwell fry.
The eggs, which are typically on stem plants like spawning mops or anacharis, must be removed as quickly as possible after the fish spawn (or else these fishes will be consumed before they can hatch). Hold the fry in a small fish tank with or without a bare bottom, an air pump, and a heater until goldfish fries are grown enough to be moved to a larger tank. Regularly inspect the eggs and discard those with fungus to prevent the fungus from spreading.
Newly hatched fry includes a yolk sac that they can feed on for the first one to two days. Do not bother them at this time, and hold off on feeding them because doing so will contaminate the water. Once the yolk sacs have been absorbed, you can start feeding. It is simplest to prepare a separate fry supper because the fries are too little to eat in most other dishes. Keep the water level inside the fry tank low until the fry is no longer permanently stuck to the bottom or sides. This facilitates their ability to develop a swim bladder.
Which Gender Is Your Fancy Goldfish?
Animal gender determination is very different from that of fish. When goldfishes are young, you cannot distinguish between a male and a female fantail. It is just not conceivable.
Adult males, on the other hand, will have white prickles, commonly called breeding tubercles, on their bodies when they are prepared for breeding. Females who are pregnant will look heavier. Male fantail goldfish are often thinner and smaller than their female equivalents.
Checking the fantail goldfish’s vent—the aperture located directly underneath the anal fins—is another method for determining gender. Fish emit excrement, eggs, and sometimes even milk through this area.
Female fantail goldfish will possess a somewhat rounded and prominent anal hole during the breeding season. A male fantail goldfish’s vent will appear longer, ovular, and concave in comparison.
Disease and Wellness
While most health issues can be avoided, fancy goldfish can get sick similar to other freshwater species. Parasites, fungi, germs, protozoa, swim bladder disease, etc., are among the most widespread diseases.
These fishes can fully recover if they receive the right care because they are tough fish. Nevertheless, if untreated, the illnesses can be lethal. It is better to transfer the afflicted fancy goldfish to a different aquarium while you cure them.
Goldfish Health Indicators
Healthy fancy goldfish will act in a normal manner. They will swim around constantly in style while being energetic and happy. There will not be any signs of lethargy, and their eating habits will be typical.
Healthy fancies will have vibrant and colorful scales to catch anyone’s eye. Clean and gleaming eyes will be present. The fins will also be fully upright.
Symptoms of Illness
A sick fancy goldfish will exhibit obvious signs of fatigue. It will not swim much and will mainly remain still. Sometimes it will seem to be floating or sinking. Its appetite will significantly shift, eating little to nothing.
An unhealthy fancy goldfish will not have an alluring appearance. It might be missing its front and tail fins, have pale skin, clouded eyes, pale complexion, discolored scales, etc.
Most of the time, you will be able to tell them apart from other fish. To stop the spread of the diseases, you must either start taking care of them by treating them or removing them.
Common Health Problems and Treatments For Goldfish
One of the most prevalent disease vectors that can directly impact the fancy goldfish’s ability to swim is swim bladder disease, often known as dropsy. Constipation is typically the root reason, and it can be avoided by eating a consistent diet. Dropsy is a challenging illness to treat, so it is recommended to consult the link for fish diseases for more information.
Another prevalent disease is ich. You must act fast to treat the infected fish when it becomes yellowish in order to keep your elegant goldfish from passing away. Non-iodized salt, ICH-X, Methylene Blue, and other treatments are available.
Exterior pathogens like flukes, fish lice, anchor worms, etc., frequently afflict fancy fish. It is simple to get rid of these parasites using certain antiparasitic treatments like Paracleanse, Prazipro, etc.
The chance of contracting infections can be reduced by maintaining a clean tank, giving out wholesome food such as brine shrimp, changing the water frequently, and using efficient filters. Prevention is always preferable to treatment!
Are Fancy Goldfish A Lot Of Work?
You might be shocked to learn that goldfish are among the fish that novice aquarists start with because they are also among the trickiest. They require specialized care because they are highly delicate, far from minimal maintenance, and simple to keep.
Are Bubblers Necessary For Goldfish?
Your goldfish might not need a bubbler if there is sufficient water flow and room in the tank. Smaller goldfish tanks or those with little water flow will probably require a bubbler or another type of aeration to re-aerate the water.
How Long Is The Lifespan Of Fancy Goldfish?
When given the correct care, goldfish can live for up to 30 years, with an average lifespan of 10 to 15 years. Unfortunately, poor housing conditions prevent many goldfish from living up to their potential lifespan.
In A 10-Gallon Tank, Are Two Goldfish Allowed?
Two Goldfish can survive in a 10-gallon tank?
In a 10-gallon tank, two fully-grown goldfish would have very little room to maneuver. Only while they are still young newborns can you keep two of them. If you really want these fishes to grow healthy and happy, you must move them to a bigger aquarium once they are larger than 2.5 inches.
It can be a little difficult to handle fancy goldfish, especially for beginners. This is due to the fact that these fish might be quite sensitive to specific foods and demand continual monitoring and careful care. This does not, however, imply that you should not get one as a novice. Instead, invest in one or two luxury goldfish and read this tutorial multiple times while taking care of them.
We do advise purchasing top-notch aquarium filters from a reputable supplier for your filtration requirements. This makes sure you receive the best possible value for your buck.