Everything To Know About Guppy Fish Before You Get It

Everything To Know About Guppy Fish Before You Get It

Guppy fish is a great choice for beginner fishkeepers as they are easy to care for and come in various colors. Beginning a fishkeeping hobby can get overwhelming if you don’t prepare beforehand. But don’t worry; we are here to help you out! Guppy fish is perfect for you for many reasons, but you need to know a few things beforehand. So, what do you need to know about guppy fish before you get it?

Guppy fish are small freshwater fish originating from tropical areas of South America. You should know the natural habitat of guppy fish, their care level, tank requirements, and compatible tank mates. They are found in various colors and patterns and are about two to three years old.

Guppies are small, hardy fish that are easy to care for. They do best in warm water with a pH between seven and eight. They are also omnivores, so they will eat plants and animals. Guppies are typically peaceful but can get nippy towards other fish with long fins.

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Some compatible tankmates for guppy fish include mollies, platies, swordtails, and tetras. It is important to research compatibility before adding any new fish to your tank.

This blog post will discuss every characteristic you need to know before you get guppy fish! We will cover their natural habitat, diet, and tank requirements!

Are Guppies Good For Beginners?

Yes, guppies are good for beginners. They are easy to care for, hardy, do not require much maintenance, and can live in various water conditions.

Guppies are also small, so they do not need a large tank. However, it is important to know and note that guppy fish are social creatures, and you should keep them in groups of at least three to six.

Guppies are omnivores and eat various foods, including live, frozen, or freeze-dried foods as well as flake food or pellets.

What Do You Need To Know About Guppy Fish Before You Get It?

Hello, my dear beginner fishkeeper; I know what you are dealing with at this point in your fishkeeping career.

You are standing in front of the tropical fish tanks at your local pet store, looking at all the beautiful and exotic creatures inside, and you have no idea where to start.

Do not worry; I am here to help you make your first purchase! Guppies are one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish for a reason; they are beautiful, easy to care for, and relatively inexpensive. They are also livebearers which means they give birth to live young rather than laying eggs.

Let’s talk about all guppy fish characteristics in detail below:

Natural Habitat

Guppies originate from tropical climates and prefer South America’s warm and brackish water. In the wild, you can find them in countries like Brazil, Trinidad, Tobago, and Guyana.

These tropical guppies are found in freshwater streams, ponds, and rivers with plenty of vegetation.

Care Level

Guppies are relatively easy to care for and are a good choice for beginner fish keepers. You can make some mistakes when caring for them, and they will still survive.


Guppies are hardy fish and can tolerate a wide range of water conditions, and are not very sensitive to changes in their environment. This makes them a good choice for beginners.

Tank Requirements

Guppies need a tank at least 20 gallons in size and plenty of hideouts and places to swim. A larger tank is always better and will allow your guppies to thrive. They should also have a filter and an air pump.

You need to maintain the water temperature in the guppy tank between 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit while maintaining the pH level between six and eight.


Guppies are omnivores, which means they will eat just about anything. In the wild, guppy diet consists of insects, larvae, small crustaceans, and plant matter.

In captivity, you can feed them various foods, including flakes, pellets, live food, and frozen food. You should feed your guppies two to three times a day, and they should always have access to food.

Small Size

Guppies are small fish and only grow to be about two and a half inches in length. This makes them a good choice for smaller tanks. The male is often small than the female and has much brighter colors.


Guppies have a lifespan of two to three years, but with proper care, they can live up to five years.


Guppies come in various colors, including blue, green, yellow, orange, red, black, and white. These fish are famous for their vibrant coloration, which is one of the main reasons guppy fish are so popular among fish keepers.

Guppy fry starts to get color from the very beginning weeks but is quite pale with black dot eyes in the first two to three weeks.

Don’t dwell and wait for a few weeks for them to get their colors. You will see these guppies slowly change their color when they jump from one guppy’s growth stage to another.

Typical Behavior

Guppies are active and playful fish that enjoy swimming around their tank. They are also curious and will often investigate anything new that is added to their tank.

Guppies like to swim and play and are also social fish that enjoy being around other guppies. But there is the teeny tiny thing you need to know about their behavior.

These guppies are fin-nippers on some occasions and can act out once in a while. You’ll know it when you see other fish with damaged fins or, even worse, dead.

So, don’t get shocked or start worrying when you see the aggressive side of your fish; there are ways to control aggressive guppies. It’s not all the time, and you can remedy it.


Guppies are generally peaceful fish, but they can get aggressive and territorial with other guppies of the same sex.

They are also nippy with long-finned fish. So, it is best to keep them with other peaceful fish that are too large to become guppy food.

Compatible Tankmates

Guppies are compatible with a wide variety of tank mates, including other peaceful community fish, shrimp, and snails.

Some good examples of compatible tank mates for guppies include a wide variety of fish, including other livebearers like mollies, platies, Swordtails, Endlers, danios, tetras, rainbows, and rasboras.

Incompatible tank mates include fish that are known to be fin-nippers, such as barbs and tiger barbs. Guppies are also compatible with most invertebrates, such as shrimp, snails, and crabs.

Easy Breeding

Guppies are livebearers, which means they give birth to live young. They are easy to breed and will often have babies without any intervention from the fish keeper.

If you want to control the number of babies born, you can separate the pregnant female guppy from the tank before giving birth. Do not believe anyone who says guppy fish lay eggs because they don’t.

Guppy Diseases And Treatment

Guppies are relatively hardy fish and do not succumb to diseases easily. However, like all fish, they are susceptible to a number of diseases, including ich, fungal infections, and bacterial infections.

If your guppy does become sick, it is important to take them to the vet as soon as possible for treatment.

What Is The Cost Of Guppy Fish?

Guppies are very affordable fish, with most costing less than $20 for six fish. However, if you want to buy rarer varieties, you may have to pay up to $100 for a single fish.

How Many Guppies Should You Keep Together?

You can keep as many guppies together as you like, but it is generally recommended to keep at least six together.

These guppies prefer to stay in a group, and keeping at least six of them together will allow them to form their own hierarchy and will help reduce aggression levels.

But maintain the male and female ratio at a minimum of two females per male to avoid competition and harassment of the females by the males.

Do I Need A Filter For Guppies?

Guppies are very tolerant of different water conditions, but a filter is always recommended to help keep the water clean and free of waste.

Trust me; you do not want to gamble here. A filter will help to keep the water well oxygenated, which guppies need.

The beneficial bacteria present in a quality filter’s biological media will also help break down waste and keep the water quality high.

So, while you technically do not need a guppies filter, I would recommend getting one anyway. Do some research and find a good filter that is appropriate for the size of your tank.

The filter is a must!

Do Guppies Need Air Pump?

Guppies do not need an air pump, but they benefit from one. An air pump adds oxygen to the water and helps to circulate the water, which is important in a small tank.

Guppies are very active fish, and these guppies need a lot of oxygen to survive in captivity. If you do not have an air pump, you will need to do a water change more often to keep the water clean and the oxygen levels high.

You can get an air pump at your local pet store or online. Be sure to get one that is the right size for your tank.

Do Guppies Need Heater?

Guppies need a heater if the temperature in your house is below 75 degrees Fahrenheit. They are tropical fish, and they cannot tolerate cold water.

A small aquarium heater will do the trick. Remember never to put a heater in an unheated tank as it can overheat the water and kill your fish.

Can Guppies Live In Tap Water?

Guppies can live in tap water if it is treated properly. You will need to use a water conditioner to remove the chlorine and other chemicals from the water.

I recommend using a product like Seachem Prime. You can find this product at your local pet store or online. Or you can just let it sit for 24 hours or so, and the chlorine will dissipate on its own.

Do Guppies Like Light Or Dark?

Guppy fish like light, but you need to know they do not need direct sunlight to survive. They do best in an aquarium that is well-lit with fluorescent light.

But remember to follow the circadian cycle and turn off the light at night for guppies. Guppy fish sleeps at night, so they need pitch darkness to rest.

Guppies do not have a preference for light or dark, but they do need some light to see their food. If you are keeping them in the dark tank, they may have a harder time finding their food.

Tips And Tricks To Keep Guppy Fish Happy

Here are some tips and tricks to keep your guppy fish happy:


In conclusion, guppies are beautiful, fun fish that are easy to care for and perfect for beginners and experienced aquarium keepers. They are very affordable, and you can find them at your local pet store or online.

Follow the tips and tricks in this article, and you will surely have happy and healthy guppy fish for years to come! Thanks for reading!

I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. I would love to hear from you! Until next time, happy fish keeping!

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